CERN Accelerating science

Experiments at CERN
Title Study of Neutron-Rich Be Isotopes with REX-ISOLDE
Author(s) Tengblad, Oinstitute ; Thiboud, J Ainstitute ; Riisager, Kinstitute ; Jonson, B N Ginstitute ; Koldste, G Tinstitute
Experiment IS430
Greybook See IS430 experiment
Approved 02 December 2004
Status Finished
Collaboration REX-ISOLDE
Accelerator CERN ISOLDE
Abstract We propose to perform a survey experiment with a $^{11}$Be beam reacting with a deuteron target at REX-ISOLDE at a beam energy of 3.1 MeV/u. The purpose of the experiment is to extract information on $^{10,11,12}$Be and $^{9}$Li via different nuclear reactions. Furthermore we suggest to explore the possibility to produce a $^{12}$Be beam.
Related document(s) CERN-INTC-2004-023  (INTC-P-187)
Contact: Fraile prieto, L M

 Record created 2004-12-15, last modified 2023-03-01