CERN Accelerating science

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Some aspects of semi-inclusive reactions in four-prong $\pi$-p interactions at 5 GeV/c / Lebedev, R M ; Besliu, C ; Constantinescu, A ; Cotorobai, F ; Emelyanenko, V N ; Glagolev, V V ; Hlavácová, J ; Kuznetsova, E S ; Michalcak, I ; Patocka, I et al.
- 1974. - 27 p.
Experiments with beams of high energy nuclei and the problem of relativization of nuclear wave functions / Dubna-Kosice-Moscow-Strasbourg-Tbilisi-Warsaw Collaboration
JINR-E1-80-243 ; JINR-P1-80-243.
- 1980. - 16 p. CERN library copies
General features of $^{4}$He breakup reactions in $^{4}$Hep interactions at a $^{4}$He incident momentum of 8.56 GeV/c / Warsaw-Dubna-Kosice-Moscow-Strasbourg-Tbilisi Collaboration
E1-12943 ; JINR-E1-12943.
- 1979. - 8 p.
CERN library copies
Experiments with beams of high energy nuclei and the problem of relativization of nuclear wave functions / Dubna-Kosice-Moscow-Strasbourg-Tbilisi-Warsaw Collaboration
- 1980. - 19 p.
CERN library copies
Possible dibaryon states produced in $^{4}$He.proton interactions / Dubna-Kosice-Moscow-Strasbourg-Tbilisi-Warsaw Collaboration
E1-83-59 ; JINR-E1-83-59.
- 1983. - 6 p.
CERN library copies
A quasioptical cascade model of the $^{4}$He + p interaction at intermediate energies / Bánó, M ; Hlavácová, J ; Kravciková, M ; Martinská, G ; Patocka, J ; Rusnáková, E ; Sándor, L ; Urbán, J
- 1985. - 25 p.
CERN library copies
Backward particles in $^{4}$He.p reactions / Glagolev, V V ; Lebedev, R M ; Pestova, G D ; Shimansky, S S ; Seman, M ; Sándor, L ; Hlavácová, J ; Martinská, G ; Patocka, J ; Urbán, J et al.
- 1988. - 17 p.
CERN library copies
Description of the reaction ? P ? P? in the one-pion exchange Reggeized model at 5 and 16 GeV/c / Boreskov, K G ; Emelyanenko, V N ; Glagolev, V V ; Lebedev, R M ; Patochka, I ; Ponomarev, L A ; Saitov, I S
1974. - 19 p.
Peculiarities of deuteron production in $^{4}$He-proton interactions / Glagolev, V V ; Lebedev, R M ; Pestova, G D ; Urbán, J ; Braun, H ; Gerber, J P ; Juillot, P ; Michalon, A ; Bánó, M ; Sándor, L et al.
E1-86-78 ; JINR-E1-86-78.
- 1986. - 10 p.
CERN library copies
Characteristics of spectators in $^{4}$He nuclei fragmentation processes / Dubna-Kosice-Moscow-Strasbourg-Tbilisi-Warsaw Collaboration
- 1984. - 17 p.
CERN library copies

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