CERN Accelerating science

Title Status of the Booster Injector for the Duke FEL Storage Ring
Author(s) Mikhailov, Stepan ; Anchugov, O ; Busch, Matthew D ; Emamian, Mark ; Faircloth, Joe ; Gavrilov, Nikolai ; Hartman, Steven M ; Kurkin, Grigory Y ; Li, Jingyi ; Matveev, Yuri ; Popov, Victor ; Shvedov, Dmitry ; Swift, Gary ; Vinokurov, Nikolay ; Vylet, V ; Wallace, Patrick W ; Wang, Ping ; Wu, Y K
Affiliation (BINP SB RAS, Novosibirsk) ; (BINP SB RAS, Protvino, Moscow Region) ; (DU/FEL, Durham, North Carolina)
Publication 2005
In: 21st IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Knoxville, TN, USA, 16 - 20 May 2005, pp.3544
Subject category Accelerators and Storage Rings
Abstract This paper presents the current status of the booster synchrotron for the Duke FEL storage ring. The booster will provide full energy injection into the storage ring in a wide energy range from 0.27 to 1.2 GeV. When operating the Duke FEL storage ring as the High Intensity Gamma Source (HIGS) to produce gamma photons above 20 MeV with Compton scattering, continuous electron loss occurs. The top-off mode operation of the booster injector will enable the continuous operation of the HIGS facility by replenishing the lost electrons. The design requirement for a compact booster with the single bunch extraction capability remains a challenge for the machine development. Presently, the booster project is in the installation phase. The magnetic elements, vacuum chambers, injection and extraction kickers have been fabricated in the Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, Russia. The diagnostic and control system is being developed in the FEL lab, Duke University. The commissioning of the booster synchrotron is planned for fall 2005.

 Journalen skapades 2006-02-09, och modifierades senast 2024-02-23