CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server 2,043 registres trobats  1 - 10següentfinal  anar al registre: La cerca s'ha fet en 0.13 segons. 
Investigation of the nuclear interactions on the modern Tien-Shan installation â€ワhadron” / Adamov, D S ; Arabkin, V V ; Barkalov, K V ; Cherdyntseva, K V ; Chubenko, A P ; Dubovy, A G ; Erlykin, A D ; Kadirsisov, B B ; Machavariani, S K ; Nam, R A et al.
In : 20th International Cosmic-ray Conference, v.6 : HE session : high energy phenomena, Moscow, USSR, 2 - 15 Aug 1987, pp.144-146
Phenomenological characteristics of EAS with N(E) =2*10**5-2*10**7 obtained by the mODERN Tien-Shan installation â€ワhadron” / Adamov, D S ; Afanasjev, B N ; Arabkin, V V ; Aseikin, V S ; Barkalov, K V ; Chubenko, A P ; Dubovy, A G ; Dyatlov, P A ; Gulyaev, A M ; Kadirsisov, B B et al.
In : 20th International Cosmic-ray Conference, v.5 : HE session : high energy phenomena, Moscow, USSR, 2 - 15 Aug 1987, pp.460-463
EAS front fluctuations / Barkalov, K V ; Dubovy, A G ; Gavritova-Atavreva, N A ; Nikolsky, S I ; Pavljuchenko, V P ; Stamenov, J N ; Stavrev, P V
In : 20th International Cosmic-ray Conference, v.6 : HE session : high energy phenomena, Moscow, USSR, 2 - 15 Aug 1987, pp.67-69
The hadron energy spectra in EAS with o.5-10 PeV primary energy at Tien-Shan level / Danilova, T V ; Dubovy, A G ; Erlykin, A D ; Krutikova, N P ; Nesterova, N M ; Nikolsky, S I ; Yakovleva, T I
In : 20th International Cosmic-ray Conference, v.6 : HE session : high energy phenomena, Moscow, USSR, 2 - 15 Aug 1987, pp.47-50
/k distributions depending on k at energiesE > 4 TeV in N-PB interactions / Bazarov, E V ; Nikolsky, S I ; Pavljuchenko, V P ; Vildanov, N G
In : 18th International Cosmic-ray Conference, v.5 : HE, high energy physics, Bangalore, India, 22 Aug - 3 Sep 1983, pp.119-122
Installation for EAS cherenkov light detection at Tien-Shan / Afnasjev, B N ; Kuzmin, A I ; Nesterova, N M ; Nikolsky, S I ; Sokolovsky, V I ; Tukish, E I ; Vasilyuk, Y M ; Yakovlev, V I ; Zhukov, V V
In : 18th International Cosmic-ray Conference, v.6 : EA, extensive air showers, Bangalore, India, 22 Aug - 3 Sep 1983, pp.200-203
Phenomenological shower characteristics from the crab Nebula direction / Chubenko, A P ; Dubovy, A G ; Kirov, I N ; Nesterova, N M ; Petrov, S P ; Stamenov, J N ; Yakovlev, V I
In : 20th International Cosmic-ray Conference, v.1 : OG session : cosmic ray origin and galactic phenomena, Moscow, USSR, 2 - 15 Aug 1987, pp.279-281
Search for shower excess from CYGNUS X-3 / Dubovy, A G ; Janminchev, V D ; Kirov, I N ; Lilkov, V M ; Nesterova, N M ; Petrov, S P ; Stamenov, J N ; Ushev, S Z ; Yakovlev, V I
In : 20th International Cosmic-ray Conference, v.1 : OG session : cosmic ray origin and galactic phenomena, Moscow, USSR, 2 - 15 Aug 1987, pp.223-226
The arrival direction of EAS at Energies 10 eV according to Tien-Shan data / Nesterova, N M
In : ICRR International Symposium on Extremely High-energy Cosmic Rays: Astrophysics and Future Observatories, Tanashi, Tokyo, Japan, 25 - 28 Sep 1996, pp.390-392
The arrival direction of EAS at energies 1 EeV according on tien-shan data / Nesterova, N M
In : 25th International Conference on Cosmic Rays, v.1-7, Durban, South Africa, 28 Jul - 8 Aug 1997, pp.173-176 (v.4)

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