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CERN Document Server 2 notices trouvées  La recherche a duré 0.53 secondes. 
A Brewster route to Cherenkov detectors / Lin, Xiao (Hangzhou, Zhejiang U. ; Zhejiang U., Inst. Mod. Phys.) ; Hu, Hao (Nanyang Polytechnic) ; Easo, Sajan (Rutherford) ; Yang, Yi (MIT, LNS) ; Shen, Yichen (Boston U.) ; Yin, Kezhen (CNT, Minneapolis) ; Blago, Michele Piero (CERN ; Cambridge U.) ; Kaminer, Ido (Technion) ; Zhang, Baile (Nanyang Polytechnic ; Nanyang Technol. U.) ; Chen, Hongsheng (Hangzhou, Zhejiang U. ; Zhejiang U., Inst. Mod. Phys.) et al.
The Cherenkov effect enables a valuable tool, known as the Cherenkov detector, to identify high-energy particles via the measurement of the Cherenkov cone. However, the sensitivity and momentum coverage of such detectors are intrinsically limited by the refractive index of the host material. [...]
arXiv:2107.11996.- 2021-09-21 - 17 p. - Published in : Nature Commun. 12 (2021) 5554 Fulltext: 2107.11996 - PDF; document - PDF;
QCDSP : a teraflop scale massively parallel supercomputer / Chen, D ; Chen, P ; Christ, N H ; Edwards, R G ; Fleming, G ; Gara, A ; Hansen, S ; Kennedy, A D ; Kilcup, G W ; Luo, Yu B et al.
- 1997. - 16 p.
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