CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server Sök i 4 journaler efter:  Sökningen tog 0.60 sekunder. 
Measurement of J / psi and psi-prime production in 800-GeV/c proton - gold collisions / E789 Collaboration
FERMILAB-PUB-95-058-E.- Batavia, IL : FERMILAB, 1995 - Published in : Phys. Rev. D 52 (1995) 1307-1315 External link: Full text from Fermilab
Effects of non-nucleonic degrees of freedom in the D($\overrightarrow{p}$,$\gamma$). sup(3)He and p($\overrightarrow{d}$,$\gamma$)$^{3}$He reactions / Schmid, G J ; Viviani, M ; Chasteler, R M ; Godwin, M A ; Kiang, G C ; Kiang, L L ; Kievsky, A ; Laymon, C M ; Prior, R M ; Rice, B J et al.
- 1995. - 12 p.
Access to fulltext document - Access to fulltext document - CERN library copies
Beauty and charm production from Fermilab experiment 789 / E789 Collaboration
FERMILAB-CONF-93-129-E.- Batavia, IL : FERMILAB, 1993 - 8 p.
In : 28th Rencontres de Moriond : Hadronic Session, Les Arcs, France, 20 - 27 Mar 1993, pp.345-350
8th Meeting of the Division of Particles and Fields of the American Physical Society, v.1-2, Albuquerque, NM, USA, 2 - 6 Aug 1994, pp.535-538 - CERN library copies
Studies on the structure of $^{154}$Gd via beta decay of $^{154}$Eu nucleus / Kiang, L L ; Kiang, G C ; Teng, P K ; Jon, G C ; Yuan, T H ; Hsu, Y M
1988. - 28 p. CERN library copies

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