CERN Accelerating science

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High-statistics investigation of K/sup 0/K/sup -/ decay of A/sub 2 //sup -/ produced by 23-GeV/c pi /sup -/ on hydrogen / Margulies, M ; Foley, K J ; Kramer, M A ; Lindenbaum, S J ; Love, W A ; Ozaki, S ; Platner, E D ; Saulys, A C ; Willen, E H
Reports results of an experiment studying the reaction pi /sup -/p to K/sub s//sup 0/K/sup -/p at incident pion momenta of 22.4 and 23.9 GeV /c performed using the Brookhaven Mark 1 Spectrometer. Determines the A/sub 2//sup -/ mass spectrum in the t' regions 0< mod t' mod <0.2, 0.2< mod t' mod <0.29 and for mod t' mod >0.29 (GeV/c)/sup 2/. [...]
1976 - Published in : Phys. Rev. D 14 (1976) 667-78
$A^{-}2$ production in $\pi^{-}p$ interactions at 3.9 GeV/c / Losty, Michael J ; Alitti, J ; Chaloupka, V ; Gandois, B ; Louie, J ; Montanet, Lucien ; Paul, E ; Yaffe, D ; Zieminski, A
The reaction pi /sup -/p to A/sub 2//sup -/p at 3.9 GeV/c incident momentum is studied using data corresponding to the rho /sup 0/ pi /sup -/, eta pi /sup -/ and K/sub S//sup 0/K/sup -/ decay modes of the A/sub 2//sup -/. Unnatural parity exchange is found to be important at this energy. [...]
CERN-D-Ph-II-PHYS-74-42.- Geneva : CERN, 1975 - 14 p. - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 56 (1975) 96-100
Production of A/sub 2//sup 0/ and omega * (1675) in the reaction pi /sup -/p to pi /sup +/ pi /sup -/ pi /sup 0/n at 12 and 15 GeV/c / Corden, M J ; Alexander, G ; Bellamy, E H ; Corbett, I F ; Dagan, S ; Dowell, John D ; Esterling, R J ; Garvey, J ; Gnat, Y ; Green, M G et al.
Data on the reaction pi /sup -/p to pi /sup +/ pi /sup -/ pi /sup 0/n have been taken at 12 and 15 GeV/c with the CERN Omega multiparticle spectrometer. In a 3-pion partial-wave analysis strong production of A /sub 2//sup 0/ (1310) and omega * (1675) is observed. [...]
1978 - Published in : Nucl. Phys. B 138 (1978) 235-52
A measurement of the branching ratios of the A/sub 2//sup -/ meson produced in 39 GeV/c pi /sup -/ rho interactions (for pi /sup -/ rho interactions read pi /sup -/p interactions) / Chaloupka, V ; Dobrzynski, L ; Ferrando, A ; Losty, Michael J ; Montanet, Lucien ; Paul, E ; Yaffe, D ; Zieminski, A
The branching fractions of the A/sub 2//sup -/ meson, produced in the reaction pi /sup -/p to pA/sub 2//sup -/ at 3.9 GeV/c incident momentum are measured. The rates for the eta pi and KK modes relative to rho pi are 0.211+or-0.044 and 0.056+or-0.014, respectively. [...]
1973 - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 44 (1973) 211-16
$A^{-}_{2}$ production in the reaction $\pi^{-}p \rightarrow K^{-}K^{0}_{S}p$ at 9.8 and 18.8 GeV / CERN-Munich(MPI) Collaboration
Results of two spark chamber experiments on A/sub 2//sup -/ production in the reaction pi /sup -/p to K/sup -/K/sub S//sup 0/( to pi /sup +/ pi /sup -/)p at 9.8 and 18.8 GeV are presented. Decay angular distributions and differential cross sections are given, and the energy dependence of the cross section sigma ( pi /sup -/p to A/sub 2 //sup -/( to K/sup -/K/sup 0/)p) is compared with results from pi /sup -/p to A/sub 2//sup -/( to 3 pi )p. [...]
Geneva : CERN, 1978 - 31 p. - Published in : Nucl. Phys. B 145 (1978) 349-366 Fulltext: PDF;
A/sub 1/, A/sub 2/ and A/sub 3/ production in pi /sup -/p to pi /sup - / pi /sup -/ pi /sup +/p at 25 and 40 GeV/c / Antipov, Yu M ; Ascoli, G ; Busnello, R ; Kienzle-Focacci, M N ; Kienzle, W ; Klanner, Robert ; Lebedev, A A ; Lecomte, P ; Roinishvili, V N ; Weitsch, A et al.
A sample of approximately 70000 fitted events of the reaction pi /sup -/p to pi /sup -/ pi /sup -/ pi /sup +/p at 25 and 40 GeV/c has been obtained with the CERN-IHEP boson spectrometer at the Serpukhov accelerator. A partial-wave analysis shows that A/sub 1/ and A/sub 3/ cannot be described by a Breit-Wigner amplitude, that the A/sub 2/ can be well described by a Breit-Wigner amplitude, and that although A/sub 1/, A/sub 3/ and A/sub 2/ have different properties, the energy dependence of their production cross section is similar. [...]
1973 - Published in : Nucl. Phys. B 63 (1973) 153-74
Forward A$_{2}^{+}$ production in pi+p --> K+$\overline{K}$0$_{S}$p at 12.7 GeV/c / Hyams, Bernard David ; Jones, C ; Weilhammer, Peter ; Blum, Walter ; Dietl, H ; Grayer, Geoffrey H ; Hentschel, G ; Koch, W ; Lorenz, E ; Lütjens, G et al.
Approximately 350 A/sub 2//sup +/ events have been observed in the reaction pi /sup +/p to K/sup +/K/sub S//sup 0/p(K/sub S//sup 0/ to pi /sup +/ pi /sup -/) at an incident pi /sup +/ laboratory momentum of 12.7 GeV/c. The events are distributed over a range of four-momentum transfer squared 0.01<or=-t<or=0.60 (GeV/c)/sup 2/ and K/sup +/K/sub S //sup 0/ mass 1.11<or=mK/sup +/K/sub S//sup 0/<or=1.51 GeV. [...]
MPI-PAE-EXP-EL-73.- München : Max-Planck Inst. Astrophys. Dept., 1978 - 39 p. - Published in : Nucl. Phys. B 146 (1978) 303-326 - CERN library copies
Test of the Zweig rule in pi /sup -/p interactions at 19 GeV/c / Woodworth, P L ; Bienlein, J K ; Cribier, Michel ; De Rosny, G ; Fluri, L ; French, Bernard R ; Houlden, M ; Hubbard, John R ; Irwin, G ; Kenyon, I R et al.
Reports the observation of phi production in pi /sup -/p interactions at 19 GeV/c with (44+or-10) events in the final state phi pi /sup +/ pi /sup -/ pi /sup -/p and (45+or-9) events in phi K/sup +/K/sup -/ pi /sup -/p. The production ratios phi pi /sup +/ pi /sup -/p/ omega pi /sup +/ pi /sup -/ pi /sup -/p approximately=0.005 and phi K/sup +/K /sup -/ pi /sup -/p/ rho /sup 0/K/sup +/K/sup -/ pi /sup -/p approximately=0.45 agree with Zweig-rule expectations. [...]
1976 - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 65 (1976) 89-91
$\rho^{+}$ production in the reaction $\pi^{-}$p$\rightarrow\pi^{-}\pi^{0}$ at 25 GeV and 40 GeV/c / Antipov, Yu M ; Busnello, R ; Kienzle-Focacci, M N ; Kienzle, W ; Klanner, Robert ; Landsberg, L G ; Lebedev, A A ; Lecomte, P ; Martin, M ; Roinishvili, V N et al.
rho /sup -/ production cross sections in the channel pi /sup -/p to pi /sup -/ pi /sup 0/p have been studied at incident momenta p/sub inc /=25 and 40 GeV/c, with momentum transfer to the proton 0.18<or= mod t mod <or=0.32 (GeV/c)/sup 2/. The momentum dependence of the total production cross section is found to be sigma ( rho /sup -/) varies as p/sub inc//sup -1.87+or-0.09/. [...]
1973 - Published in : Nucl. Phys. B 63 (1973) 189-93
A/sub 2/ exchange in the reaction pi /sup -/p to pi /sup -/ pi /sup + /n at 172 GeV/c / Kimel, J D ; Reya, E
Absorptive A/sub 2/ exchange is studied using the recent high statistics pi /sup -/p to pi /sup -/ pi /sup +/n CERN-Munich data at 17.2 GeV/c. The model amplitudes are compared with a recent amplitude analysis and their importance for polarized target measurement (imaginary parts of density matrix elements) are discussed and high- energy predictions given. [...]
1973 - Published in : Nucl. Phys. B 58 (1973) 513-24

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