CERN Accelerating science

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Compositional engineering of multicomponent garnet scintillators: towards an ultra-accelerated scintillation response / Martinazzoli, Loris (CERN ; Milan Bicocca U. ; INFN, Milan Bicocca) ; Nargelas, Saulius (Vilnius, Inst. Theor. Phys. Astron.) ; Boháček, Pavel (Prague, Inst. Phys.) ; Calá, Roberto (CERN ; Milan Bicocca U. ; INFN, Milan Bicocca) ; Dušek, Michal (Prague, Inst. Phys.) ; Rohlíček, Jan (Prague, Inst. Phys.) ; Tamulaitis, Gintautas (Vilnius, Inst. Theor. Phys. Astron.) ; Auffray, Etiennette (CERN) ; Nikl, Martin (Prague, Inst. Phys.)
Optical, luminescence and scintillation characteristics were studied in garnet-type GAGG single-crystal scintillators grown by the Czochralski method and heavily doped with a cerium activator and a magnesium codopant at different concentrations. Emission quenching due to the formation of closely spaced Ce–Mg pairs accelerating the photoluminescence and scintillation decays down to a few nanoseconds and substantial suppression of slower decay components are observed. [...]
2022 - 11 p. - Published in : Materials Advances 3 (2022) 6842-6852 Fulltext: PDF;
First investigation of the morphological and luminescence properties of HfO$_2$ nanoparticles synthesized by photochemical synthesis / Villa, Irene (Prague, Inst. Phys.) ; Procházková, Lenka Prouzová (Prague, Inst. Phys. ; Prague, Tech. U.) ; Mihóková, Eva (Prague, Inst. Phys.) ; Babin, Vladimir (Prague, Inst. Phys.) ; Král, Robert (Prague, Inst. Phys.) ; Zemenová, Petra (Prague, Inst. Phys.) ; Falvey, Alexandra (Prague, Inst. Phys.) ; Čuba, Václav (Prague, Tech. U.) ; Salomoni, Matteo (CERN ; Milan Bicocca U.) ; Pagano, Fiammetta (CERN ; Milan Bicocca U.) et al.
For the first time, hafnia (HfO$_2$) nanoparticles have been produced by photochemical synthesis. The photochemical route has been proven to be scalable, affordable, and straightforward to create monoclinic HfO$_2$ nanoparticles with a size of tens of nanometers. [...]
2023 - 10 p. - Published in : CrystEngComm 25 (2023) 4345-4354 Fulltext: PDF;
Subpicosecond luminescence rise time in magnesium codoped GAGG:Ce scintillator / Tamulaitis, G (Vilnius U.) ; Vaitkevičius, A (Vilnius U.) ; Nargelas, S (Vilnius U.) ; Augulis, R (FTMC, Vilnius) ; Gulbinas, V (FTMC, Vilnius) ; Bohacek, P (Prague, Inst. Phys.) ; Nikl, M (Prague, Inst. Phys.) ; Borisevich, A (Minsk, Inst. Nucl. Problems) ; Fedorov, A (Minsk, Inst. Nucl. Problems) ; Korjik, M (Minsk, Inst. Nucl. Problems) et al.
The influence of co-doping of Gd$_{3}$Al$_{2}$GA$_{3}$O$_{12}$:Ce (GAGG:Ce) scintillator with magnesium on the rise time of luminescence response was studied in two GAGG:Ce crystals grown in nominally identical conditions except of Mg co-doping in one of them. Time-resolved photoluminescence spectroscopy and free carrier absorption techniques were exploited. [...]
10.1016/j.nima.2017.07.015.- 2017 - 5 p. - Published in : Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A 870 (2017) 25-29 Fulltext: PDF;
Scintillation properties and timing performance of state-of-the-art Gd$_{3}$Al$_{2}$Ga$_{3}$O$_{12}$single crystals / Martinazzoli, Loris (CERN ; Milan Bicocca U.) ; Kratochwil, Nicolaus (CERN ; Vienna U.) ; Gundacker, Stefan (CERN ; Milan Bicocca U. ; RWTH Aachen U.) ; Auffray, Etiennette (CERN)
Future colliders will set stringent requirements on the performance of detector materials in terms of timing and radiation hardness. Scintillating garnet crystals proved to satisfy the latter, while the former can be improved through technological developments. [...]
2021 - 7 p. - Published in : Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A 1000 (2021) 165231 Fulltext: PDF;
Scintillation Characteristics of the Single-Crystalline Film and Composite Film-Crystal Scintillators Based on the Ce$^3$+-Doped (Lu,Gd)$_3$(Ga,Al)$_5$O$_{12}$ Mixed Garnets under Alpha and Beta Particles, and Gamma Ray Excitations / Mares, Jiri A (Prague, Inst. Phys.) ; Gorbenko, Vitalii (Kazimierz Wielki U., Bydgoszcz) ; Kucerkova, Romana (Prague, Inst. Phys.) ; Prusa, Petr (Prague, Tech. U.) ; Beitlerova, Alena (Prague, Inst. Phys.) ; Zorenko, Tetiana (Kazimierz Wielki U., Bydgoszcz) ; Pokorny, Martin (COMPAS, Turnov) ; Witkiewicz-Łukaszek, Sandra (Kazimierz Wielki U., Bydgoszcz) ; Syrotych, Yurii (Kazimierz Wielki U., Bydgoszcz) ; D'Ambrosio, Carmelo (CERN) et al.
The crystals of (Lu,Gd)3(Ga,Al)5O12 multicomponent garnets with high density ρ and effective atomic number Zeff are characterized by high scintillation efficiency and a light yield value up to 50,000 ph/MeV. During recent years, single-crystalline films and composite film/crystal scintillators were developed on the basis of these multicomponent garnets. [...]
2022 - 20 p. - Published in : Materials 15 (2022) 7925 Fulltext: PDF;
Timing performance of lead halide perovskite nanoscintillators embedded in a polystyrene matrix / Děcká, Kateřina (Prague, Tech. U. ; Prague, Inst. Phys.) ; Pagano, Fiammetta (CERN ; Milan Bicocca U.) ; Frank, Isabel (CERN ; LMU Munich (main)) ; Kratochwil, Nicolaus (CERN) ; Mihóková, Eva (Prague, Tech. U. ; Prague, Inst. Phys.) ; Auffray, Etiennette (CERN) ; Čuba, Václav (Prague, Tech. U.)
Nanomaterials like CsPbBr$_3$, benefiting from quantum confinement effects to feature ultra-fast decay time and tunable emission, are paving the way for the next generation of fast timing detectors. However, an ongoing challenge is to exploit their favorable properties in a full detector, given their size and instability. [...]
2022 - 8 p. - Published in : J. Mater. Chem. 10 (2022) 12836-12843 Fulltext: PDF;
Closing speech / Niederle, J (Prague, Inst. Phys.)
CERN, 2008 Published version from CERN: PDF;
In : European School of High-Energy Physics, Trest, Czech Republic, 19 Aug - 1 Sep 2007, pp.309 (CERN-2008-007)
Preparation and luminescence properties of ZnO:Ga – polystyrene composite scintillator / Burešová, Hana (NUVIA, Czech Republic) ; Procházková, Lenka (Prague, Tech. U.) ; Turtos, Rosana Martinez (Milan Bicocca U.) ; Jarý, Vítězslav (Prague, Inst. Phys.) ; Mihóková, Eva (Prague, Inst. Phys.) ; Beitlerová, Alena (Prague, Inst. Phys.) ; Pjatkan, Radek (NUVIA, Czech Republic) ; Gundacker, Stefan (CERN) ; Auffray, Etiennette (CERN) ; Lecoq, Paul (CERN) et al.
Highly luminescent ZnO:Ga-polystyrene composite (ZnO:Ga-PS) with ultrafast subnanosecond decay was prepared by homogeneous embedding the ZnO:Ga scintillating powder into the scintillating organic matrix. The powder was prepared by photo-induced precipitation with subsequent calcination in air and Ar/H2 atmospheres. [...]
2016 - 10 p. - Published in : Opt. Express 24 (2016) 15289
Scintillation Properties of ${\rm Ce}^{3+}$- and ${\rm Pr}^{3+}$-Doped LuAG, YAG and Mixed ${\rm Lu}_{\rm x}{\rm Y}_{1-{\rm x}}{\rm AG}$ Garnet Crystals / Mares, J A (Prague, Inst. Phys.) ; Nikl, M (Prague, Inst. Phys.) ; Beitlerova, A (Prague, Inst. Phys.) ; Horodysky, P (Crytur Ltd., Turnov, Czech Republik) ; Blazek, K (Crytur Ltd., Turnov, Czech Republik) ; Bartos, K (Crytur Ltd., Turnov, Czech Republik) ; D'Ambrosio, C (CERN)
We summarize the latest R&D; state-of-art of Ce 3+ and Pr 3+ -doped mixed (Lu x Y 1-x ) 3 Al 5 O 12 (LuYAG) garnet scintillator crystals and compare their properties with those of Lu 3 Al 5 O 12 (LuAG) and Y 3 Al 5 O 12 (YAG) single crystal analogues. Light yield, energy resolution and proportionality were studied under radioisotope excitation within 8-1300 keV energy range. [...]
2012 - 6 p. - Published in : IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 59 (2012) 2120-2125
PEA$_2$PbI$_4$: fast two-dimensional lead iodide perovskite scintillator with green and red emission / Kowal, D (Warsaw, Inst. Phys.) ; Makowski, M (Torun, Copernicus Astron. Ctr.) ; Witkowski, M E (Torun, Copernicus Astron. Ctr.) ; Cala', R (CERN ; Milan Bicocca U.) ; Sheikh, M A Kuddus (Warsaw, Inst. Phys.) ; Mahyuddin, M H (Bandung Inst. Tech.) ; Auffray, E (CERN) ; Drozdowski, W (Torun, Copernicus Astron. Ctr.) ; Cortecchia, D (U. Rome La Sapienza (main) ; U. Bologna, DIFA) ; Birowosuto, M D (Warsaw, Inst. Phys.)
Among the two-dimensional hybrid organic-inorganic perovskites, PEA$_2$PbI$_4$ is one of the best scintillators combining high light yield and fast nanosecond decay time. However, it has limited sensitivity to X-ray and positron emission tomography because of insufficient mass density and effective atomic number. [...]
2023 - 7 p. - Published in : Materials Today Chemistry 29 (2023) 101455 Fulltext: PDF;

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