CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server 13 záznamov nájdených  1 - 10ďalší  skoč na záznam: Hľadanie trvalo 1.17 sekúnd. 
Report of the Topical Group on Cosmic Probes of Fundamental Physics for for Snowmass 2021 / Adhikari, Rana X. (Caltech) ; Anchordoqui, Luis A. (Lehman Coll. ; City Coll., N.Y. ; Amer. Museum Natural Hist.) ; Fang, Ke (Wisconsin U., Madison) ; Sathyaprakash, B.S. (Penn State U., University Park, IGC ; Penn State U., Astron. Astrophys. ; Cardiff U.) ; Tollefson, Kirsten (Michigan State U.) ; Lewis, Tiffany R. (NASA, Goddard) ; Engel, Kristi (Maryland U. ; Los Alamos) ; Aboubrahim, Amin (U. Munster) ; Akarsu, Ozgur (Istanbul, Tech. U.) ; Akrami, Yashar (Case Western Reserve U.) et al.
Cosmic Probes of Fundamental Physics take two primary forms: Very high energy particles (cosmic rays, neutrinos, and gamma rays) and gravitational waves. [...]
- 118.
Parton distribution function uncertainties in theoretical predictions for far-forward tau neutrinos at the Large Hadron Collider / Bai, Weidong (Zhongshan U.) ; Diwan, Milind (Brookhaven) ; Garzelli, Maria Vittoria (Hamburg U., Inst. Theor. Phys. II) ; Jeong, Yu Seon (Chung-Ang U.) ; Kumar, Fnu Karan (Brookhaven ; Stony Brook U.) ; Reno, Mary Hall (Iowa U.)
New experiments to measure neutrinos in the far-forward region at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) are under design or already in preparation. Two of them, FASER$\nu$ and SND@LHC, are expected to be active during Run 3 and have the potential to detect neutrinos that come from high-energy collisions in one of the LHC interaction points, extracted along the direction tangent to the beam line. [...]
arXiv:2112.11605.- 2022-06-27 - 61 p. - Published in : JHEP 2206 (2022) 148 Fulltext: 2112.11605 - PDF; document - PDF;
High-Energy and Ultra-High-Energy Neutrinos: A Snowmass White Paper / Ackermann, Markus (DESY, Zeuthen) ; Bustamante, Mauricio (Bohr Inst.) ; Lu, Lu (Wisconsin U., Madison) ; Otte, Nepomuk (Georgia Tech., Atlanta) ; Reno, Mary Hall (Iowa U.) ; Wissel, Stephanie (Penn State U., University Park, IGC) ; Agarwalla, Sanjib K. (Bhubaneswar, Inst. Phys. ; HBNI, Mumbai ; ICTP, Trieste) ; Alvarez-Muñiz, Jaime (Santiago de Compostela U., IGFAE) ; Alves Batista, Rafael (U. Autonoma, Madrid (main)) ; Argüelles, Carlos A. (Harvard U.) et al.
Astrophysical neutrinos are excellent probes of astroparticle physics and high-energy physics. With energies far beyond solar, supernovae, atmospheric, and accelerator neutrinos, high-energy and ultra-high-energy neutrinos probe fundamental physics from the TeV scale to the EeV scale and beyond. [...]
arXiv:2203.08096.- 2022-11 - 56 p. - Published in : JHEAp: 36 (2022) , pp. 55-110 Fulltext: PDF; External link: eConf
In : 2021 Snowmass Summer Study, Seattle, WA, United States, 11 - 20 July 2021, pp.55-110
Tau Neutrinos in the Next Decade: from GeV to EeV / Mammen Abraham, Roshan (Oklahoma State U.) ; Alvarez-Muñiz, Jaime (Santiago de Compostela U.) ; Argüelles, Carlos A. (Harvard U.) ; Ariga, Akitaka (Bern U. ; Chiba U.) ; Ariga, Tomoko (Kyushu U.) ; Aurisano, Adam (Cincinnati U.) ; Autiero, Dario (IP2I, Lyon) ; Bishai, Mary (Brookhaven Natl. Lab.) ; Bostan, Nilay (Notre Dame U.) ; Bustamante, Mauricio (Bohr Inst.) et al.
Tau neutrinos are the least studied particle in the Standard Model. This whitepaper discusses the current and expected upcoming status of tau neutrino physics with attention to the broad experimental and theoretical landscape spanning long-baseline, beam-dump, collider, and astrophysical experiments. [...]
arXiv:2203.05591; DESY-22-040; LA-UR-21-32255.- 2022-10-11 - 148 p.
- Published in : J. Phys. G Fulltext: document - PDF; 2203.05591 - PDF; External link: eConf
In : 2021 Snowmass Summer Study, Seattle, WA, United States, 11 - 20 July 2021, pp.110501
The Forward Physics Facility at the High-Luminosity LHC / Feng, Jonathan L. (UC, Irvine) ; Kling, Felix (DESY) ; Reno, Mary Hall (Iowa U.) ; Rojo, Juan (NIKHEF, Amsterdam ; Vrije U., Amsterdam) ; Soldin, Dennis (Delaware U.) ; Anchordoqui, Luis A. (Lehman Coll.) ; Boyd, Jamie (CERN) ; Ismail, Ahmed (Oklahoma State U.) ; Harland-Lang, Lucian (Oxford U. ; Oxford U., Theor. Phys.) ; Kelly, Kevin J. (CERN) et al.
High energy collisions at the High-Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (LHC) produce a large number of particles along the beam collision axis, outside of the acceptance of existing LHC experiments. The proposed Forward Physics Facility (FPF), to be located several hundred meters from the ATLAS interaction point and shielded by concrete and rock, will host a suite of experiments to probe Standard Model (SM) processes and search for physics beyond the Standard Model (BSM) [...]
arXiv:2203.05090; UCI-TR-2022-01; CERN-PBC-Notes-2022-001; INT-PUB-22-006; BONN-TH-2022-04; FERMILAB-PUB-22-094-ND-SCD-T.- Geneva : CERN, 2023-01-20 - 413 p. - Published in : J. Phys. G 50 (2023) 030501 Fulltext: blank - PDF; 2203.05090 - PDF; FERMILAB-PUB-22-094-ND-SCD-T - PDF; Fulltext from Publisher: PDF; External links: Fermilab Library Server; eConf
In : 2021 Snowmass Summer Study, Seattle, WA, United States, 11 - 20 July 2021, pp.030501
The Forward Physics Facility: Sites, experiments, and physics potential / Anchordoqui, Luis A. (Lehman Coll.) ; Ariga, Akitaka (Bern U., LHEP ; Chiba U.) ; Ariga, Tomoko (Kyushu U., Fukuoka (main)) ; Bai, Weidong (Zhongshan U.) ; Balazs, Kincso (CERN) ; Batell, Brian (Pittsburgh U.) ; Boyd, Jamie (CERN) ; Bramante, Joseph (Queen's U., Kingston) ; Campanelli, Mario (University Coll. London) ; Carmona, Adrian (CAFPE, Granada) et al.
The Forward Physics Facility (FPF) is a proposal to create a cavern with the space and infrastructure to support a suite of far-forward experiments at the Large Hadron Collider during the High Luminosity era. Located along the beam collision axis and shielded from the interaction point by at least 100 m of concrete and rock, the FPF will house experiments that will detect particles outside the acceptance of all existing LHC experiments and will observe rare and exotic processes in an extremely low-background environment. [...]
arXiv:2109.10905; BNL-222142-2021-FORE; CERN-PBC-Notes-2021-025; DESY-21-142; DESY-21-142, FERMILAB-CONF-21-452-AE-E-ND-PPD-T; KYUSHU-RCAPP-2021-01; LU TP 21-36, PITT-PACC-2118; SMU-HEP-21-10; UCI-TR-2021-22; FERMILAB-CONF-21-452-AE-E-ND-PPD-T.- Geneva : CERN, 2022-07-19 - 74 p. - Published in : Phys. Rep. 968 (2022) 1-50 Fulltext: CERN-PBC-Notes-2021-025 - PDF; 2109.10905 - PDF; Publication - PDF; fermilab-conf-21-452-ae-e-nd-ppd-t - PDF; Fulltext from Publisher: PDF; External link: Fermilab Library Server
Probing secret interactions of eV-scale sterile neutrinos with the diffuse supernova neutrino background / Reno, Mary Hall (Iowa U.) ; Jeong, Yu Seon (Iowa U. ; CERN) ; Palomares-Ruiz, Sergio (Valencia U.) ; Sarcevic, Ina (Arizona U.)
While three flavors of "active" neutrinos are consistent with mixing angle results within error bars, there are anomalies may be hints of physics beyond the standard model that can accommodate a fourth mostly "sterile" neutrino species with an eV-scale mass and a mixing angle with active neutrinos of order $\theta_0\simeq 0.1$. We describe a scenario with eV-scale sterile neutrinos that have self-interactions via a new gauge vector boson, a "secret" mediator $\phi$. [...]
arXiv:2012.05380.- SISSA, 2021 - 6 p. - Published in : PoS ICHEP2020 (2021) 603 Fulltext: PoS(ICHEP2020)603 - PDF; 2012.05380 - PDF;
In : 40th International Conference on High Energy Physics (ICHEP), Prague, Czech Republic, 28 Jul - 6 Aug 2020, pp.603
Prompt tau neutrinos at the LHC / Jeong, Yu Seon (CERN) ; Bai, Weidong ; Diwan, Milind ; Garzelli, Maria Vittoria ; Reno, Mary Hall
We investigate tau neutrinos from heavy flavor hadrons that can be explored at a high rapidity LHC experiment. A large number of tau neutrinos can be produced in $pp$ collision at the LHC in the very forward region, where its main source is $D_s^\pm$ mesons since the weak boson contribution is negligible. [...]
SISSA, 2020 - 5 p. - Published in : PoS NuFact2019 (2020) 096 Fulltext: PDF;
In : The 21st International Workshop on Neutrinos from Accelerators, Daegu, Republic Of Korea, 26 - 31 Aug 2019, pp.096
Secret interactions of eV-scale sterile neutrinos and the diffuse supernova neutrino background flux / Jeong, Yu Seon (CERN) ; Palomares-Ruiz, Sergio (Valencia U.) ; Reno, Mary Hall (Iowa U.) ; Sarcevic, Ina (Arizona U.)
For a sterile neutrino with an eV-scale mass and vacuum mixing angle of order $\theta_0\simeq 0.1$, our evaluation of big bang nucleosynthesis and cosmic microwave background constraints allow a new gauge sector for sterile neutrino ``secret interactions'' with a gauge boson mass between a few keV and $\sim 100$ keV and sterile gauge boson couplings of order $g_s\simeq 10^{-4}-10^{-2}$. Relic sterile neutrinos with $m_s=1$ eV that interact via gauge bosons with a mass between $5-8$ keV and couplings in this range would distort the spectrum of the diffuse supernova neutrino background flux. [...]
SISSA, 2019 - 3 p. - Published in : PoS NuFACT2018 (2019) 150 Published fulltext: PDF;
In : 20th International Workshop on Neutrinos from Accelerators NuFACT 2018, Blacksburg, Virginia, United States Of America, 12 - 18 Aug 2018, pp.150
Far-forward neutrinos at the Large Hadron Collider / Bai, Weidong (Iowa U.) ; Diwan, Milind (Brookhaven) ; Garzelli, Maria Vittoria (Florence U. ; INFN, Florence) ; Jeong, Yu Seon (CERN) ; Reno, Mary Hall (Iowa U.)
We present a new calculation of the energy distribution of high-energy neutrinos from the decay of charm and bottom hadrons produced at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). In the kinematical region of very forward rapidities, heavy-flavor production and decay is a source of tau neutrinos that leads to thousands of charged-current tau neutrino events in a 1 m long, 1 m radius lead neutrino detector at a distance of 480 m from the interaction region. [...]
arXiv:2002.03012; CERN-TH-2020-007; BNL-213623-2020-FORE.- 2020-06-03 - 39 p.
Article from SCOAP3: scoap3-fulltext - PDF; scoap - PDF; Fulltext: PDF;

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