CERN Accelerating science

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Production of muon pairs with masses greater than 4 GeV/c$^{2}$ in $\overline{p}$N and pi-N interactions at 125 GeV/c / Anassontzis, E G ; Katsavevas, S E ; Kostarakis, P ; Kourkoumelis, C ; Markou, A ; Resvanis, L K ; Voulgaris, G ; Binkley, M ; Cox, B ; Enagonio, J et al.
- 1982. - 20 p.
CERN library copies
High mass dimuon production in $\overline{p}$N and pi-N interactions at 125 GeV/c / Anassontzis, E G ; Katsanevas, S ; Kostarakis, P ; Kourkoumelis, C ; Markou, A ; Resvanis, L K ; Voulgaris, G ; Binkley, M ; Cox, B ; Enagonio, J et al.
FERMILAB-PUB-87-217-E.- Batavia, IL : FERMILAB, 1988 - 84 p. - Published in : Phys. Rev. D 38 (1988) 1377-1403 - CERN library copies
$J\psi$ resonance production in 125 GeV/c $\overline{p}$N and pi-N interactions / Anassontzis, E G ; Katsanevas, S ; Kostarakis, P ; Kourkoumelis, C ; Markou, A ; Resvanis, L K ; Voulgaris, G ; Binkley, M ; Cox, B ; Enagonio, J et al.
- 1982. - 16 p.
CERN library copies
J/psi resonance production in 125 GeV/c $\overline{p}$N and pi-N / Anassontzis, E G ; Katsanevas, S ; Kostarakis, P ; Kourkoumelis, C ; Markou, A ; Resvanis, L K ; Voulgaris, G ; Binkley, M ; Cox, B ; Enagonio, J et al.
1982. - 16 p.
CERN library copies
psi production in $\overline{p}$N and pi-N interactions at 125 GeV c and a determination of the gluon structure functions of the $\overline{p}$ and the pi- / Tzamarias, S ; Katsanevas, S ; Kourkoumelis, C ; Markou, A ; Resvanis, L K ; Voulgaris, G ; Binkley, M ; Cox, B ; Enagonio, J ; Hojvat, C et al.
FERMILAB-PUB-90-63-E.- Batavia, IL : FERMILAB, 1993 - 73 p. - Published in : Phys. Rev. D 48 (1993) 5067-5080
Nuclear target effects in J/psi production in 125 GeV/c antiproton and pi- interactions / Katsanevas, S ; Kourkoumelis, C ; Markou, A ; Resvanis, L K ; Tzamarias, S ; Voulgaris, G ; Binkley, M ; Cox, B ; Enagonio, J ; Hojvat, C et al.
- 1988. - 16 p.
CERN library copies
A fast processor for dilepton triggers / Katsanevas, S ; Kostarakis, P ; Baltrusaitis, R M ; Barsotti, E J ; Cox, B ; Enagonio, J ; Haldeman, M ; Hance, R ; Haynes, W ; Kerns, C R et al.
FERMILAB-CONF-83-14-EXP.- Batavia, IL : FERMILAB, 1983 - 29 p. - Published in : Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. 212 (1983) 135
A multiplicity trigger processor for a quark-gluon plasma search at the Tevatron collider / Hojvat, C ; Areti, H ; Hansen, S ; Kun, T F ; Wang, C
- 1993. - 21 p.
CERN library copies
A fast processor for di-lepton triggers / Kostarakis, P ; Areti, H ; Barsotti, E ; Conetti, S ; Cox, B ; Enagonio, J ; Haldeman, M ; Haynes, W ; Katsanevas, S ; Kerns, C et al.
As a new application of the Fermilab ECL-CAMAC logic modules a fast trigger processor was developed for Fermilab experiment E-537, aiming to measure the higher mass di-muon production by antiprotons. The processor matches the hit information received from drift chambers and scintillation counters, to find candidate muon tracks and determine their directions and momenta. [...]
CERN, 1981 Published version from CERN: PDF;
In : Topical Conference on the Application of Microprocessors to High-energy Physics Experiments, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, 4 - 6 May 1981, pp.178-93 (CERN-1981-007)
Large angle proton-proton elastic scattering at 201 and 400 GeV/c / Faissler, W L ; Gettner, M ; Johnson, J R ; Kephart, T W ; Pothier, E L ; Potter, D ; Tautz, M F ; Conetti, S ; Hojvat, C ; Ryan, D G et al.
- 1980. - 33 p.
CERN library copies

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