CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server 2,046 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.21 seconds. 
Performance of 0.75 mm pitch MWPC's operating at high rate / Conetti, S ; Kuzminski, J ; Marchionni, A ; Stairs, D G ; Arenton, M W ; Chen, T Y ; Cox, B ; Delchamps, S W ; Etemadi, B ; Fortney, L R et al.
FERMILAB-CONF-89-21-E.- Batavia, IL : FERMILAB, 1989 - 6 p.
In : 35th Nuclear Science Symposium, Orlando, FL, USA, 9 - 11 Nov 1988, pp.112-116
Precision charge amplification and digitization system for a scintillating and lead glass array / Delchamps, S W ; Rameika, R ; Arenton, M W ; Chen, T Y ; Conetti, S ; Cox, B ; Etemadi, B ; Fortney, L R ; Guffey, K ; Haire, M J et al.
FERMILAB-CONF-89-25-E.- Batavia, IL : FERMILAB, 1989 - 8 p. - Published in : IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 36 (1989) 680
An on-line trigger processor for large transverse energy events / Zioulas, G ; Arenton, M W ; Chen, T Y ; Conetti, S ; Cox, B ; Delchamps, S W ; Etemadi, B ; Fortney, L R ; Guffey, K ; Haire, M J et al.
FERMILAB-CONF-88-185-E.- Batavia, IL : FERMILAB, 1989 - 6 p.
In : 35th Nuclear Science Symposium, Orlando, FL, USA, 9 - 11 Nov 1988, pp.375-379
Expectations for direct photon physics from Fermilab experiment E705 / Wagoner, D E ; Arenton, M W ; Chen, T Y ; Conetti, S ; Cox, B ; Delchamps, S W ; Etemadi, B ; Fortney, L R ; Guffey, K ; Haire, M J et al.
PVHEP-87-1.- Prairie View : Texas A and M Univ., 1988 - 13 p.
In : NATO Advanced Research Workshop on QCD Hard Hadronic Processes, St. Croix, VI, USA, 8 - 13 Oct 1987, pp.303-314 - CERN library copies
New experimental limits on nu$_{mu}$ --> nu$_{e}$ oscillations / Angelini, C ; Apostolakis, Alcibiades J ; Baldini, A ; Baldo-Ceolin, Massimilla ; Bertanza, L ; Bobisut, F ; Calimani, E ; Camerini, U ; Ciampolillo, S ; Fantechi, R et al.
Pisa : Pisa Univ., 1986 - 18 p. - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 179 (1986) 307-312 - CERN library copies
Mechanical behavior of Fermilab/General Dynamics built 15m SSC collider dipoles / Wake, M ; Bleadon, M E ; Bossert, R ; Carson, J ; Delchamps, S W ; Gourlay, S A ; Hanft, R ; Koska, W ; Kuchnir, M ; Lamm, M J et al.
FERMILAB-CONF-92-122 ; SSCL-P-108.
- 1992. - 9 p.
CERN library copies
Magnetic field measurements of Fermilab/General Dynamics built full scale SSC collider dipole magnets / Delchamps, S W ; Bleadon, M E ; Bossert, R ; Carson, J ; Devred, Arnaud ; Di Marco, J ; Gourlay, S A ; Hanft, R ; Koska, W ; Kuchnir, M et al.
FERMILAB-CONF-92-106 ; SSCL-Preprint-102.
- 1992. - 9 p.
CERN library copies
Quench performance of 50-mm aperture, 15-m-long SSCL dipole magnets built at Fermilab / Kuzminski, J ; Bush, T O ; Coombes, R ; Devred, Arnaud ; Di Marco, J ; Goodzeit, C L ; Puglisi, M ; Sanger, P L ; Schermer, R ; Tompkins, J C et al.
SSCL-P-133 ; SSCL-Preprint-133.
- 1992. - 5 p.
CERN library copies
Test of Fermilab built, post-ASST, 50-mm-aperture, full length SSC dipole magnets / Kuzminski, J ; Akhmedov, A I ; Bossert, R ; Bush, T O ; Capone, D W ; Carson, J ; Coombes ; Delchamps, S W ; Devred, Arnaud ; Di Marco, J et al.
SSCL-P-314 ; SSCL-Preprint-314.
- 1993. - 6 p.
CERN library copies
Quench characteristics of 5-cm-aperture, 15-m-long SSC dipole magnet prototypes / Nah, W ; Akhmedov, A I ; Anerella, M ; Bossert, R ; Bush, T O ; Capone, D W ; Carson, J ; Coombes, R ; Cottingham, J G ; Delchamps, S W et al.
SSCL-P-147 ; SSCL-Preprint-147.
- 1992. - 4 p.

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