CERN Accelerating science

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Study of Sigma /sup +or-/(1385) inclusive production in K/sup -/p interactions at 42 GeV/c / Barreiro, F ; Bergé, J P ; Blokzijl, R ; Engelen, J J ; Ganguli, S N ; Gavillet, P ; Hemingway, R J ; Kittel, E W ; Kluyver, J C ; Shephard, W D et al.
Properties of Sigma /sup +or-/(1385) inclusively produced in 4.2 GeV/c K/sup -/p interactions are studied. Inclusive cross sections are presented together with differential cross sections as functions of x and p/sub t//sup 2/ for both Sigma /sup +/(1385) and Sigma /sup - /(1385). [...]
1977 - Published in : Nucl. Phys. B 126 (1977) 319-39
The reactions K/sup -/p to pi /sup -or+/ Sigma /sup +or-/(1385) at 42 GeV/c / Holmgren, S O ; Aguilar-Benítez, M ; Barreiro, F ; Hemingway, R J ; Kittel, E W ; Kluyver, J C ; Losty, Michael J ; Massaro, G G G ; Van de Walle, R T ; Worden, R P et al.
The total and differential cross sections are presented. Amplitude analyses are performed and the complete sigma /sup +or-/(1385) helicity spin density matrices are extracted. [...]
1977 - Published in : Nucl. Phys. B 119 (1977) 261-91
Study of hypercharge exchange reactions of the type K/sup -/p to 1/sup -3///sub 2//sup +or-/ at 42 GeV/c / Aguilar-Benítez, M ; Barreiro, F ; Hemingway, Richard J ; Holmgren, S O ; Losty, Michael J ; Toet, D Z ; Worden, R P ; Zatz, J ; Kluyver, J C ; Massaro, G G G et al.
Results are presented for the quasi two-body hypercharge exchange reactions of the type 0/sup -1///sub 2//sup +/ to 1/sup -3///sub 2 //sup +/, i.e. K/sup -/p to rho /sup -/ Sigma /sup +/(1385) or K/sup - /p to phi Sigma /sup 0/(1385), and 0/sup -1///sub 2//sup +/ to 1/sup -3///sub 2//sup -/, i.e. [...]
CERN-D-Ph-II-PHYS-75-23-rev.- Geneva : CERN, 1977 - 85 p. - Published in : Nucl. Phys. B 124 (1977) 189-228
Inclusive production of Lambda in the proton fragmentation region from K/sup -/p to Lambda X at 42 GeV/c / Ganguli, S N ; Hemingway, R J ; Holmgren, S O ; Kittel, E W ; Lamb, P R ; Losty, Michael J ; Muirhead, William Hugh ; Pols, C L A ; Shephard, W D ; Vergeest, J S M et al.
A study of Lambda production has been made for the process p to Lambda from K/sup -/p interactions at 4.2 GeV/c. The total Lambda production cross-section is (4.5+or-0.2) mb and the cross-section in which Lambda is associated with KK in the final state is found to be (0.44+or-0.03) mb. [...]
1978 - Published in : Nuovo Cimento A: 44 ser.2 (1978) , no. 3, pp. 345-66
A study of inclusive Xi /sup -/ production from K/sup -/p interactions at 42 GeV/c / Ganguli, S N ; Bergé, J P ; Blokzijl, R ; Gavillet, P ; Grossmann, P ; Hemingway, R J ; Kittel, E W ; Kluyver, J C ; Lamb, P R ; Muirhead, William Hugh et al.
A study of inclusive Xi /sup -/ production from a high statistics K /sup -/p experiment at 4.2 GeV/c has been made. The total Xi /sup -/ production cross section is 157+or-8 mu b. [...]
1977 - Published in : Nucl. Phys. B 128 (1977) 408-20
Production of K*/sup -/(890) and K*/sup -/(1420) in the reaction K/sup -/p to (K pi )/sup -/p at 25 and 40 GeV/c / Antipov, Yu M ; Ascoli, G ; Busnello, R ; Kienzle-Focacci, M N ; Kienzle, W ; Klanner, Robert ; Landsberg, L G ; Lebedev, A A ; Lecomte, P ; Roinishvili, V N et al.
The reaction K/sup -/p to X/sup -//sub K/p has been measured at 25 and 40 GeV/c at the Serpukhov accelerator using the CERN-IHEP boson spectrometer. At both energies production of the resonances K*/sup - /(890) and K*/sup -/(1420) is observed in the channels K*/sup -/ to K /sup 0/ pi /sup -/ and K/sup -/ pi /sup 0/; the momentum dependence of their production cross sections is found to be sigma (K*/sup -/(890)) varies as p/sub inc//sup -1.48+or-0.04/ and sigma (K*/sup -/(1420)) varies as p/sub inc//sup -0.8+or-0.2/. [...]
1973 - Published in : Nucl. Phys. B 63 (1973) 202-10
KN and KN two-body physics : 2-5 GeV/c / Michael, C (CERN)
The author reviews KN and KN induced reactions in the intermediate energy region to sketch present theoretical understanding and to high- light promising avenues for the future. He emphasizes several experiments that should advance or consolidate understanding: polarization for K/sup 0/p to K/sup +/n, K/sup -/p to K/sup 0/n, K/sub L//sup 0/p to K/sub s//sup 0/p; R parameter data for K/sup +/p to K /sup +/p and KN to Lambda pi and Sigma /sup +/ pi . [...]
In : Rutherford Laboratory Meeting on Future Work in K/sup +/ /sup or/ /sup -/ Strong interaction physics below 5 GeV/c, Didcot, UK, 19 - 21 Nov 1971, pp.61-86
New data on the reaction K/sup -/n to ( Sigma pi )/sup -/ and a partial wave analysis of KN to Sigma pi in the energy range 1520-1745 MeV / Hepp, V ; Braun, O ; Gandini, F ; Grimm, H J ; Kiesling, C ; Plane, D E ; Ströbele, H ; Thol, C ; Thouw, T J ; Wittek, W
Differential cross sections for K/sup -/n to ( Sigma pi )/sup -/ have been measured at K/sup -/ momenta between 680 and 840 MeV/c in a bubble chamber experiment. For K/sup -/n to sigma /sup 0/ pi /sup -/ the Sigma /sup 0/ polarization was also determined. [...]
1976 - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 65 (1976) 487-91
Study of the reactions pi /sup -/p to K/sup 0/ Lambda and pi /sup -/p to K/sup 0/ Sigma /sup 0/ at 395 GeV/c / Loverre, P F ; Aguilar-Benítez, M ; Albajar, M C ; Armenteros, Rafael ; Dionisi, C ; Dobrzynski, L ; Ferrando, A ; Gavillet, P ; Holmgren, S O ; Losty, Michael J et al.
The reactions pi /sup -/p to K/sup 0/ Lambda , K/sup 0/ Sigma /sup 0/ are studied at an incident momentum of 3.95 GeV/c using data from a high statistics bubble chamber experiment corresponding to approximately 90 events/ mu b. The differential cross sections and hyperon polarizations are presented and compared with existing data from earlier electronic experiments. [...]
1980 - Published in : Z. Phys. C 6 (1980) 283-94
Polarization relations in charge and hypercharge exchange reactions / Martin, A D ; Michael, C ; Phillips, R J N
Relations between polarizations in charge and hypercharge exchange reactions are derived. The idea is that K*(890) and K**(1400) exchange, including unspecified absorptive corrections, are related to rho and A/sub 2/ exchanges by SU(3) octet symmetry, with a scale factor to represent symmetry breaking between the rho -A/sub 2/ and the K*-K** trajectories. [...]
CERN-TH-1436.- 1972 - Published in : Nucl. Phys. B 43 (1972) 13-26 Fulltext: PDF;

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