Workshop on a future muon program at FNAL
/ Corrodi, S. (Argonne) ; Oksuzian, Y. (Argonne) ; Edmonds, A. (Boston U.) ; Miller, J. (Boston U.) ; Tran, H.N. (Boston U.) ; Bonventre, R. (LBL, Berkeley) ; Brown, D.N. (LBL, Berkeley) ; Méot, F. (Brookhaven) ; Singh, V. (UC, Berkeley) ; Kolomensky, Y. (LBNL, Berkeley) et al.
The Snowmass report on rare processes and precision measurements recommended Mu2e-II and a next generation muon facility at Fermilab (Advanced Muon Facility) as priorities for the frontier. [...]
arXiv:2309.05933 ; FERMILAB-CONF-23-464-PPD ; CALT-TH-2023-036.
Fermilab Library Server - Fulltext - Fulltext
Feebly Interacting Particles: FIPs 2022 workshop report
/ Antel, C. (Geneva U.) ; Battaglieri, M. (INFN, Genoa) ; Beacham, J. (Duke U.) ; Boehm, C. (Sydney U.) ; Buchmüller, O. (Imperial Coll., London) ; Calore, F. (Annecy, LAPTH) ; Carenza, P. (Stockholm U., OKC) ; Chauhan, B. (U. Iowa, Iowa City) ; Cladè, P. (Paris, Lab. Kastler Brossel) ; Coloma, P. (Madrid, IFT ; Madrid, Autonoma U.) et al.
Particle physics today faces the challenge of explaining the mystery of dark matter, the origin of matter over anti-matter in the Universe, the origin of the neutrino masses, the apparent fine-tuning of the electro-weak scale, and many other aspects of fundamental physics. Perhaps the most striking frontier to emerge in the search for answers involves new physics at mass scales comparable to familiar matter, below the GeV-scale, or even radically below, down to sub-eV scales, and with very feeble interaction strength. [...]
arXiv:2305.01715; CERN-TH-2023-061; DESY-23-050; FERMILAB-PUB-23-149-PPD; INFN-23-14-LNF; JLAB-PHY-23-3789; LA-UR-23-21432; MITP-23-015.-
2023-12-11 - 266 p.
- Published in : Eur. Phys. J. C 83 (2023) 1122
Fulltext: PDF; Fulltext from Publisher: Publication - PDF; document - PDF;
In : Workshop on Feebly-Interacting Particles (FIPs 2022), CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, 17 - 21 Oct 2022, pp.1122
Search for Darkonium in $e^+e^-$ Collisions
/ BABAR Collaboration
Collider searches for dark sectors, new particles interacting only feebly with ordinary matter, have largely focused on identifying signatures of new mediators, leaving much of dark sector structures unexplored. In particular, the existence of dark matter bound states (darkonia) remains to be investigated. [...]
arXiv:2106.08529; BABAR-PUB-21/002; SLAC-PUB-17608.-
2022-01-11 - 10 p.
- Published in : Phys. Rev. Lett. 128 (2022) 021802
Fulltext: PDF;
Feebly-interacting particles: FIPs 2020 workshop report
/ Agrawal, Prateek (Oxford U., Theor. Phys.) ; Bauer, Martin (Durham U., IPPP) ; Beacham, James (Duke U.) ; Berlin, Asher (New York U., CCPP ; New York U.) ; Boyarsky, Alexey (Leiden U.) ; Cebrian, Susana (Zaragoza U.) ; Cid-Vidal, Xabier (Santiago de Compostela U.) ; d'Enterria, David (CERN) ; De Roeck, Albert (CERN) ; Drewes, Marco (Louvain U., CP3) et al.
With the establishment and maturation of the experimental programs searching for new physics with sizeable couplings at the LHC, there is an increasing interest in the broader particle and astrophysics community for exploring the physics of light and feebly-interacting particles as a paradigm complementary to a New Physics sector at the TeV scale and beyond. FIPs 2020 has been the first workshop fully dedicated to the physics of feebly-interacting particles and was held virtually from 31 August to 4 September 2020. [...]
2021-11-19 - 246 p.
- Published in : Eur. Phys. J. C 81 (2021) 1015
Fulltext: 2102.12143 - PDF; document - PDF;
Dark Sector Physics with a Primary Electron Beam Facility at CERN
/ Åkesson, T (Lund University, Department of Physics, Box 118, 221 00 Lund, Sweden) ; Bossi, F (INFN Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, Italy) ; Boveia, A (The Ohio State University, Department of Physics and Center for Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 191 W. Woodruff Ave., Columbus, Ohio 43210, USA) ; Bryngemark, L (Lund University, Department of Physics, Box 118, 221 00 Lund, Sweden) ; Brugger, M (CERN, CH-1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland) ; Burrows, P N (University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom, and CERN, CH-1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland) ; Carpinelli, M (Chemistry and Pharmacy Department, Università degli Studi di Sassari, Sassari 07100, Italy and INFN Laboratori Nazionali del Sud, Catania 95123, Italy) ; Catalan, N (CERN, CH-1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland) ; Catena, R (Chalmers University of Technology, Department of Physics, SE-412 96 Goteborg, Sweden) ; Ceccucci, A (CERN, CH-1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland) et al.
In this Expression of Interest, we propose a primary electron beam facility with the main motivations being (i) dark sector experiments, and (ii) to enable a suite of development projects in acceleration technology. [...]
CERN-SPSC-2018-023 ; SPSC-EOI-018.
US Cosmic Visions: New Ideas in Dark Matter 2017: Community Report
/ Battaglieri, Marco (INFN, Genoa) ; Belloni, Alberto (Maryland U.) ; Chou, Aaron (Fermilab) ; Cushman, Priscilla (Minnesota U.) ; Echenard, Bertrand (Caltech) ; Essig, Rouven (SUNY, Stony Brook) ; Estrada, Juan (Fermilab) ; Feng, Jonathan L. (UC, Irvine) ; Flaugher, Brenna (Fermilab) ; Fox, Patrick J. (Fermilab) et al.
This white paper summarizes the workshop "U.S. [...]
arXiv:1707.04591 ; FERMILAB-CONF-17-282-AE-PPD-T.
2017 - 113.
Fermilab Library Server (fulltext available) - Symmetry Magazine article - Full text - Fulltext
Dark Sectors 2016 Workshop: Community Report
/ Alexander, Jim (Cornell U., Phys. Dept.) ; Battaglieri, Marco (INFN, Genoa) ; Echenard, Bertrand (Caltech) ; Essig, Rouven (SUNY, Stony Brook) ; Graham, Matthew (SLAC) ; Izaguirre, Eder (Perimeter Inst. Theor. Phys.) ; Jaros, John (SLAC) ; Krnjaic, Gordan (Fermilab) ; Mardon, Jeremy (Stanford U., Phys. Dept.) ; Morrissey, David (TRIUMF) et al.
This report, based on the Dark Sectors workshop at SLAC in April 2016, summarizes the scientific importance of searches for dark sector dark matter and forces at masses beneath the weak-scale, the status of this broad international field, the important milestones motivating future exploration, and promising experimental opportunities to reach these milestones over the next 5-10 years..
arXiv:1608.08632 ; FERMILAB-CONF-16-421.
2016. - 66 p.
Fermilab Library Server (fulltext available) - Full text - Fulltext
Mu2e Technical Design Report
/ Bartoszek, L ; Barnes, E ; Miller, J P ; Mott, J ; Palladino, A ; Quirk, J ; Roberts, B L ; Crnkovic, J ; Polychronakos, V ; Tishchenko, V et al.
The Mu2e experiment at Fermilab will search for charged lepton flavor violation via the coherent conversion process mu- N --> e- N with a sensitivity approximately four orders of magnitude better than the current world's best limits for this process. [...]
arXiv:1501.05241 ; FERMILAB-TM-2594 ; FERMILAB-DESIGN-2014-1.
2015. - 888 p.