CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server 9 registres trobats  La cerca s'ha fet en 0.62 segons. 
Observation of AGN at TeV energies by project CANGAROO / Kifume, T ; Dazely, S A
In : 24th International Cosmic-ray Conference, v.0.0, Rome, Italy, 28 Aug - 8 Sep 1995, pp.540-543
Arrival direction distribution of primary cosmic ray between 10**16 and 10**19.5 eV / Hara, T ; Hayashida, N ; Honda, M ; Ishikawa, F ; Kamata, K ; Kifume, T ; Matsubara, Y U ; Mori, M ; Nishijima, K ; Ohno, Y et al.
In : 20th International Cosmic-ray Conference, v 2 : OG session : cosmic ray origin and galactic phenomena, Moscow, USSR, 2 - 15 Aug 1987, pp.36-39
Energy spectrum of primary cosmic rays above 10**17 eV / Hara, T ; Hayashida, N ; Honda, M ; Ishikawa, F ; Kamata, K ; Kifume, T ; Matsubara, Yu ; Mori, M ; Nagano, M ; Nishijima, K et al.
In : 20th International Cosmic-ray Conference, v.1 : OG session : cosmic ray origin and galactic phenomena, Moscow, USSR, 2 - 15 Aug 1987, pp.404-407
Diffuse gamma rays in PeV energies / Hara, T ; Kifume, T ; Matsubara, Yu ; Mori, M ; Nagano, M ; Nishijima, K ; Teshima, M
In : 20th International Cosmic-ray Conference, v.1 : OG session : cosmic ray origin and galactic phenomena, Moscow, USSR, 2 - 15 Aug 1987, pp.314
Search for gamma rays from various point sources / Hara, T ; Kifume, T ; Matsubara, Y ; Mori, M ; Nishijima, K ; Teshima, M
In : 20th International Cosmic-ray Conference, v.1 : OG session : cosmic ray origin and galactic phenomena, Moscow, USSR, 2 - 15 Aug 1987, pp.289
Observation of PeV gamma rays from CYG X-3 at Akeno / Hara, T ; Hayashida, N ; Kamata, K ; Kifume, T ; Mori, M ; Nagano, M ; Nishijima, K ; Tanahashi, G ; Teshima, M
In : 20th International Cosmic-ray Conference, v.1 : OG session : cosmic ray origin and galactic phenomena, Moscow, USSR, 2 - 15 Aug 1987, pp.227
Observations of cyg x-3 from October 1985 to May 1986 at Akeno / Kifume, T ; Hara, T ; Mori, M ; Nishijima, K
In : NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Very-high-energy $\gamma$-ray Astronomy, Durham, UK, 11 - 15 Aug 1986, pp.173-178
Characteristics of large air showers at core distances between 1 and 2 km / Hara, T ; Hatano, Y ; Hayashida, N ; Honda, M ; Ishikawa, F ; Kifume, T ; Nagano, M ; Teshima, M
In : 18th International Cosmic-ray Conference, v.6 : EA, extensive air showers, Bangalore, India, 22 Aug - 3 Sep 1983, pp.95
Detailed study of lateral distribution of electrons / Hara, T ; Hatano, Y ; Hayashida, N ; Kamata, K ; Kawagushi, S ; Kifume, T ; Nagano, M ; Tanahashi, G
In : 18th International Cosmic-ray Conference, v.6 : EA, extensive air showers, Bangalore, India, 22 Aug - 3 Sep 1983, pp.94

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