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Energy dependence of two-nucleon pion absorption on $^{16}$O / Hyman, S D ; Mack, D J ; Roos, P G ; Breuer, H ; Chant, N S ; Khazaie, F ; Ritchie, B G ; Silk, J ; Kyle, G S ; Amaudruz, P A et al.
- 1992. - 59 p.
CERN library copies
Dominance of the two-nucleon mechanism in $^{16}$O($\pi^{+}$,pp) at 155 MeV / Mack, D J ; Roos, P G ; Breuer, H ; Chant, N S ; Hyman, S D ; Khazaie, F ; Ritchie, B G ; Silk, J ; Kyle, G S ; Amaudruz, P A et al.
- 1991. - 57 p.
CERN library copies

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1 Hyman, S
4 Hyman, Scott D
1 Hyman, Stanley
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