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Properties of $^{152}$Gd Collective States (Comparison of Experimental and Theoretical Results) / Adam, J ; Dobes, J ; Honusek, M ; Kalinnikov, V G ; Mrazek, J ; Pronskikh, V S ; Caloun, P ; Lebedev, N A ; Stegailov, V I ; Tsoupko-Sitnikov, V M
The experimental level energies and reduced probabilities of the transitions decoupling the ^{152}Gd excited states are compared with the calculations using a number of phenomenological formulae, as well as the Q-phonon model, IBA-2, phase transitions U(5)-SO(6) and U(5)-SU(3). [...]
E6-2002-11 ; JINR-E6-2002-11.
- 2002. - 24 p.
Fulltext from JINR Dubna
Measurement of $\gamma\gamma$-coincidences and $^{152}Tb \to ^{152}Gd$ Decay Scheme / Adam, J ; Dobes, J ; Honusek, M ; Kalinnikov, V G ; Mrazek, J ; Pronskikh, V S ; Caloun, P ; Lebedev, N A ; Stegailov, V I ; Tsoupko-Sitnikov, V M
On the basis of \gamma\gamma-coincidences recorded with two HPGe-detectors, 242 transitions were placed into the ^{152}Tb\to^{152}Gd decay scheme, 131 of them - for the first time. [...]
E6-2001-154 ; JINR-E6-2001-154.
- 2001. - 38 p.
Fulltext from JINR Dubna
Gamma-Rays and E0 and M1+E0 Transitions in $^{152}Tb \to ^{152}$Gd Decay / Adam, J ; Dobes, J ; Honusek, M ; Kalinnikov, V G ; Mrazek, J ; Pronskikh, V S ; Caloun, P ; Lebedev, N A ; Stegailov, V I ; Tsoupko-Sitnikov, V M
The decay of ^{152}Tb has been investigated by means of measurements of single gamma-spectra. [...]
E6-2001-93 ; JINR-E6-2001-93.
- 2001. - 35 p.
Fulltext from JINR Dubna
$^{140}$La half-life measurement with Ge-detector / Adam, J ; Belov, A G ; Brandt, R ; Chaloun, P ; Honusek, M ; Kalinnikov, V G ; Krivopustov, M I ; Kulakov, B A ; Langrock, E J ; Ochs, M et al.
- 1999. - 28 p.
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Neutron Production in Spallation Reactions of 0.9 and 1.5 GeV Protons on a Thick Lead Target. Comparison between Experimental Data and Monte-Carlo Simulations / Krasa, A ; Adam, J ; Bradnova, V ; Caloun, P ; Chultem, D ; Henzl, V ; Henzlová, D ; Kalinnikov, V G ; Krivopustov, M I ; Krízek, F et al.
This paper reports on two experiments performed at the Synchrophasotron/Nuclotron accelerator complex at JINR. [...]
E1-2005-46 ; JINR-E1-2005-46.
- 2005. - 24 p.
Fulltext from JINR Dubna
Transmutation of radioactive waste by means of relativistic heavy ions / Wan, J S ; Ochs, M ; Brandt, R ; Schmidt, T ; Langrock, E J ; Vater, P ; Abdullaev, I G ; Adam, J ; Bamblevski, V P ; Bradnova, V et al.
1998 - Published in : Kerntech.: 63 (1998) , no. 4, pp. 167-77
Transmutation of radioactive waste with the help of relativistic heavy ions / Brandt, R ; Wan, J S ; Ochs, M ; Schmidt, T ; Langrock, E J ; Vater, P ; Abdullaev, I G ; Adam, J ; Bamblevski, V P ; Bradnova, V et al.
E1-97-349 ; JINR-E1-97-349.
- 1997. - 27 p.
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Transmutation of $^{129}I$ and $^{237}Np$ using spallation neutrons produced by 1.5, 3.7 and 7.4 GeV protons / Ochs, M ; Wan, J S ; Schmidt, T ; Langrock, E J ; Vater, P ; Brandt, R ; Adam, J ; Bamblevski, V P ; Bradnova, V ; Gelovani, L K et al.
E1-99-1 ; JINR-E1-99-1.
- 1999. - 31 p.
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The investigation of the decay $^{211}$Rn --> $^{211}$At and three-particle configuration in $^{211}$At / Vénos, D ; Adam, I ; Bonch-Osmolovskaya, N A ; Caloun, P ; Erohina, K I ; Isakov, Y I ; Kjostarova, O D ; Morozov, V A ; Norseev, J V ; Stegailov, V I
- 1989. - 17 p. CERN library copies
Investigation of the Formation of Residual Nuclei from the Radioactive $^{237}Np$ and $^{241}Am$ Targets in the Reaction with 660 MeV Protons / Adam, J ; Balabekyan, A R ; Brandt, R ; Dzhelepov, V P ; Gustov, S A ; Kalinnikov, V G ; Krivopustov, M I ; Mirokhin, I V ; Mrazek, J ; Odoj, R et al.
Radioactive ^{237}Np and ^{241}Am targets were irradiated by proton beams with energy 660 MeV. [...]
E15-2000-256 ; JINR-E15-2000-256.
- 2000. - 18 p.
Fulltext from JINR Dubna

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