CERN Accelerating science

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Measurement of the effective leptonic weak mixing angle / LHCb Collaboration
Using $pp$ collision data at $\sqrt{s}=13$~TeV, recorded by the LHCb experiment between 2016 and 2018 and corresponding to an integrated luminosity of $5.4$~fb$^{-1}$, the forward-backward asymmetry in the $pp \to Z/\gamma^{*} \to \mu^+\mu^-$ process is measured. The measurement is carried out in ten intervals of the difference between the muon pseudorapidities, within a fiducial region covering dimuon masses between $66$ and $116$ GeV, muon pseudorapidities between $2.0$ and $4.5$ and muon transverse momenta above $20$ GeV. [...]
arXiv:2410.02502; LHCb-PAPER-2024-028; CERN-EP-2024-230.- Geneva : CERN, 2024-12-03 - 28 p. - Published in : JHEP 2412 (2024) 026 Fulltext: 2410.02502 - PDF; document - PDF; Related data file(s): ZIP; Supplementary information: LHCb-PAPER-2024-028-supplementary - ZIP; supplementary (3) - PDF;
High-density gas target at the LHCb experiment / Boente Garcia, O. (LLR, Palaiseau) ; Bregliozzi, G. (CERN) ; Calegari, D. (CERN) ; Carassiti, V. (INFN, Ferrara) ; Ciullo, G. (INFN, Ferrara ; Ferrara U.) ; Coco, V. (CERN) ; Collins, P. (CERN) ; Pinto, P. Costa (CERN) ; De Angelis, C. (Cagliari U. ; INFN, Cagliari) ; Di Nezza, P. (Frascati) et al.
The recently installed internal gas target at LHCb presents exceptional opportunities for an extensive physics program for heavy-ion, hadron, spin, and astroparticle physics. A storage cell placed in the LHC primary vacuum, an advanced Gas Feed System, the availability of multi-TeV proton and ion beams and the recent upgrade of the LHCb detector make this project unique worldwide. [...]
arXiv:2407.14200; LHCb-DP-2024-002.- 2024-11-01 - 22 p. - Published in : Phys. Rev. Accel. Beams 27 (2024) 111001 Fulltext: 2407.14200 - PDF; Publication - PDF;
Amplitude analysis of the radiative decay $B^0_s\to K^+K^-\gamma$ / LHCb Collaboration
A search for radiative decay of $B^0_s$ mesons to orbitally excited $K^+K^-$ states is performed using proton proton collisions recorded by the \mbox{LHCb}\xspace experiment, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 9 fb$^{-1}$. The dikaon spectrum in the mass range $m_{KK}<2400\ \text{MeV/}c^2$ is dominated by the $\phi(1020)$ resonance that accounts for almost 70$\%$ of the decay rate. [...]
arXiv:2406.00235; LHCb-PAPER-2024-002; CERN-EP-2024-115; LHCB-PAPER-2024-002.- Geneva : CERN, 2024-08-13 - 39 p. - Published in : 10.1007/JHEP08(2024)093 Fulltext: 2406.00235 - PDF; document - PDF; Related data file(s): ZIP; Supplementary information: ZIP;
Transverse polarization measurement of Λ hyperons in pNe collisions at $ \sqrt{{\textrm{s}}_{\textrm{NN}}} $ = 68.4 GeV with the LHCb detector / LHCb Collaboration
A measurement of the transverse polarization of the $\Lambda$ and $\bar{\Lambda}$hyperons in $p$Ne fixed-target collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$=68.4 GeV is presented using data collected by the LHCb detector. The polarization is studied using the decay $\Lambda \rightarrow p \pi^-$ together with its charge conjugated process, the integrated values measured are $$ P_{\Lambda} = 0.029 \pm 0.019 \, (\rm{stat}) \pm 0.012 \, (\rm{syst}) \, , $$ $$ P_{\bar{\Lambda}} = 0.003 \pm 0.023 \, (\rm{stat}) \pm 0.014 \,(\rm{syst}) \, $$ Furthermore, the results are shown as a function of the Feynman $x$ variable, transverse momentum, pseudorapidity and rapidity of the hyperons, and are compared with previous measurements..
arXiv:2405.11324; CERN-EP-2024-121; LHCb-PAPER-2024-009.- Geneva : CERN, 2024-09-17 - 18 p. - Published in : JHEP 2409 (2024) 082 Fulltext: 2405.11324 - PDF; document - PDF; Related data file(s): ZIP;
Search for the $B_s^0 \rightarrow \mu^+\mu^-\gamma$ decay / LHCb Collaboration
A search for the fully reconstructed $B_s^0 \rightarrow \mu^+\mu^-\gamma$ decay is performed at the LHCb experiment using proton-proton collisions at $\sqrt{s}=13$ TeV corresponding to an integrated luminosity of $5.4\,\mathrm{fb^{-1}}$. No significant signal is found and upper limits on the branching fraction in intervals of the dimuon mass are set \begin{align} {\cal B}(B_s^0 \rightarrow \mu^+\mu^-\gamma) < 4.2\times10^{-8},~&m;(\mu\mu)\in[2m_\mu,~1.70]\,\mathrm{GeV/c^2} ,\nonumber {\cal B}(B_s^0 \rightarrow \mu^+\mu^-\gamma) < 7.7\times10^{-8},~&m;(\mu\mu)\in[1.70,~2.88]\,\mathrm{GeV/c^2},\nonumber {\cal B}(B_s^0 \rightarrow \mu^+\mu^-\gamma) < 4.2\times10^{-8},~&m;(\mu\mu)\in[3.92 ,~m_{B_s^0}]\,\mathrm{GeV/c^2},\nonumber \end{align} at 95% confidence level. [...]
arXiv:2404.03375; LHCb-PAPER-2023-045; CERN-EP-2024-065.- 2024-07-11 - 28 p. - Published in : JHEP 2407 (2024) 101 Fulltext: 2404.03375 - PDF; document - PDF;
Study of $CP$ violation in $B^0_{(s)} to D K^{*}(892)^0$ decays with $D \to K \pi ( \pi \pi)$, $ \pi \pi( \pi \pi)$, and $KK$ final states / LHCb Collaboration
A measurement of $CP$-violating observables associated with the interference of $B^0\to D^0 K^{*}(892)^0$ and $B^0\to \overline{D}^0 K^*(892)^0$ decay amplitudes is performed in the $D^0 \to K^{\mp}\pi^{\pm}(\pi^+\pi^-),$ $D^0 \to \pi^+\pi^-(\pi^+\pi^-)$, and $D^0\to K^+K^-$ final states using data collected by the LHCb experiment corresponding to an integrated luminosity of $9$~$\text{fb}^{-1}$. $CP$-violating observables related to the interference of $B^0_s\to D^0 \overline{K}^*(892)^0$ and $B_s^0\to \overline{D}^0 \overline{K}^*(892)^0$ are also measured, but no evidence for interference is found. [...]
arXiv:2401.17934; LHCb-PAPER-2023-040; CERN-EP-2024-007; LHCB-PAPER-2023-040.- Geneva : CERN, 2024-05-03 - 31 p. - Published in : JHEP 2405 (2024) 025 Fulltext: 2401.17934 - PDF; document - PDF; Related data file(s): ZIP;
Measurement of forward charged hadron flow harmonics in peripheral PbPb collisions at <math><mrow><msqrt><msub><mi>s</mi><mrow><mi>N</mi><mi>N</mi></mrow></msub></msqrt><mo>=</mo><mn>5.02</mn><mspace width="0.16em"/><mi>TeV</mi></mrow></math> with the LHCb detector / LHCb Collaboration
Flow harmonic coefficients, $v_n$, which are the key to studying the hydrodynamics of the quark-gluon plasma (QGP) created in heavy-ion collisions, have been measured in various collision systems, kinematic regions, and using various particle species. The study of flow harmonics in a wide pseudorapidity range is particularly valuable to understand the temperature dependence of the shear viscosity to entropy density ratio of the QGP. [...]
arXiv:2311.09985; LHCb-PAPER-2023-031; CERN-EP-2023-240.- Geneva : CERN, 2024-05-15 - 12 p. - Published in : Phys. Rev. C 109 (2024) 054908 Fulltext: 2311.09985 - PDF; Publication - PDF; Related data file(s): ZIP;
Measurement of the $D^*$ longitudinal polarization in $B^0 \to D^{* -}\tau^+\nu_{\tau}$ decays   / LHCb Collaboration
The longitudinal polarization fraction of the $D^*$ meson is measured in $B^0 \to D^{* -}\tau^+\nu_{\tau}$ decays, where the $\tau$ lepton decays to three charged pions and a neutrino, using proton-proton collision data collected by the LHCb experiment at center-of-mass energies of 7, 8 and 13 TeV and corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 5 fb$^{-1}$. The $D^*$ polarization fraction $F_L^{D^*}$ is measured in two $q^2$ regions, below and above 7 GeV$^2$/c$^4$, where $q^2$ is defined as the squared invariant mass of the $\tau\nu_{\tau}$ system. [...]
arXiv:2311.05224; LHCb-PAPER-2023-020; CERN-EP-2023-225.- Geneva : CERN, 2024-11-01 - 18 p. - Published in : Phys. Rev. D 110 (2024) 092007 Fulltext: 2311.05224 - PDF; Publication - PDF; Related data file(s): ZIP;
A model-independent measurement of the CKM angle $\gamma$ in partially reconstructed $B^{\pm} \to D^{*} h^{\pm}$ decays with $D \to K_{S}^{0} h^{+}h^{-}$$(h=\pi, K)$ / LHCb Collaboration
A measurement of $C\!P$-violating observables in $B^{\pm} \to D^{*} K^{\pm}$ and $B^{\pm} \to D^{*} \pi^{\pm}$ decays is made where the photon or neutral pion from the $D^{*} \to D\gamma$ or $D^{*} \to D\pi^{0}$ decay is not reconstructed. The $D$ meson is reconstructed in the self-conjugate decay modes, $D \to K_{S}^{0} \pi^{+} \pi^{-}$ or $D \to K_{S}^{0} K^{+} K^{-}$. [...]
arXiv:2311.10434; LHCb-PAPER-2023-029; CERN-EP-2023-241.- Geneva : CERN, 2024-02-16 - 30 p. - Published in : JHEP 2402 (2024) 118 Fulltext: 2311.10434 - PDF; Publication - PDF; Related data file(s): ZIP;
Curvature-bias corrections using a pseudomass method / LHCb Collaboration
Momentum measurements for very high momentum charged particles, such as muons from electroweak vector boson decays, are particularly susceptible to charge-dependent curvature biases that arise from misalignments of tracking detectors. Low momentum charged particles used in alignment procedures have limited sensitivity to coherent displacements of such detectors, and therefore are unable to fully constrain these misalignments to the precision necessary for studies of electroweak physics. [...]
arXiv:2311.04670; LHCb-DP-2023-001; CERN-EP-2023-246.- 2024-03-12 - 22 p. - Published in : JINST 19 (2024) P03010 Fulltext: 2311.04670 - PDF; document - PDF;

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