CERN Accelerating science

Conference title 6th International "Hiroshima" Symposium on the Development and Applications of Semiconductor Tracking Detectors
Related conference title(s) STD6 Hiroshima
6th "Hiroshima' Symposium
Date(s), location 11 - 15 Sep 2006, Carmel, CA, USA
Conference contact email: [email protected]
Editor(s) Ohsugi, Takashi (ed.) ; Sadrozinski, Hartmut F W (ed.) ; Unno, Yoshinobu (ed.)
Imprint 2007
In: Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A

Corresponding record in: SLACCONF
Contributions in Inspire: C06-09-11.4
To loan this literature, see Library holdings in the CERN Library Catalogue website.

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Contributions to this conference in CDS

Status of the ATLAS SCT (p. 580)
by Clark, Allan
ATLAS tracking at the super-LHC (p. 592)
by Allport, P P
Characterisation of p-type detectors for the future Super-LHC (p. 604)
by Lacasta, C
Magnetic Czochralski silicon as detector material (p. 648)
by Härkönen, J
The ATLAS pixel detector (p. 664)
by Klingenberg, Reiner
The CMS pixel system (p. 669)
by Bortoletto, Daniela
The CMS Silicon Strip Tracker (p. 726)
by Civinini, Carlo
Lessons learned during CMS tracker end cap construction (p. 731)
by Klein, Katja
Design and Production of Detector Modules for the LHCb Silicon Tracker (p. 736)
by Agari, M
The LHCb Vertex Locator : Present and future(p. 742)
by Van Beuzekom, M G
Total dose dependence of oxide charge, interstrip capacitance and breakdown behavior of sLHC prototype silicon strip detectors and test structures of the SMART collaboration (p. 769)
by Sadrozinski, H F W
Cryogenic Si detectors for ultra radiation hardness in SLHC environment (p. 775)
by Li, Z
Systematic study of micro-discharge characteristics of ATLAS barrel silicon microstrip modules (p. 782)
by Kuwano, T
Diamond pad detector telescope for beam conditions and luminosity monitoring in ATLAS (p. 788)
by Mikuz, M
Development of large area integrated silicon tracking elements for the LHC luminosity upgrade (p. 801)
by Kierstad, J
Hybrid and module designs for ATLAS silicon tracker upgrade for super LHC (p. 806)
by Kohriki, T
Anomalous IV behavior of ATLAS SCT microstrip sensors (p. 812)
by Nakamura, Y
Radiation hardness evaluation of SiGe HBT technologies for the Front-End electronics of the ATLAS Upgrade (p. 828)
by Ullán, M
Serial powering of silicon strip detectors at SLHC (p. 844)
by Weber, Marc
Lessons Learned During CMS Tracker End Cap Construction
by Klein, K
Design and Production of the LHCb Silicon Tracker
by Steinkamp, Olaf
Design of the LHCb silicon tracker
by Agari, Michaela

Show contributions in CDS

 Записът е създаден на 2006-02-12, последна промяна на 2021-07-30

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