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4-Dimensional Quantum Key Distribution Protocol over 52-km Deployed Multicore Fibre / Zahidy, M (Denmark, Tech. U.) ; Ribezzo, D (CNR, INO, Pisa ; Naples U.) ; Lazzari, C De (CERN) ; Vagniluca, I (CERN) ; Biagi, N (CERN) ; Occhipinti, T (CERN) ; Oxenløwe, L K (Denmark, Tech. U.) ; Galili, M (Denmark, Tech. U.) ; Hayashi, T (Sumitomo, Hiratsuka) ; Antonelli, C (INFN, Aquila ; L'Aquila U. ; Jefferson Lab) et al.
We demonstrate a 4-dimensional path-encoded QKD system over a 52-km multi-core fieldinstalled fibre. The 4D-QKD has a 68.5 kbit/s secret key rate, which is 118% higher than the equivalent 2D-QKD over the same link, owing to the higher dimensionality and greater noise resilience..
2022 - 4 p. - Published in : (2022) External link: Fulltext
In : European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC 2022), Basel, Switzerland, 18 - 22 Sep 2022
Towards a European quantum network / Ribezzo, D (CNR, INO, Pisa ; Naples U.) ; Zahidy, M (Denmark, Tech. U.) ; Vagniluca, I (CERN) ; Biagi, N (CERN) ; Francesconi, S (CERN) ; Occhipinti, T (CERN) ; Oxenløwe, L K (Denmark, Tech. U.) ; Lončarić, M (Boskovic Inst., Zagreb) ; Cvitić, I (Zagreb U.) ; Stipčević, M (Boskovic Inst., Zagreb) et al.
Already deployed optical fibers have been utilized to realize the first quantum network connecting three countries. The cities of Trieste (Italy), Rijeka (Croatia) and Ljubljana (Slovenia) have exchanged quantum keys with a rate up to 3.13 kps, realizing quantum key distribution in a real-world scenario..
2022 - 4 p. - Published in : (2022) External link: Fulltext
In : European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC 2022), Basel, Switzerland, 18 - 22 Sep 2022
Quantum key distribution over 100 km of underwater optical fiber assisted by a fast-gated single-photon detector / Ribezzo, Domenico (CNR, INO, Pisa ; Naples U. ; INFN, Naples) ; Zahidy, Mujtaba (Denmark, Tech. U.) ; Lemmi, Gianmarco (CNR, INO, Pisa ; Naples U. ; INFN, Naples) ; Petitjean, Antoine (CNR, INO, Pisa) ; De Lazzari, Claudia (CERN) ; Vagniluca, Ilaria (CERN) ; Conca, Enrico (Milan Polytechnic) ; Tosi, Alberto (Milan Polytechnic) ; Occhipinti, Tommaso (CERN) ; Oxenløwe, Leif K. (Denmark, Tech. U.) et al.
Nowadays Quantum Key Distribution represents the most mature quantum technology, and multiple countries as well as private institutions are building their quantum network. However, QKD devices are still far from representing a product within everyone's reach. [...]
arXiv:2303.01449.- 2023-10-01 - 8 p. - Published in : Phys. Rev. Applied 20 (2023) 044052 Fulltext: PDF;

2 Ribezzo, Domenico
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