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Looking for long-range correlations among the EEE telescopes / EEE Collaboration
The search for long-range correlations among air showers is one of the main goal of the Extreme Energy Events (EEE) Project. The existence of such events has only been supposed theoretically through several physical mechanisms, the most convincing being the so-called GZ effect, based on the photodisintegration of a heavy primary nucleus in the solar field. [...]
SISSSA, 2021 - 9 p. - Published in : PoS ICRC2021 (2021) 292 Fulltext: PDF;
In : 37th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC 2021), Berlin, Germany, 15 - 22 Jul 2021, pp.292

Sehen Sie auch: ähnliche Autornamen
14 Righini, G
1 Righini, G C
22 Righini, G C
7 Righini, G.
1 Righini, G.C
7 Righini, G.C.
1 Righini, GC
1 Righini, Giancarlo
1 Righini, Giancarlo Cesare
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