CERN Accelerating science

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Study of Abnormal Vertical Emittance Growth in ATF Extraction Line / Alabau, M (Valencia U., IFIC) ; Alabau, M (Orsay, LAL) ; Angal-Kalinin, D (Daresbury) ; Appleby, R (Manchester U.) ; Bambade, P (Orsay, LAL) ; Brossard, J (Orsay, LAL) ; Faus-Golfe, A (Valencia U., IFIC) ; Jones, J K (Daresbury) ; Kuroda, S (KEK, Tsukuba) ; Le Meur, G (Orsay, LAL) et al.
2008 - 3 p. External link: Published version from JACoW
In : 11th European Particle Accelerator Conference, Genoa, Italy, 23 - 27 Jun 2008, pp.MOPP003
4D Emittance Measurements Using Multiple Wire and Waist Scan Methods in the ATF Extraction Line / Rimbault, C (Orsay, LAL) ; Alabau, M (Valencia U., IFIC) ; Bambade, P (Orsay, LAL) ; Brossard, J (Orsay, LAL) ; Kuroda, S (KEK, Tsukuba) ; Scarfe, A (Manchester U.) ; Woodley, M (SLAC)
2008 - 3 p. External link: Published version from JACoW
In : 11th European Particle Accelerator Conference, Genoa, Italy, 23 - 27 Jun 2008, pp.TUPC087
ATF2 summary and status / ATF Collaboration
2011 - 19 p. - Published in : ICFA Beam Dyn. Newsl.: 54 (2011) , pp. 62-80 External link: Fulltext from ICFA
The 2 mrad Crossing Angle Scheme for the International Linear Collider / Appleby, R (Manchester U.) ; Angal-Kalinin, D (Daresbury) ; Bambade, P (Orsay, LAL) ; Cavalier, S (Orsay, LAL) ; Iwashita, Y (Kyoto U., Inst. Chem. Res.) ; Le Meur, G (Orsay, LAL) ; Touze, F (Orsay, LAL)
2008 - 3 p. External link: Published version from JACoW
In : 11th European Particle Accelerator Conference, Genoa, Italy, 23 - 27 Jun 2008, pp.MOPP005
Present status and first results of the final focus beam line at the KEK Accelerator Test Facility   / Bambade, P. (Orsay ; KEK, Tsukuba) ; Alabau Pons, M. (Valencia U., IFIC) ; Amann, J. (SLAC) ; Angal-Kalinin, D. (Daresbury) ; Apsimon, R. (JAI, UK) ; Araki, S. (KEK, Tsukuba) ; Aryshev, A. (KEK, Tsukuba) ; Bai, S. (Beijing, Inst. High Energy Phys.) ; Bellomo, P. (SLAC) ; Bett, D. (JAI, UK) et al.
WP: 9: Technology for normal conducting higher energy linear accelerators
Task: 9.4: BDS

ATF2 is a final-focus test beam line which aims to focus the low emittance beam from the ATF damping ring to a vertical size of about 37 nm and to demonstrate nanometer level beam stability. [...]
arXiv:1207.1334 ; SLAC-PUB-14724 ; FERMILAB-PUB-10-290-AD ; EuCARD-PUB-2010-015 ; FERMILAB-PUB-10-290-AD.
- 2010. - 10 p.
SLAC - APS Published version, local copy - External link - Fulltext - Preprint - APS Published version, local copy - Fulltext
ATF2 Final Focus Orbit Correction and Tuning Optimisation / Scarfe, A (Manchester U.) ; Angal-Kalinin, D (Daresbury) ; Appleby, R (Manchester U.) ; Jones, J K (Daresbury)
2008 - 3 p. External link: Published version from JACoW
In : 11th European Particle Accelerator Conference, Genoa, Italy, 23 - 27 Jun 2008, pp.MOPP030
ATF2 COMMISSIONING   / Seryi, A (SLAC) ; Christian, G (ATOMKI, Debrecen) ; Parker, B (Brookhaven) ; Schulte, D (CERN) ; Delahaye, J P (CERN) ; Tomas, R (CERN) ; Zimmermann, F (CERN) ; Wolski, A (Cockcroft Inst.) ; Elsen, E (DESY) ; Sanuki, T (Tohoku Univ.) et al.
WP: 9: Technology for normal conducting higher energy linear accelerators
Task: 9.3: Linac & FF Stabilization

ATF2 is a final-focus test beam line that aims to focus the low-emittance beam from the ATF damping ring to a beam size of about 37 nm, and at the same time to demonstrate nm beam stability, using numerous advanced beam diagnostics and feedback tools. [...]
- 2010.
Access to fulltext document - Published version from PAC09
Design of an Interaction Region with Head-On Collisions for the ILC / Payet, Jacques (CEA, Gif-sur-Yvette) ; Alabau-Pons, M ; Angal-Kalinin, D ; Appleby, R ; Bambade, P ; Brossard, J ; Dadoun, O ; Jackson, F ; Keller, L ; Napoly, O et al.
SLAC-PUB-11950.- Stanford, CA : SLAC, 2006 - 3 p. External links: Fulltext from SLAC; Published version from JACoW
In : 10th European Particle Accelerator Conference, Edinburgh, UK, 26 - 30 Jun 2006, pp.682
ATF2 Ultra-Low IP Betas Proposal   / Bambade, P (Orsay, LAL) ; Renier, Y (Orsay, LAL) ; Bai, S (Beijing, Inst. High Energy Phys. ; Orsay, LAL) ; Braun, H (CERN) ; Delahaye, J P (CERN) ; Marin, E (CERN) ; Schulte, D (CERN) ; Tomás, R (CERN) ; Zimmermann, F (CERN) ; Gao, J (Beijing, Inst. High Energy Phys.) et al.
WP: 9: Technology for normal conducting higher energy linear accelerators
Task: 9.4: BDS

The CLIC Final Focus System has considerably larger chromaticity than those of ILC and its scaled test machine ATF2. [...]
CERN-ATS-2009-092 ; EuCARD-CON-2009-058 ; CLIC-Note-792.
- 2010 - 4.
Fulltext - Fulltext
Experimental Validation of a Novel Compact Focusing Scheme for Future Energy-Frontier Linear Lepton Colliders / White, G R (SLAC) ; Ainsworth, R (Oxford U., JAI) ; Akagi, T (Hiroshima U.) ; Alabau-Gonzalvo, J (CERN) ; Angal-Kalinin, D (Daresbury) ; Araki, S (KEK, Tsukuba) ; Aryshev, A (KEK, Tsukuba) ; Bai, S (Beijing, Inst. High Energy Phys.) ; Bambade, P (Orsay, LAL) ; Bett, D R (Oxford U., JAI) et al. /ATF2
A novel scheme for the focusing of high-energy leptons in future linear colliders was proposed in 2001 [ P. Raimondi and A. [...]
2014 - 6 p. - Published in : Phys. Rev. Lett. 112 (2014) 034802

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