CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server 2 registres trobats  La cerca s'ha fet en 0.59 segons. 
Some results of test beam studies of Transition Radiation Detector prototypes at CERN / Tikhomirov, V.O. (Lebedev Inst. ; Moscow Phys. Eng. Inst.) ; Brooks, T. (CERN) ; Joos, M. (CERN) ; Rembser, C. (CERN) ; Celebi, E. (Bogazici U.) ; Gurbuz, S. (Bogazici U.) ; Cetin, S.A. (Istanbul Bilgi U.) ; Konovalov, S.P. (Lebedev Inst.) ; Zhukov, K. (Lebedev Inst.) ; Fillipov, K.A. (Lebedev Inst. ; Moscow Phys. Eng. Inst.) et al.
Operating conditions and challenging demands of present and future accelerator experiments result in new requirements on detector systems. There are many ongoing activities aimed to develop new technologies and to improve the properties of detectors based on existing technologies. [...]
arXiv:1612.02858.- 2017-03-15 - 5 p. - Published in : J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 798 (2017) 012183 Fulltext: PDF; Fulltext from Publisher: PDF; IOP Open Access article: PDF;
In : The 2nd International Conference on Particle Physics and Astrophysics, Moscow, Russia, 10 - 14 Oct 2016, pp.012183
Test beam studies of the TRD prototype filled with different gas mixtures based on Xe, Kr, and Ar / Celebi, E (Bogazici U.) ; Brooks, T. (CERN) ; Joos, M. (CERN) ; Rembser, C. (CERN) ; Gurbuz, S (Bogazici U.) ; Cetin, S.A. (Istanbul Bilgi U.) ; Konovalov, S.P. (Lebedev Inst.) ; Tikhomirov, V.O. (Moscow Phys. Eng. Inst. ; Lebedev Inst.) ; Zhukov, K. (Lebedev Inst.) ; Fillipov, K.A. (Moscow Phys. Eng. Inst. ; Lebedev Inst.) et al.
Towards the end of LHC Run1, gas leaks were observed in some parts of the Transition Radiation Tracker (TRT) of ATLAS. Due to these leaks, primary Xenon based gas mixture was replaced with Argon based mixture in various parts. [...]
arXiv:1612.02623.- 2017-03-21 - 5 p. - Published in : J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 798 (2017) 012172 Fulltext: PDF; Fulltext from Publisher: PDF;
In : The 2nd International Conference on Particle Physics and Astrophysics, Moscow, Russia, 10 - 14 Oct 2016, pp.012172

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