CERN Accelerating science

Report number ATL-DAQ-CONF-2006-016 ; ATL-COM-DAQ-2006-030
Title The ATLAS Data Acquisition and High-Level Trigger : Concept, Design and Status
Author(s) Gorini, B ; Abolins, M ; Alexandrov, I ; Amorim, A ; Aracena, I ; Armstrong, S ; Badescu, E ; Baines, J T M ; Barros, N ; Beck, H P ; Bee, C ; Bellomo, M ; Biglietti, M ; Blair, R ; Bogaerts, J A C (CERN) ; Bold, T ; Bosman, M ; Burckhart-Chromek, D ; Caprini, M ; Caramarcu, C ; Carlino, G ; Caron, B ; Casado, M P ; Cataldi, G ; Ciobotaru, M ; Comune, G ; Conde-Muíño, P ; Conventi, F ; Corso-Radu, A ; Cranfield, R ; Cranmer, K ; Crone, G ; Damazio, D ; Dawson, J ; De Santo, A ; Del Prete, T ; Della Pietra, M ; Di Mattia, A ; Diaz-Gomaz, M ; Dobinson, Robert W ; Dobson, M ; Dos Anjos, A ; Dotti, A ; Drake, G ; Ellis, Nick ; Emeliyanov, D ; Ermoline, Y ; Ertorer, E ; Falciano, S ; Ferrari, R ; Ferrer, M L ; Francis, D ; Gadomski, S ; Gameiro, S ; Garitaonandia, H ; Gaudio, G ; Gaumer, O ; George, S ; Gesualdi-Mello, A ; Goncalo, R ; Gorini, E ; Green, B ; Haas, S ; Haberichter, W N ; Hadavand, H ; Haeberli, C ; Haller, J ; Hansen, J ; Hauser, R ; Hillier, S J ; Höcker, A ; Hughes-Jones, R E ; Joos, M ; Kabana, S ; Kazarov, A ; Khomich, A ; Kieft, G ; Kilvington, G ; Kirk, J ; Klous, S ; Kohno, T ; Kolos, S ; Konstantinidis, N P ; Kootz, A ; Korcyl, K ; Kordas, K ; Kotov, V ; Kugel, A ; Landon, M ; Lankford, A ; Leahu, L ; Leahu, M ; Lehmann-Miotto, G ; Le Vine, M J ; Liu, W ; Lowe, A ; Luminari, L ; Maeno, T ; Männer, R ; Mapelli, L ; Martin, B ; Marzano, F ; Masik, J ; McLaren, R ; McMahon, T ; Meessen, C ; Meirosu, C ; Mineev, M ; Misiejuk, A ; Moore, R ; Morettini, P ; Mornacchi, G ; Müller, M ; Murillo-García, R ; Nagasaka, Y ; Negri, A ; Nisati, A ; Osuna, C ; Padilla, C ; Panikashvili, N ; Parodi, F ; Pasqualucci, E ; Pauly, T ; Perera, V ; Pérez-Réale, V ; Petersen, J ; Pinfold, J L ; Pope, B ; Portes de Albuquerqu, M ; Potter, C ; Pretzl, K ; Prigent, D ; Primavera, M ; Rheaum, P ; Robertson, S ; Roda, C ; Ryabov, Yu ; Salvatore, D ; Santamarina-Rios, C ; Scannicchio, D A ; Schiavi, C ; Schlereth, J L ; Scholtes, I ; Seixas, M ; Sidoti, A ; Sivoklokov, S Yu ; Sloper, J ; Sole-Segura, E ; Soloviev, I ; Soluk, R A ; Spagnolo, S ; Spiwoks, R ; Stamen, R ; Stancu, S ; Stefanidis, E ; Strong, J ; Sushkov, S ; Sutton, M ; Szymocha, T ; Tapprogge, S ; Tarem, S ; Tarem, Z ; Teixeira-Dias, P ; Thomas, E ; Torres, R ; Touchard, F ; Tremblet, L ; Unel, N G ; Usai, G ; Vachon, B ; Van Wasen, J ; Vandelli, W ; Vaz-Gil-Lopes, L ; Ventura, A ; Vercesi, V ; Vermeulen, J ; von der Schmitt, H ; Warburton, A ; Watson, A ; Wengler, T ; Werner, P ; Wheeler, S ; Wickens, F ; Wiedenmann, W ; Wielers, M ; Wiesmann, M ; Woerling, E E ; Wu, X ; Yasu, Y ; Yu, M ; Zema, F ; Zobernig, H
Publication 2006
Imprint 05 May 2006
Number of pages 6
In: 15th International Conference on Computing In High Energy and Nuclear Physics, Mumbai, India, 13 - 17 Feb 2006, pp.120-125
Subject category Detectors and Experimental Techniques
Accelerator/Facility, Experiment CERN LHC ; ATLAS
Free keywords TDAQ ; DAQ ; requirements ; architecture ; measurements ; DFM ; SFI ; L2PU ; ROS ; ROIB
Abstract The Trigger and Data Acquisition system (TDAQ) of the ATLAS experiment at the CERN Large Hadron Collider is based on a multi-level selection process and a hierarchical acquisition tree. The system, consisting of a combination of custom electronics and commercial products from the computing and telecommunication industry, is required to provide an online selection power of 105 and a total throughput in the range of Terabit/sec. This paper introduces the basic system requirements and concepts, describes the architecture of the system, discusses the basic measurements supporting the validity of the design and reports on the actual status of construction and installation.
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 Element opprettet 2006-10-24, sist endret 2018-05-29

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