CERN Accelerating science

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The first massive black holes: recent discoveries and open questions / Volonteri, Marta (speaker)
The presence of massive black holes in the first galaxies has been predicted theoretically for many years. Until the launch of the space telescope JWST the bulk of observational data hinged on very bright sources — luminous quasars — detected about one billion years after the Big Bang. [...]
2025 - 4112. Theory Colloquia External link: Event details In : The first massive black holes: recent discoveries and open questions
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Quantum Simulation with Atomic Platforms / Zoller, Peter (speaker)
Quantum simulation seeks to efficiently solve quantum many-body problems using programmable quantum devices, and quantum optical systems of atoms and ions provide one of the most promising way to implement quantum simulators in the laboratory. In this talk, we highlight recent advancements in both analog and digital quantum simulations, covering topics from condensed matter physics to high-energy physics. [...]
2025 - 4323. Theory Colloquia External link: Event details In : Quantum Simulation with Atomic Platforms
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Neutrinoless double-beta decay and the nature of neutrino masses / de Vries, Jordy (speaker)
The mechanism of neutrino masses is still unknown and requires a modification of the Standard Model of particle physics. Neutrinoless double-beta decay (0vbb) experiments play a unique role as they can determine whether neutrinos are Majorana particles [...]
2025 - 4034. Theory Colloquia External link: Event details In : Neutrinoless double-beta decay and the nature of neutrino masses
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Bootstrapping Black Holes / Lin, Henry (speaker) (Stanford University)
I will review developments in the “matrix bootstrap” program, a technique for solving large N, strongly coupled quantum systems. I will describe bootstrap bounds on the BFSS matrix theory, which in the planar limit is dual to a particular 10d black hole. [...]
2025 - 3588. Theory Colloquia External link: Event details In : Bootstrapping Black Holes
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Charting Quantum Frontiers: Unveiling Nature's Essence through First-Principles Simulation of Fundamental Forces / Bauer, Christian Walter (speaker) (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (US))
The Standard Model of particle physics grapples with notable gaps, failing to elucidate critical aspects of our universe, such as the existence of dark matter and the intriguing baryon-antibaryon asymmetry. Unraveling the mysteries requires scrutinizing experimental data against Standard Model predictions, a task hindered by the intricate nonperturbative nature of the strong interaction. [...]
2025 - 4456. Theory Colloquia External link: Event details In : Charting Quantum Frontiers: Unveiling Nature's Essence through First-Principles Simulation of Fundamental Forces
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QCD Scattering in the Regge Limit / Gardi, Einan (speaker) (University of Edinburgh)
Fixed-order computations of QCD amplitudes in general kinematics are limited to either one, two or three loops, depending on the number of particles produced. This strongly motivates our theoretical research programme aimed at understanding the behaviour of quark and gluon scattering amplitudes in special kinematic limits, in which new factorization and exponentiation properties arise.  A particularly interesting limit is the Regge limit, where major simplifications take place. [...]
2025 - 4145. Theory Colloquia External link: Event details In : QCD Scattering in the Regge Limit
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Galaxies as Probes of the Particle Physics Nature of Dark Matter / Lisanti, Mariangela (speaker) (Princeton University)
The hypothesis of Cold Dark Matter (CDM) has been spectacularly confirmed on the largest scales of the Universe and must now be stress-tested on sub-galactic scales.   Many well-motivated and generic alternatives to CDM can leave spectacular signatures on precisely these scales, affecting the evolution of galaxies as well as their population statistics. [...]
2024 - 4659. Theory Colloquia External link: Event details In : Galaxies as Probes of the Particle Physics Nature of Dark Matter
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Positivity Constraints for condensed matter and cosmology / Creminelli, Paolo (speaker)
The coefficients of the operators of an effective field theory (EFT) are constrained to satisfy certain inequalities, under the (mild) assumption that the UV completion satisfies general requirements of causality and unitarity. I discuss the extension of these ideas to theories where the Lorentz symmetry is spontaneously broken, as it happens in cosmology and condensed matter physics [...]
2024 - 4116. Theory Colloquia External link: Event details In : Positivity Constraints for condensed matter and cosmology
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Handling photons in lattice QCD / Meyer, Harvey (speaker) (Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz)
I describe some of the computational challenges posed by handling photons in lattice QCD. In Euclidean space, amplitudes containing final-state photons are expressed in terms of hadronic correlation functions with a strong infrared weighting, which are hard to control. [...]
2024 - 4130. Theory Colloquia External link: Event details In : Handling photons in lattice QCD
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Physics of and from the large-scale structure of the Universe / Lewandowski, Matthew (speaker)
It is expected that measurements of the large-scale structure of the Universe will soon become our leading sources of fundamental cosmological information. In this talk, I will review some of the major progress, both theoretical and data-oriented, that we have made in understanding the physics of galaxy clustering, as well as what we might hope to learn about new physics (including primordial non-Gaussianities) from these measurements. [...]
2024 - 4457. Theory Colloquia External link: Event details In : Physics of and from the large-scale structure of the Universe

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