CERN Accelerating science

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Pion absorption in tritium at intermediate energies / Salvisberg, P ; Backenstoss, Gerhard ; Krause, H ; Powers, R J ; Steinacher, M ; Weyer, H J ; Wildi, M ; Hoffart, A ; Rzerhorz, B ; Ullrich, H M et al.
- 1992. - 71 p.
CERN library copies
What is the mechanism for three-nucleon absorption of pions in $^{3}$He ? / Backenstoss, Gerhard ; Izycki, M ; Powers, R ; Salvisberg, P ; Steinacher, M ; Weber, P ; Weyer, H J ; Hoffart, A ; Rzehorz, B ; Ullrich, H M et al.
PR-88-24 ; PSI-PR-88-24.
- 1988. - 9 p.
CERN library copies
New pion absorption modes observed from triple coincidences in $^{4}$He / Backenstoss, Gerhard ; Brodbeck, D ; Izycki, M ; Salvisberg, P ; Steinacher, M ; Weber, P ; Weyer, H J ; Hoffart, A ; Rzehorz, B ; Ullrich, H M et al.
PR-88-04 ; PSI-PR-88-04.
- 1988. - 11 p.
CERN library copies
Two-nucleon absorption of pi+ and pi- on $^{3}$He across the DELTA resonance region / Weber, P ; Backenstoss, Gerhard ; Izycki, M ; Powers, R J ; Salvisberg, P ; Steinacher, M ; Weyer, H J ; Cierjacks, S ; Hoffart, A ; Ullrich, H M et al.
- 1989. - 47 p.
CERN library copies
Pion Absorption in Flight on $^{4}He$ / Steinacher, M ; Backenstoss, Gerhard ; Izycki, M ; Salvisberg, P ; Weber, P ; Weyer, H J ; Hoffart, A ; Rzehorz, B ; Ullrich, H M ; Dzemidzic, M et al.
- 1990. - 58 p.
CERN library copies
Observation of a quasifree three-nucleon-absorption mode of pions in $^{4}$He / Backenstoss, Gerhard ; Izycki, M ; Salvisberg, P ; Steinacher, M ; Weber, P ; Weyer, H J ; Cierjacks, S ; Rzehorz, B ; Ullrich, H M ; Furic, M et al.
PR-86-15 ; SIN-PR-86-15.
- 1986. - 12 p.
CERN library copies
Pion absorption on $^{3}He$ and $^{4}He$ with emission of three energetic protons / LADS Collaboration
- 1997. - 60 p.
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Multinucleon pion absorption on $^{4}He$ into the pppn final state / LADS Collaboration
PSI-PR-97-16.- Villigen : Paul Scherrer Inst., 1997 - Published in : Phys. Rev. C 56 (1997) 1872-1894 Access to fulltext document: TIF PDF; - CERN library copies
Total cross sections of the charge exchange reaction$(\pi^{+},\pi^{0})$ on $^{2}H, ^{3}He$ and $^{4}He,$ across the $\Delta(1232)$ resonance / LADS Collaboration
- 1998. - 24 p.
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Evidence of initial state interactions in multi-nucleon pion absorption / LADS Collaboration
PSI-PR-96-04.- 1996 - Published in : Phys. Rev. C 53 (1996) 2591-2593 Access to fulltext document: TIF PDF; - CERN library copies

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