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Performance of Triple-GEM Detectors for the ME0 Station Measured in Test Beam / Kurth, Nicholas Jason (speaker)
2023 - 914. REU; Michigan REU Summer Student Program External links: Talk details; Event details In : Michigan REU Summer Student Program
Performance of triple-GEM detectors for the ME0 station of the CMS muon system measured in test beam / Kurth, Nicholas Jason
The following is a summary report of my work while participating in the Research Experience for Undergraduates at CERN, hosted by the University of Michigan. [...]
- 2023
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Nicholas Jason Kurth / Kurth, Nicholas Jason (speaker)
Performance of ME0 Detectors in Test Beam Education: - Attend Rowan University, located in Glassboro, New Jersey - Will be graduating in spring 2024 with a Bachelors of Science in Physics - At Rowan, I research biophysics and reverse micelles - After undergraduate, I plan on attending graduate school in hopes of obtaining my PhD in physics (or some field related to it) CERN Summer Student: - Here from June 10th to August 13 (first time leaving abroad) - I work on GEM detectors, which are muon detectors located at the endcaps of CMS
2023 - 801. Summer Student Lecture Programme General; Student Sessions 2023 External links: Talk details; Event details In : Student Sessions 2023

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