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Atmospheric Deposition of Trace Elements Around Ulan-Bator City Studied by Moss and Lichen Biomonitoring Technique and INAA / Ganbold, G ; Gerbish, Sh ; Gundorina, S F ; Frontasyeva, M V ; Ostrovnaya, T M ; Pavlov, S S ; Tsendeekhuu, T
For the first time the moss and lichen biomonitoring technique has been applied to air pollution in Mongolia (Ulan-Bator, the capital city). [...]
E18-2005-113 ; JINR-E18-2005-113.
- 2005. - 16 p.
Fulltext from JINR Dubna
Assessment of Human Organism's Intake of Trace Elements from Staple Foodstuffs in Central Region of Russia / Gorbunov, A V ; Lyapunov, A A ; Okina, O I ; Frontasyeva, M A ; Gundorina, S F
The trace element content of raw materials and foodstuffs produced from them, typical for basket of goods of residents of Central Russia, was examined. [...]
D14-2004-89 ; JINR-D14-2004-89.
- 2004. - 16 p.
Fulltext from JINR Dubna
Investigation of the Structure and Element Composition of C-Phycocyanin Extracted from the Microalgae Spirulina platensis / Mosulishvili, L M ; Belokobylsky, A I ; Kirkesali, E I ; Khizanishvili, A I ; Frontasyeva, M V ; Pavlov, S S ; Gundorina, S F
The structure and element composition of C-phycocyanin (C-PC) extracted from the blue-green alga Spirulina platensis were studied. [...]
D-14-2002-7 ; JINR-D14-2002-7.
- 2002. - 8 p.
Fulltext from JINR Dubna
Biosorption of Metals from Multi-Component Bacterial Solutions / Tsertsvadze, L A ; Dzadzamiya, T D ; Petriashvili, Sh G ; Chutkerashvili, D G ; Kirkesali, E I ; Frontasyeva, M V ; Pavlov, S S ; Gundorina, S F
The method of extraction of metals from industrial solutions by means of economical and easy to apply biosorbents in subtropics such as products of tea manufacturing, moss, microorganisms is described. [...]
JINR-P14-2002-110 ; P14-2002-110.
- 2002. - 11 p.
Fulltext from JINR Dubna
Development of the Method of Bacterial Leaching of Metals out of Low-Grade Ores, Rocks, and Industrial Wastes Using Neutron Activation Analysis / Tsertsvadze, L A ; Dzhadzamiya, T D ; Petriashvili, Sh G ; Chutkerashvili, D G ; Kirkesali, E I ; Frontasyeva, M V ; Pavlov, S S ; Gundorina, S F
The results of preliminary investigations aimed at the development of an economical and easy to apply technique of bacterial leaching of rare and valuable metals out of low-grade ores, complex composition ores, rocks, and industrial wastes in Georgia are discussed. [...]
JINR-P14-2001-102 ; P14-2001-102.
- 2001. - 18 p.
Fulltext from JINR Dubna
Nuclear and Related Analytical Techniques Used to Study the Anthropogenic Impact on the Sister River in the Vicinity of the Town of Klin (Moscow Region, Russia) / Morzhukhina, S V ; Uspenskaya, V V ; Chermnykh, L P ; Khodakovsky, L P ; Frontasyeva, M V ; Gundorina, S F
The ecological fate of small rivers, tributaries of the Volga River, is of great concern in the national program of the Russian Federation "Restoration of the Volga River". [...]
E14-2001-54 ; JINR-E14-2001-54.
- 2001. - 6 p.
Fulltext from JINR Dubna
Experimental Substantiation of the Possibility of Developing Selenium- and Iodine-Containing Pharmaceuticals Based on Blue-Green Algae Spirulina Platensis / Mosulishvili, L M ; Kirkesali, E I ; Belokobylsky, A I ; Khisanishvili, L A ; Frontasyeva, M V ; Pavlov, C C ; Gundorina, S F
The great potential of using blue-green algae Spirulina platensis as a matrix for the production of selenium- and iodine-containing pharmaceuticals is shown experimentally. [...]
D14-2001-39 ; JINR-D14-2001-39.
- 2001. - 15 p.
Fulltext from JINR Dubna

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