CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server 25 записей найдено  1 - 10следующийконец  перейти к записи: Поиск длился 1.26 секунд. 
Two approaches for $H^{-}$ ion production with 245 GHz ion sources / Gobin, R ; Auvray, P ; Bacal, M ; Breton, J ; Delferrière, O ; Harrault, F ; Ivanov, A A ; Svarnas, P ; Tuske, O
Over the last few years, the accelerator community requested the development of improved negative hydrogen ion sources. For spallation sources, like SNS or ESS, pulsed high intensity H/sup negative ion beams of a few tens of milliamperes, with a duty cycle close to 10%, are required. [...]
2006 - Published in : Nucl. Fusion 46 (2006) S281-6
Quasi-two-dimensional Transport Properties of Layered Superconductors $Nd_{2-x}Ce_{x}CuO_{4+\delta}$ and $Ca_{2-x}Sr_{x}RuO_{4} / Charikova, T B ; Ponomarev, A I ; Shelushinina, N G ; Tashlykov, A O ; Khrustov, A V ; Ivanov, A A
2006 - Published in : AIP Conf. Proc.: 850 (2006) , pp. 401-402 External link: Published version from AIP
In : 24th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics, Orlando, FL, USA, 10 - 17 Aug 2005, pp.401-402
Resolvent approach to the Volterra equation as a tool for EAS modeling / Ivanov, A A
2005 Published version: PDF;
In : 29th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Pune, India, 3 - 10 Aug 2005, pp.223 (v.7)
Air Cherenkov light measurement and EAS development at energies around 10<sup>16</sup> eV / Ivanov, A A
2005 Published version: PDF;
In : 29th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Pune, India, 3 - 10 Aug 2005, pp.245 (v.6)
Estimation of cosmic ray composition around the knee region from Cherenkov light measurements at the Yakutsk array / Ivanov, A A
2005 Published version: PDF;
In : 29th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Pune, India, 3 - 10 Aug 2005, pp.241 (v.6)
Progress In Research On Open - Ended Magnetic Traps / Kruglyakov, E P ; Burdakov, A V ; Ivanov, A A
2006 - Published in : AIP Conf. Proc.: 812 (2006) , pp. 3-10 External link: Published version from AIP
In : International Conference on Research and Applications of Plasmas, Opole-Turawa, Poland, 6 - 9 Sep 2005, pp.3-10
High Energy Beam Line Based on Bending Crystal / Biryukov, V M ; Chesnokov, Yu A ; Greth, V N ; Ivanov, A A ; Kotov, V I ; Selesnev, V S ; Tarakanov, M V ; Terekhov, V I ; Tsarik, S V
On some parameters of the nuclear interaction of primary cosmic rays with E(0)>10**17 eV / Dyakonov, M N ; Egorova, V P ; Ivanov, A A ; Knurenko, S P ; Kolosov, V A ; Pavlov, V N ; Sleptsov, I Ye ; Struchkov, G G
In : 20th International Cosmic-ray Conference, v.6 : HE session : high energy phenomena, Moscow, USSR, 2 - 15 Aug 1987, pp.147-150
The RO(600) spectrum and primary energy spectrum at E(0)>10**17 eV / Dyakonov, M N ; Efimov, A N ; Efimov, N N ; Efremov, N N ; Egorov, T A ; Egorova, V P ; Glushkov, A V ; Grigoryiev, V M ; Ivanov, A A ; Khristiansen, G B et al.
In : 20th International Cosmic-ray Conference, v.5 : HE session : high energy phenomena, Moscow, USSR, 2 - 15 Aug 1987, pp.494-497
Results of study of EAS structure on measurements of the EAS different components with E(0)=10**17†10**19 eV / Dyakonov, M N ; Efimov, A N ; Efimov, A N ; Efremov, N N ; Egorov, T A ; Glushkov, A V ; Ivanov, A A ; Knurenko, S P ; Kolosov, VA ; Makarov, I T et al.
In : 20th International Cosmic-ray Conference, v.5 : HE session : high energy phenomena, Moscow, USSR, 2 - 15 Aug 1987, pp.486-489

CERN Document Server : 25 записей найдено   1 - 10следующийконец  перейти к записи:
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4 Ivanov, A.S.
2 Ivanov, Al A
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2 Ivanov, Aleksandr S
6 Ivanov, Alexander
1 Ivanov, Alexander R
1 Ivanov, Alexander V
1 Ivanov, Alexandr
1 Ivanov, Alexandr O
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1 Ivanov, Andrei
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