CERN Accelerating science

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The TOTEM experiment / Avati, V ; Bergholm, V ; Boccone, V ; Bozzo, M ; Buénerd, M ; Buzzo, A ; Cereseto, R ; Cuneo, S ; Da Vià, C ; Deile, M et al.
2004 - Published in : Eur. Phys. J. C 34 (2004) s255-s268
In : 4th International Symposium on LHC : Physics and Detectors, Batavia, IL, USA, 1 - 3 May 2003, pp.s225-s268
Searches for Neutral Higgs Bosons $e^+ e^-$ Collisions around Center of Mass Energy of 189 GeV / DELPHI Collaboration
Geneva : CERN, 2001 External link: Published version
In : 30th International Conference on High-energy Physics, Osaka, Japan, 27 Jul - 2 Aug 2000, pp.e-page 339
Addendum to : Searches for Neutral Higgs Bosons in $e^+ e^-$ Collisions around $\sqrt{s}$ = 189 GeV / Abreu, P ; Adam, W ; Adye, T ; Adzic, P ; Albrecht, Z ; Alderweireld, T ; Alekseev, G D ; Alemany, R ; Allmendinger, T ; Allport, P P et al.
A more general MSSM parameter scan is described
hep-ex/0104021.- 2000 - Published in : Eur. Phys. J. C 17 (2000) 549-551 Access to fulltext document: PDF; External link: hep-ex/0104021 PDF
A search for invisible Higgs bosons produced in $e^{+} e^{-}$ interactions up to $\sqrt{s}$ = 189 GeV / DELPHI Collaboration
Searches for {\mbox{$ {\mathrm H} {\mathrm Z} $}} production d with the Higgs boson decaying into an invisible final state have been performedd the data collected by the DELPHI experimentd up to the centre-of-mass energy of 188.6~{\mbox{$ {\mathrm{GeV}}$}}. [...]
- 2000. - 18 p.
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Cross-Sections and Leptonic Forward-Backward Asymmetries from the $Z^0$ Running of LEP / DELPHI Collaboration
During 1993 and 1995 LEP was run at 3 energies near the Z$^0$ peak in order to give improved measurements of the mass and width of the resonance. During 1994, LEP operated only at the Z$^0$peak. [...]
CERN-EP-2000-037; CERN-DELPHI-98-113-CONF-175; CERN-OPEN-2000-031.- Geneva : CERN, 2000 - 61 p. - Published in : Eur. Phys. J. C 16 (2000) 371-405 Fulltext: PDF; External link: Published version
In : 30th International Conference on High-energy Physics, Osaka, Japan, 27 Jul - 2 Aug 2000, pp.e-page 394 - CERN library copies
$\Lambda_{b}$ polarization in $Z^{0}$ decays at LEP / DELPHI Collaboration
CERN-EP-99-155.- Geneva : CERN, 2000 - 22 p. - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 474 (2000) 205-22 Fulltext: PDF; - CERN library copies
A search for heavy stable charged and long-lived squarks and sleptons in $e^+ e^-$ collisions at energies from 130 to 183 GeV / DELPHI Collaboration
CERN-OPEN-2000-005 ; CERN-DELPHI-98-88-CONF-156.
- 1998. - 16 p.
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Search for supersymmetry with R-parity violating decays via $\lambda$ couplings at $\sqrt{s}$ = 183 GeV / DELPHI Collaboration
CERN-OPEN-99-449 ; DELPHI-99-18.
- 2001. - 25 p.
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A precise measurement of the $\tau$ polarisation at LEP-1 / DELPHI collaboration
The $\tau$ polarisation has been studied with the $\eett$ data collected by the DELPHI detector at LEP in 1993, 1994 and 1995 around the $\Z$ resonance firstly through the exclusive decay channels $\mbox{\rm e}\nu\bar{\nu}$, $\mu\nu\bar{\nu}$, $\pi\nu$, $\rho\nu$ and $\aone\nu$ and secondly with an inclusive hadronic analysis which benefits from a higher efficiency and a better systematic precision. The results have been combined with those previously published on 1990 to 1992 DELPHI data, to produce results which reflect the full LEP-1 statistics. [...]
CERN-EP-99-161.- Geneva : CERN, 2001 - 50 p. Fulltext: PDF; External link: Published version
In : 30th International Conference on High-energy Physics, Osaka, Japan, 27 Jul - 2 Aug 2000, pp.e-page 367 - CERN library copies
Two-dimensional Analysis of the Bose-Einstein Correlations in $e^{+}e^{-}$ Annihilation at the $Z^{0}$ peak / DELPHI Collaboration
The study of the directional dependence of two-particle correlations in the hadronic decays of the $Z^0$ boson is performed using the data collected by the DELPHI experiment in the 1992--1995 running periods. The comparison between the transverse, $R_{\perp}$, and longitudinal, $R_{\parallel}$, correlation radii confirms the string model prediction that the transverse correlation length is smaller than the longitudinal one, with the measured values of $R_{\perp}=0.53\pm 0.08\,\mathrm{fm}$ and $R_{\parallel}=0.85\pm 0.08\,\mathrm{fm}$, for selected $Z^0\rightarrow q\bar{q}$ events..
CERN-EP-99-160.- Geneva : CERN, 2000 - 12 p. - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 471 (2000) 460-70 Fulltext: PDF; - CERN library copies

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