CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server 3 registres trobats  La cerca s'ha fet en 0.49 segons. 
Advance in charge-breeding research and developments / Delahaye, Pierre (CERN ; GANIL) ; Wenander, Fredrik (CERN) ; Kester, Oliver (Darmstadt, GSI ; Michigan State U., NSCL) ; Marie-Jeanne, M (CERN ; LPSC, Grenoble) ; Lamy, Thierry (LPSC, Grenoble) ; Zimmermann, Holger (Munich U.)
Task 9 final report on charge breeding activities
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Preliminary report on the charge-breeding techniques / Delahaye, Pierre (CERN) ; Wenander, Fredrik (CERN) ; Kester, Oliver (Darmstadt, GSI) ; Lamy, Thierry (LPSC, Grenoble) ; Zimmermann, Holger (Munich U.)
D6: Interim report compares ECR and EBIS approaches as possible charge breeding devices for EURISOL..
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ECRIS Development for the SPIRAL II Project / Sortais, Pascal ; Curdy, Jean Claude ; Lachaize, A ; Lamy, Thierry ; Ponton, A ; Sole, Patrick ; Thuillier, Thomas ; Vieux-Rochaz, Jean Louis ; Voulot, Didier
2004 - 3 p. External link: Published version from JACoW
In : 9th European Particle Accelerator Conference, Lucerne, Switzerland, 5 - 9 Jul 2004, pp.1279

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28 Lamy, T
1 Lamy, T.
1 Lamy, Th
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