Główna > Measurement of a Magnetic Field in an Analyzing Magnet of Spectrometer NIS |
Preprint | |
Report number | JINR-P13-2005-118 ; P13-2005-118 |
Title | Measurement of a Magnetic Field in an Analyzing Magnet of Spectrometer NIS |
Author(s) | Avramenko, S A ; Afanasiev, S V ; Voloshina, I G ; Dolgij, S A ; Isupov, A Yu ; Kalmykov, A V ; Makoveev, V K ; Nikolaevsky, G P ; Ostrovskiy, I V ; Perepelkin, E E ; Perersedov, V F ; Plyashkevich, S N ; Rossiiskaya, N S ; Salmin, R A ; Spodarets, V K ; Strokovsky, E A |
Affiliation | (Laboratory of Particle Physics, Dubna) |
Publication | 2005 |
Imprint | 3 Aug 2005 |
Number of pages | 13 |
Published in: | Pis'ma v Echaya |
Subject category | Detectors and Experimental Techniques |
Abstract | he main goals of NIS (Nucleon Intrinsic Strangeness) experiment are the search of effects of hidden intrinsic polarized strangeness in nucleon and the search and study of exotic baryons (pentaquarks) in $NN$ reactions. The experiment will be performed at the JINR Nuclotron (Laboratory of High Energies) on the extracted beam with kinetic energy from 1 up to 4 GeV. The electromagnet 1SP-40-4V of the spectrometer has the external sizes 3.20$\times$3.26$\times$4.48 m with aperture of 2.74$\times$0.68 m. Measurement of the magnetic field was carried out with the use of a three-component Hall probe in the online mode. The measured field volume is of 1.03$\times$0.60$\times$3.92 m. The description of the measuring equipment and procedure of measurements are presented. Results of the measurements are given. The results are being used for the Monte-Carlo simulation of the experiment and will be used for analysis of the physical data. |
Submitted by | [email protected] |