CERN Accelerating science

Title QCD inspired bag model of quarkonium
Author(s) Hasenfratz, Peter ; Horgan, R R ; Kuti, Julius ; Richard, J M
Affiliation (CERN)
Publication 1981
In: AIP Conf. Proc. 68 (1981) pp.728-31
In: 20th International Conference on High-energy Physics, Madison, WI, USA, 17 - 23 Jul 1980, pp.728-31
Subject category Particle Physics - Phenomenology
Abstract The QCD motivated bag model is applied to heavy quark-antiquark systems. The effect of colored glue in the model is shown to explain the rapid cross-over of the static QQ potential from the asymptotically free Coulomb region into the linear confinement regime. The spin-dependent force between static quarks is derived in Coulomb gauge from the exchange of a confined transverse gluon. The dimensional bag parameter Lambda /sub B/=235 MeV and the quark-gluon coupling constant alpha =0.38 as defined at r/sub QQ/ approximately 0.2 fermi are determined from a good fit of the cc and bb spectra. The fit is in serious disagreement with the widely accepted MIT parameters. As an important test of their model, the authors calculate the rich spectrum of QQ glue states. In Upsilon particle spectroscopy they predict a narrow QQglue state with exotic quantum numbers J/sup PC/=1/sup -+/ below the BB threshold. Its experimental confirmation would be the first direct evidence for colored glue in the hadron spectrum. (3 refs).

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 Element opprettet 2005-08-26, sist endret 2019-02-21