The EEE experiment project: Status and first physics results
/ Abbrescia, M (INFN, Bari ; Bari U.) ; Agocs, A (World Lab., Geneva) ; Aiola, S (INFN, Catania ; Catania U.) ; Antolini, R (Gran Sasso) ; Avanzini, C (INFN, Pisa ; Pisa U.) ; Baldini Ferroli, R (Frascati) ; Bencivenni, G (Frascati) ; Bossini, E (INFN, Pisa ; Pisa U.) ; Bressan, E (Enrico Fermi Ctr., Rome ; INFN, Bologna ; Bologna U.) ; Chiavassa, A (INFN, Turin ; Turin U.) et al.
The Extreme Energy Events Project is an experiment for the detection of Extensive Air Showers which exploits the Multigap Resistive Plate Chamber technology. At the moment 40 EEE muon telescopes, distributed all over the Italian territory, are taking data, allowing the relative analysis to produce the first interesting results, which are reported here [...]
2013 - 9 p.
- Published in : Eur. Phys. J. Plus 128 (2013) 62
Cosmic rays Monte Carlo simulations for the Extreme Energy Events Project
/ Abbrescia, M (Bari U. ; INFN, Bari ; Enrico Fermi Ctr., Rome) ; Agocs, A (World Lab., Geneva) ; Aiola, S (Catania U. ; INFN, Catania) ; Antolini, R (Gran Sasso) ; Avanzini, C (INFN, Pisa ; Pisa U.) ; Baldini Ferroli, R (Frascati) ; Bencivenni, G (Frascati) ; Bossini, E (INFN, Pisa ; Pisa U.) ; Bressan, E (Enrico Fermi Ctr., Rome) ; Chiavassa, A (INFN, Turin ; Turin U.) et al.
The Extreme Energy Events Project (EEE Project) is an innovative experiment to study very high energy cosmic rays by means of the detection of the associated air shower muon component. It consists of a network of tracking detectors installed inside Italian High Schools. [...]
2014 - 12 p.
- Published in : Eur. Phys. J. Plus 129 (2014) 166
Observation of the February 2011 Forbush decrease by the EEE telescopes
/ Abbrescia, M (INFN, Bari ; Bari U.) ; Aiola, S (INFN, Catania ; Catania U.) ; Antolini, R (Gran Sasso) ; Avanzini, C (INFN, Pisa ; Pisa U.) ; Baldini Ferroli, R (Frascati ; Enrico Fermi Ctr., Rome) ; Bencivenni, G (Frascati) ; Bossini, E (INFN, Pisa ; Pisa U.) ; Bressan, E (INFN, Bologna ; Bologna U.) ; Chiavassa, A (Turin U. ; INFN, Turin) ; Cicalo, C (INFN, Cagliari ; Cagliari U.) et al.
The Forbush decrease following the large X2 solar flare on mid-February 2011 has been observed by the muon telescopes of the EEE Project, which are located in several Italian sites and at CERN. Data from two different telescopes of the EEE network have been analyzed and compared to those measured by neutron monitor stations. [...]
- Published in : Eur. Phys. J. Plus 126 (2011) 61
The EEE Project: Cosmic rays, multigap resistive plate chambers and high school students
/ Abbrescia, M. (INFN, Bari ; Bari U.) ; Aiola, S (Catania U. ; INFN, Catania) ; Antolini, R (Gran Sasso) ; Avanzini, C (Pisa U. ; INFN, Pisa) ; Baldini Ferroli, R (Frascati ; Enrico Fermi Ctr., Rome) ; Bencivenni, G (Frascati) ; Bossini, E (Pisa U. ; INFN, Pisa) ; Bressan, E (Bologna U. ; INFN, Bologna ; Enrico Fermi Ctr., Rome) ; Chiavassa, A (Turin U. ; INFN, Turin) ; Cicalo, C (Cagliari U. ; INFN, Cagliari) et al.
The Gas Gain Monitoring (GGM) system of the Resistive Plate Chamber (RPC) muon detector in the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment provides fast and accurate determination of the stability in the working point conditions due to gas mixture changes in the closed loop recirculation system. In 2011 the GGM began to operate using a feedback algorithm to control the applied voltage, in order to keep the GGM response insensitive to environmental temperature and atmospheric pressure variations. [...]
2012 - 7 p.
- Published in : PoS: RPC2012 (2012) , pp. 012
External link: Published version from PoS
In : 11th Workshop on Resistive Plate Chambers and Related Detectors, Frascati (rome), Italy, 5 - 10 Feb 2012, pp.012
Time correlation measurements from extensive air showers detected by the EEE telescopes
/ Abbrescia, M (INFN, Bari ; Bari U. ; Enrico Fermi Ctr., Rome) ; Antolini, R (Gran Sasso) ; Fabbri, F L (Frascati) ; Gnesi, I (Enrico Fermi Ctr., Rome ; U. Turin, Exp. Phys. ; INFN, Turin) ; Bressan, E (Enrico Fermi Ctr., Rome ; Bologna U.) ; Tosello, F (U. Turin, Exp. Phys. ; INFN, Turin) ; Librizzi, F (Catania U.) ; Coccia, E (Rome U., Tor Vergata) ; Paoletti, R (Pisa U. ; Enrico Fermi Ctr., Rome) ; Yanez, G (ICSC World Lab, Erice, Italy. ; CERN) et al.
Time correlated events due to cosmic muons from extensive air showers have been detected by means of telescope pairs of the EEE (Extreme Energy Events) Project array. The coincidence rate, properly normalized for detector acceptance, efficiency and altitude location, has been extracted as a function of the relative distance between the telescopes. [...]
- Published in : Eur. Phys. J. Plus 128 (2013) 148
Extreme Energy Events: an extended multi purpose cosmic ray observatory
/ Gnesi, I (Enrico Fermi Ctr., Rome ; INFN, Turin ; Turin U. ; INFN, Cosenza ; Calabria U.) ; Abbrescia, M (Enrico Fermi Ctr., Rome ; INFN, Bari ; Bari U.) ; Avanzini, C (Enrico Fermi Ctr., Rome ; INFN, Pisa ; Pisa U.) ; Baldini, L (Enrico Fermi Ctr., Rome ; INFN, Pisa ; Pisa U.) ; Baldini-Ferroli, R (Enrico Fermi Ctr., Rome ; Frascati) ; Batignani, L G (Enrico Fermi Ctr., Rome ; INFN, Pisa ; Pisa U.) ; Battaglieri, M (Enrico Fermi Ctr., Rome ; INFN, Genoa ; Genoa U.) ; Boi, S (Enrico Fermi Ctr., Rome ; INFN, Cagliari ; Cagliari U.) ; Bossini, E (Enrico Fermi Ctr., Rome ; INFN, Siena ; Siena U.) ; Carnesecchi, F (Enrico Fermi Ctr., Rome ; INFN, Bologna ; Bologna U.) et al.
EEE is an extended cosmic ray observatory, covering more than 10 degrees in latitude and longitude. The relative distances between clusters of telescopes reached the 1200 km, allowing the search for rare long distance correlations between cosmic showers. [...]
IOP, 2020 - 6 p.
- Published in : J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1468 (2020) 012103
Published fulltext: PDF;
In : 16th International Conference on Topics in Astroparticle and Underground Physics, Toyama, Japan, 9 - 13 Sep 2019, pp.012103
A multigap resistive plate chamber array for the Extreme Energy Events project
/ Gruttola, D De (Enrico Fermi Ctr., Rome ; INFN, Salerno ; Salerno U.) ; Abbrescia, M (Bari U. ; INFN, Bari ; Enrico Fermi Ctr., Rome) ; Agocs, A (Erice, Majorana Ctr. ; CERN) ; Aiola, S (Catania U. ; INFN, Catania) ; Antolini, R (Gran Sasso) ; Avanzini, C (INFN, Pisa ; Pisa U. ; Enrico Fermi Ctr., Rome) ; Ferroli, R Baldini (LNF, Dafne Light ; Enrico Fermi Ctr., Rome) ; Bencivenni, G (LNF, Dafne Light) ; Bossini, E (INFN, Pisa ; Pisa U.) ; Bressan, E (Enrico Fermi Ctr., Rome ; Bologna U. ; INFN, Bologna) et al.
The Extreme Energy Events (EEE) Project is a Centro Fermi - CERN - INFN - MIUR Collaboration Project for the study of extremely high energy cosmic rays, which exploits the Multigap Resistive Plate Chamber (MRPC) technology. The excellent time resolution and good tracking capability of this kind of detector allows us to study Extensive Air Showers (EAS) with an array of MRPC telescopes distributed across the Italian territory. [...]
- Published in : JINST 9 (2014) C10024
In : 12th workshop on Resistive Plate Chambers and Related Detectors, Beijing, China, 23 - 28 Feb 2014, pp.C10024
Operation and performance of the EEE network array for the detection of cosmic rays
/ Abbrescia, M (Enrico Fermi Ctr., Rome ; Bari U. ; INFN, Bari) ; Avanzini, C (Enrico Fermi Ctr., Rome ; INFN, Pisa ; Pisa U.) ; Baldini, L (Enrico Fermi Ctr., Rome ; INFN, Pisa ; Pisa U.) ; Baldini Ferroli, R (Enrico Fermi Ctr., Rome ; Frascati) ; Batignani, G (Enrico Fermi Ctr., Rome ; INFN, Pisa ; Pisa U.) ; Bencivenni, G (Frascati) ; Bossini, E (Enrico Fermi Ctr., Rome ; INFN, Siena ; Siena U.) ; Chiavassa, A (INFN, Turin ; Turin U.) ; Cicalò, C (Enrico Fermi Ctr., Rome ; Cagliari U. ; INFN, Cagliari) ; Cifarelli, L (Enrico Fermi Ctr., Rome ; INFN, Bologna ; U. Bologna, DIFA) et al.
The EEE (Extreme Energy Events) Project is an experiment for the detection of cosmic ray muons by means of a sparse array of telescopes, each made of three Multigap Resistive Plate Chambers (MRPC), distributed over all the Italian territory and at CERN. The main scientific goals of the Project are the investigation of the properties of the local muon flux, the detection of Extensive Air Showers (EAS) and the search for long-distance correlations between far telescopes. [...]
2017 - 4 p.
- Published in : Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A 845 (2017) 383-386
In : 14th Vienna Conference on Instrumentation, Vienna, Austria, 15 - 19 Feb 2016, pp.383-386
Scientific and educational aspects of the EEE Project
/ La Rocca, P (Enrico Fermi Ctr., Rome ; Catania U. ; INFN, Catania) ; Abbrescia, M (Enrico Fermi Ctr., Rome ; Bari U. ; INFN, Bari) ; Avanzini, C (Enrico Fermi Ctr., Rome ; INFN, Pisa ; Pisa U.) ; Baldini, L (Enrico Fermi Ctr., Rome ; INFN, Pisa ; Pisa U.) ; Baldini Ferroli, R (Enrico Fermi Ctr., Rome ; Frascati) ; Batignani, G (Enrico Fermi Ctr., Rome ; INFN, Pisa ; Pisa U.) ; Battaglieri, M (Enrico Fermi Ctr., Rome ; Genoa U. ; INFN, Genoa) ; Boi, S (Enrico Fermi Ctr., Rome ; Cagliari U. ; INFN, Cagliari) ; Bossini, E (Enrico Fermi Ctr., Rome ; INFN, Pisa ; Pisa U.) ; Carnesecchi, F (Enrico Fermi Ctr., Rome ; INFN, Bologna ; U. Bologna, DIFA) et al.
The Extreme Energy Events (EEE) Project is an experiment aimed at the detection of secondary cosmic ray muons. It consists of a sparse array of about 60 telescopes, based on Multigap Resistive Plate Chambers (MRPCs), mostly distributed throughout the Italian territory, mainly in high schools locations, and at CERN. [...]
2020 - 7 p.
- Published in : J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1561 (2020) 012012
Fulltext: PDF;
In : Detection Systems and Techniques in Nuclear and Particle Physics, Messina, Italy, 11 - 13 Sep 2019, pp.012012
Extreme Energy Events Project: construction of the detectors
/ Carnesecchi, Francesca (INFN, Bologna ; Bologna U., Dept. Astron. ; Enrico Fermi Ctr., Rome) ; Abbrescia, M (Enrico Fermi Ctr., Rome ; INFN, Bari ; Bari U.) ; Avanzini, C (Enrico Fermi Ctr., Rome ; INFN, Pisa ; Pisa U.) ; Baldini, Luca (Enrico Fermi Ctr., Rome ; INFN, Pisa ; Pisa U.) ; Ferroli, R Baldini (Enrico Fermi Ctr., Rome ; Frascati) ; Batignani, G (Enrico Fermi Ctr., Rome ; INFN, Pisa ; Pisa U.) ; Battaglieri, M (Enrico Fermi Ctr., Rome ; Genoa U. ; INFN, Genoa) ; Boi, S (Cagliari U. ; Enrico Fermi Ctr., Rome ; INFN, Cagliari) ; Bossini, E (Enrico Fermi Ctr., Rome ; INFN, Siena ; Siena U.) ; Chiavassa, Andrea (Enrico Fermi Ctr., Rome ; Turin U. ; INFN, Turin) et al.
The Extreme Energy Events (EEE) experiment is a strategic project of Centro Fermi dedicated to the study of extreme energy cosmic rays with an innovative outreach approach: high school students are directly involved in the experiment and play a primary role. EEE exploits a network of muon tracking telescopes constituted by three large area MRPCs. [...]
SISSA, 2018 - 5 p.
- Published in : PoS EPS-HEP2017 (2018) 820
Fulltext: PDF; External link: PoS server
In : 2017 European Physical Society Conference on High Energy Physics, Venice, Italy, 05 - 12 Jul 2017, pp.820