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CERN Document Server 38 záznamov nájdených  1 - 10ďalšíkoniec  skoč na záznam: Hľadanie trvalo 1.14 sekúnd. 
gamma-Spectroscopy and Radioactive Beams : How To Perform Channel Selection? / Rossé, B ; Redon, N ; Stézowski, O ; Schmitt, C ; Guinet, D ; Meyer, M ; Lautesse, P ; Nolan, P J ; Boston, A J ; Cooper, R et al.
2006 - Published in : AIP Conf. Proc.: 831 (2006) , pp. 541-543 External link: Published version from AIP
In : International Conference on Frontiers in Nuclear Structures, Astrophysics and Reactions, Kos, Greece, 12 - 17 Sep 2005, pp.541-543
Experimental Sign of a Weakening of the N=50 Spherical Shell Gap / Prévost, A ; Astier, A ; Deloncle, I ; Porquet, M G ; Azaiez, F ; Butà, A ; Curien, D ; Dorvaux, O ; Duchêne, G ; Gall, B J P et al.
2006 - Published in : AIP Conf. Proc.: 831 (2006) , pp. 538-540 External link: Published version from AIP
In : International Conference on Frontiers in Nuclear Structures, Astrophysics and Reactions, Kos, Greece, 12 - 17 Sep 2005, pp.538-540
In-Beam gamma-Ray Spectroscopy of the N=50 Isotones on the Neutron-Rich Side / Prévost, A ; Astier, A ; Deloncle, I ; Porquet, M G ; Azaiez, F ; Butà, A ; Curien, D ; Dorvaux, O ; Duchêne, G ; Gall, B J P et al.
2005 - Published in : AIP Conf. Proc.: 802 (2005) , pp. 279-282 External link: Published version from AIP
In : International Symposium on Exotic Nuclear Systems, Debrecen, Hungary, 20 - 25 Jun 2005, pp.279-282
Deformation properties of even-even Os, Pt, Hg nuclei and spectroscopic properties of odd Re, Os, Ir, Pt, Au, Hg nuclei from self-consistent calculations / Desthuilliers-Porquet, M G ; Meyer, M ; Quentin, P ; Sauvage-Letessier, J
Static properties of even-even Os, Pt, Hg nuclei have been obtained from HF+BCS calculations. Single-particle wave functions which come from these self-consistent calculations have been used to calculate some spectroscopic properties of odd Re, Os, Ir, Pt, Au, and Hg nuclei, within the rotor-quasiparticle coupling model. [...]
CERN, 1981 Published version from CERN: PDF;
In : 4th International Conference on Nuclei Far from Stability, Helsingør, Denmark, 7 - 13 Jun 1981, pp.623-7 (CERN-1981-009)
The decay of /sup 185/Hg : low-spin states in /sup 185/Au as a probe of the nuclear models / Bourgeois, C ; Desthuilliers-Porquet, M G ; Kilcher, P ; Roussière, B ; Sauvage-Letessier, J
The /sup 185/Au has been studied from the beta /sup +//EC decay of /sup 185m+g/Hg using the ISOCELE facility. Conversion electron measurements have been performed by means of a semi-circular magnetic spectrograph: new low-energy transitions have been observed. [...]
CERN, 1981 Published version from CERN: PDF;
In : 4th International Conference on Nuclei Far from Stability, Helsingør, Denmark, 7 - 13 Jun 1981, pp.618-22 (CERN-1981-009)
Study of the radioactive disintegration of /sup 187/Au : existence of E0 transitions in /sup 187/Pt? / Braham, A B ; Berg, V ; Bourgeois, C ; Desthuilliers-Porquet, M G ; Höglund, A ; Huck, A ; Kilcher, P ; Knipper, A ; Letessier, J ; Serre, Claude et al.
The decay /sup 187/Au to /sup 187/Pt has been studied using on-line mass-separated sources produced at ISOCELE (ORSAY) and ISOLDE (CERN). Lifetime measurements are performed with a Gerholm spectrometer and precise conversion electron determination with a 180 degrees spectrograph. [...]
1979 - Published in : Nucl. Phys. A 332 (1979) 397-421
Magnetic Moment of the Fragmentation-Aligned $^{61}Fe9/2^{+}$ Isomer / Matea, I ; Georgiev, G ; Dougas, J M ; Hass, M ; Neyens, G ; Astabatyan, R A ; Baby, L T ; Balabanski, D L ; Bélier, G ; Borremans, D et al.
- 2004. - 4 p.
Organisation Et Animation De La Table Ronde / Porquet, M G
IN2P3 Publications database
Chemins Du Processus R Au Voisinage De $^{94}$se$_{60}$, $^{96}$kr$_{60}$ Et $^{130}$cd$_{82}$ Effet De La Deformation A N = 60 ? Affaiblissement Des Effets De Couches A N = 82 ? / Porquet, M G
IN2P3 Publications database
Structure Nucleaire Dans Le Premier Puits De Potentiel / Porquet, M G
IN2P3 Publications database

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