CERN Accelerating science

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Topology of White Stars in Relativistic Fragmentation of Light Nuclei / Andreeva, N P ; Bradnova, V ; Vokal, S ; Vokalova, A ; Gaitinov, A Sh ; Gerassimov, S G ; Goncharova, L A ; Dronov, V A ; Zarubin, P I ; Zarubina, I G et al.
In the present paper, experimental observation of the multifragmentation processes of light relativistic nuclei carried out by means of emulsions are reviewed. [...]
JINR-P1-2004-91 ; P1-2004-91.
- 2004. - 16 p.
Fulltext from JINR Dubna
Factorial moments of $^{28}Si$ induced interactions with Ag(Br) nuclei / Adamovich, M I ; Aggarwal, M M ; Andreeva, N P ; Badyal, S K ; Bakich, A M ; Basova, E S ; Bhalla, K B ; Bhasin, A ; Bhatia, V S ; Bradnova, V et al.
Scaled factorial moment analysis for the multiplicity distributions of shower particles in the pseudorapidity phase space has been done. An evidence for the presence of dynamical fluctuations has been shown for the non-peripheral interactions of /sup 28/Si+Ag(Br) at 14.6 A Ge V/c and 4.5 A GeV/c. [...]
2001 - Published in : Heavy Ion Phys.: 13 (2001) , no. 4, pp. 213-21
Angular distributions of light projectile fragments in deep inelastic Pb+Em interactions at 160 A GeV / EMU01 Collaboration
The nuclear emulsion was exposed at CERN by the lead projectile at 160 A GeV. The angles between any pair of fragments with Z=2-4 have been measured in the emulsion plane for the events which did not contain heavy fragments. [...]
Geneva : CERN, 1999 - Published in : Eur. Phys. J. A 6 (1999) 421-5
Proton-nucleus interactions at 200 GeV/c / Alma Ata-Leningrad-Moscow-Tashkent Collaboration
- 1974. - 17 p.
Multifractal analysis of particles produced in $^{197}Au, ^{32}S$ and $^{16}O$ induced interactions at high energies / EMU01 Collaboration
1998 - Published in : Europhys. Lett. 44 (1998) 571-7
Nuclear Effect in Higher-Dimensional Factorial Moment Analysis of the $^{16}O$-, $^{32}S$- and $^{197}Au$-$Em$ Interaction Data at 200, 60 and 11 AGeV/c / EMU01 Collaboration
The anomalous behavior of 2-dimensional factorial moment in nucleus-nucleus collisions is studied in some detail using both mini-bias and central collision data of ~{16}O-, ~{32}S- and ~{197}Au-Em interactions from EMU01 experiment. The correct value for the effective Hurst exponent in the analysis of higher-dimensional factorial moment is found to be greater than unity, showing clearly the existence of superposition effect in nucleus-nucleus collisions..
hep-ph/9703396; HZPP-9701; HZPP-97-001.- Wuhan : Hua-Zhong Teacher's Coll. Inst. Part. Phys., 1997 - 10 p. - Published in : Z. Phys. C 76 (1997) 659-663 Fulltext: PDF; External link: Fulltext - Please contact the library if you need to access this document.
Some peculiarities of sideward flow of particles in ne-22 collisions with ema-gev/c / Alma Ata-Bucharest-Dubna-Gatchina-Moscow-Rez-Tashkent-Tbilisi-Ulan Bator Collaboration
- 1987. - 15 p.
Observation of particle collective flux in the collisions of 4.1-a-gev/c ne-22 with ag, br emulsion nuclei / Alma Ata-Bucharest-Dubna-Gatchina-Cracow-Leningrad-Moscow-Rez-Tashkent-Tbilisi-Ulan Bator Collaboration
- 1987. - 12 p.
The study of two particle correlations in inelastic interactions of neon-22 nuclei with emulsion at 4.1-gev/c per nucleon / Alma Ata-Bucharest-Gatchina-Dubna-Dushanbe-Erevan-Kosice-Cracow-Leningrad-Moscow-Rostov-Tashkent-Tbilisi-Ulan Bator Collaboration
- 1987. - 16 p.
Fragmentation of $^{22}$Ne in emulsion at 4.1 A GeV/c / El-Naghy, A ; Krasnov, S A ; Tolstov, K D ; Andreeva, N P ; Anzon, Z V ; Bubnov, V I ; Chasnikov, I Yu ; Eligbaeva, G Zh ; Eremenko, L E ; Gaitinov, A S et al.
E1-87-547 ; JINR-E1-87-547.
- 1987. - 16 p.
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