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Charge-distribution parameters, isotope shifts, isomer shifts, and magnetic hyperfine constants from muonic atoms / Engfer, R ; Schneuwly, H ; Vuilleumier, J L ; Walter, H K ; Zehnder, A
A compilation of muonic-atom data providing information on the size of nuclei is presented: energies of mu X-ray transitions, theoretical corrections, isotope and isomer shifts, and magnetic h.f. constants. [...]
1974 - Published in : At. Data Nucl. Data Tables 14 (1974) 509-97
Study of X-rays and nuclear gamma -rays in muonic thallium / Backe, H ; Engfer, R ; Jahnke, U ; Kankeleit, E ; Pearce, R M ; Petitjean, C ; Schellenberg, L ; Schneuwly, H ; Schröder, W U ; Walter, H K et al.
Energies and intensities of muonic X-rays, nuclear gamma -rays and mu -capture gamma -rays were measured in natural muonic thallium with Ge (Li) detectors. The absolute intensities of higher mu X-rays were reproduced by a cascade calculation starting with a statistical population at n=20 including K-, L- and M-conversion. [...]
1972 - Published in : Nucl. Phys. A 189 (1972) 472-512
Nuclear excitation and isomer shifts in muonic atoms I Experiment and evaluation / Walter, H K ; Backe, H ; Engfer, R ; Kankeleit, E ; Link, R ; Michaelsen, R ; Petitjean, C ; Schellenberg, L ; Schneuwly, H ; Schröder, W U et al.
Energies and intensities of 53 nuclear gamma -lines in muonic atoms of Sm, Gd, Eu, Tm, Yb, Ta, W, Re, Os, Ir, Pt, Hg, Tl, and Bi have been measured with Ge(Li) detectors. By comparison with gamma -lines from radioactive sources the isomer shifts for transitions from nuclear rotational levels, quadrupole and octupole vibrational levels, and single-particle levels have been deduced. [...]
Geneva : CERN, 1974 - 79 p. - Published in : Nucl. Phys. A 234 (1974) 469-503
Hyperfine structure and isotope shift of the D/sub 2/ line of /sup 118-145/Cs and some of their isomers / Thibault, C ; Büttgenbach, S ; De Saint-Simon, M ; Duong, H T ; Huber, G ; Jacquinot, P ; Juncar, P ; Klapisch, Robert ; Liberman, S ; Pesnelle, A et al.
High-resolution laser spectroscopy has been performed on /sup 118-145 /Cs and /sup 119m,121m,122m,130m,134m,135m,136m,138m/Cs. The Cs nuclei have been produced either by spallation of La or by fission of U by the 600 MeV proton beam, from the SC at CERN. [...]
1981 - Published in : Nucl. Phys. A 367 (1981) 1-12
Nuclear charge radii from X-ray transitions in muonic C, O and N / Dubler, T ; Engfer, R ; Schellenberg, L ; Schneuwly, H ; Vuilleumier, J L ; Walter, H K
Energies of muonic X-rays permit an almost model independent determination of nuclear root mean square (rms) radii for light and medium nuclei, which can be compared to those obtained from elastic electron scattering experiments at low momentum transfer. In the present experiment the X-ray energies of the K series of C, N and O up to the 6p-1s transition are determined with an accuracy of +or-15 eV from which rms radii are deduced comparable in precision to the electron scattering data. [...]
In : International Conference on Nuclear Physics, v.1-3, Munich, Germany, 27 Aug 1973, pp.314
Magnetic hyperfine interaction of the 2/sup +/ rotational states in muonic /sup 190,192/Os / Link, R ; Backe, H ; Engfer, R ; Kankeleit, E ; Michaelsen, R ; Schellenberg, L ; Schneuwly, H ; Schröder, W U ; Vuilleumier, J L ; Walter, H K et al.
In muonic /sup 190,192/Os the magnetic hf-splitting of the 2/sup +/ to 0/sup +/ nuclear transition was measured. The hf-splittings Delta E (/sup 190/Os)=665+or-80 eV and Delta E(/sup 192/Os)=800+or-80 eV of the 2/sup +/ state are reduced to 59% compared to a point-like magnetic moment in agreement with the assumption of a magnetization density distribution proportional to R/sup 2/ rho /sub charge/(R) as calculated from a rigid rotator. [...]
1972 - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 42 (1972) 57-9
On-line laser spectroscopy with thermal atomic beams / Thibault, C ; Büttgenbach, S ; De Saint-Simon, M ; Duong, H T ; Guimbal, P ; Huber, G ; Jacquinot, P ; Juncar, P ; Klapisch, Robert ; Liberman, S et al.
On-line high resolution laser spectroscopy experiments have been performed in which the light from a CW tunable dye laser interacts at right angles with a thermal atomic beam. /sup 76-98/Rb, /sup 118-145 /Cs and /sup 208-213/Fr have been studied using the ionic beam delivered by the ISOLDE on-line mass separator at CERN while /sup 30-31/Na and /sup 38-47/K have been studied by setting the apparatus directly on-line with the PS 20 GeV proton beam. [...]
1981 - Published in : Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. 186 (1981) 193-9
In : 10th International Conference on Electromagnetic Isotope Separators and Techniques Related to their Applications, Zinal, Switzerland, 1 - 6 Sep 1980, pp.193-9
Muonic isomer shifts in /sup 153/Eu a re-evaluation of Mossbauer isomer shifts in rare earths / Walter, H K ; Backe, H ; Engfer, R ; Kankeleit, E ; Petitjean, C ; Schneuwly, H ; Schröder, W U
Muonic isomer shifts of five gamma -ray transitions in /sup 153/Eu have been measured and the changes of the mean square radius between the ground and excited states have been derived. With the present data the Mossbauer isomer shifts in rare earths can be re-evaluated. [...]
1972 - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 38 (1972) 64-6
Effects of nonstatistical hyperfine populations in muon capture by polarized nuclei / Hambro, L ; Mukhopadhyay, N C
The nonstatistical populations of the hyperfine (HF) levels in muonic atoms brought about by the polarization of the nuclear targets and their influence on the nuclear muon capture probability are considered. The nuclear-capture rates from the upper and lower HF states of the 1s atomic orbit can be markedly different. [...]
1975 - Published in : Nuovo Cimento, Lett.: 14 ser.2 (1975) , no. 2, pp. 53-9
Laser spectroscopy on mass-separated radioactive beams / Neugart, R
Collinear laser spectroscopy in the fast beams of on-line isotope separators is shown to be a powerful tool for isotope shift and hyperfine structure studies in long isotopic chains. The experimental realization is discussed in some detail, and the results are reviewed, with the emphasis on the very recent work at ISOLDE. [...]
CERN-EP-80-225.- Geneva : CERN, 1981 - Published in : Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. 186 (1981) 165-75 Fulltext: PDF;
In : 10th International Conference on Electromagnetic Isotope Separators and Techniques Related to their Applications, Zinal, Switzerland, 1 - 6 Sep 1980, pp.165-175

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