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Contributions to this conference in CDS
Status of the ATLAS SCT (p. 580) |
by Clark, Allan |
ATLAS tracking at the super-LHC (p. 592) |
by Allport, P P |
Characterisation of p-type detectors for the future Super-LHC (p. 604) |
by Lacasta, C |
Magnetic Czochralski silicon as detector material (p. 648) |
by Härkönen, J |
The ATLAS pixel detector (p. 664) |
by Klingenberg, Reiner |
The CMS pixel system (p. 669) |
by Bortoletto, Daniela |
The CMS Silicon Strip Tracker (p. 726) |
by Civinini, Carlo |
Lessons learned during CMS tracker end cap construction (p. 731) |
by Klein, Katja |
Design and Production of Detector Modules for the LHCb Silicon Tracker (p. 736) |
by Agari, M |
The LHCb Vertex Locator : Present and future(p. 742) |
by Van Beuzekom, M G |
Total dose dependence of oxide charge, interstrip capacitance and breakdown behavior of sLHC prototype silicon strip detectors and test structures of the SMART collaboration (p. 769) |
by Sadrozinski, H F W |
Cryogenic Si detectors for ultra radiation hardness in SLHC environment (p. 775) |
by Li, Z |
Systematic study of micro-discharge characteristics of ATLAS barrel silicon microstrip modules (p. 782) |
by Kuwano, T |
Diamond pad detector telescope for beam conditions and luminosity monitoring in ATLAS (p. 788) |
by Mikuz, M |
Development of large area integrated silicon tracking elements for the LHC luminosity upgrade (p. 801) |
by Kierstad, J |
Hybrid and module designs for ATLAS silicon tracker upgrade for super LHC (p. 806) |
by Kohriki, T |
Anomalous IV behavior of ATLAS SCT microstrip sensors (p. 812) |
by Nakamura, Y |
Radiation hardness evaluation of SiGe HBT technologies for the Front-End electronics of the ATLAS Upgrade (p. 828) |
by Ullán, M |
Serial powering of silicon strip detectors at SLHC (p. 844) |
by Weber, Marc |
Lessons Learned During CMS Tracker End Cap Construction |
by Klein, K |
Design and Production of the LHCb Silicon Tracker |
by Steinkamp, Olaf |
Design of the LHCb silicon tracker |
by Agari, Michaela |
Show contributions in CDS
Записът е създаден на 2006-02-12, последна промяна на 2021-07-30