CERN Accelerating science

Report number FERMILAB-Conf-03-307
Title Aging tests of full-scale CMS muon cathode strip chambers
Author(s) Acosta, D (U. Florida, Gainesville (main)) ; Apollinari, G (Fermilab) ; Arisaka, K ; Bondar, N ; Breedon, R ; Bujak, A ; Bylsma, B ; Chester, N (Fermilab) ; Clare, R ; Cline, D ; Cousins, R ; Cox, T ; Dolinski, S I (U. Florida, Gainesville (main)) ; Durkin, S ; Eartly, D (Fermilab) ; Ivanov, Yu ; Ferguson, T ; Gavrilov, G ; Gilmore, J ; Gu, J ; Gutay, L ; Hann, F (CERN) ; Hartmut, R ; Hauser, J ; He, K ; Ignatenko, M A ; Ilie, S (CERN) ; Jiang, C ; Ko, W ; Korytov, A (U. Florida, Gainesville (main)) ; Krivshich, A G ; Kuznetsova, K ; Layter, J ; Lee, R ; Levchenko, P M ; Ling, T Y ; Loveless, D ; Lusin, S ; Maeshima, K (Fermilab) ; Madorsky, A (U. Florida, Gainesville (main)) ; Matthey, C ; Matveev, M ; Von der Mey, M ; Mitselmakher, G (U. Florida, Gainesville (main)) ; Otwinowski, S ; Padley, P ; Pal, I ; Pischalnikov, Y ; Prokofiev, O E (Fermilab) ; Razmyslovich, B V ; Reeder, D ; Roberts, J ; Schipunov, L ; Smirnov, I ; Souvorov, V ; Stasko, J T (U. Florida, Gainesville (main)) ; Sun, H ; Sytnik, V V ; Terentyev, N K ; Tripathi, M ; Vavilov, S ; Volkov, S ; Vorobyov, A ; Vorobyov, I A ; Wang, L ; Yarba, V A (Fermilab) ; Zhou, L ; Zhu, Z
Affiliation (FNAL MS 316, Batavia, IL 60510-0500, United States)
Publication 2003
In: Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A 515 (2003) 226-233
In: International Workshop on Aging Phenomena in Gaseous Detectors, DESY, Hamburg, Germany, 2 - 5 Oct 2001, pp.226-233
DOI 10.1016/j.nima.2003.09.002
Subject category Detectors and Experimental Techniques
Accelerator/Facility, Experiment CERN LHC ; CMS
Abstract Two CMS production Cathode Strip Chambers were tested for aging effects in a high-radiation environment at the Gamma Irradiation Facility at CERN. The chambers were irradiated over a large area: in total, about 2.1m**2 or 700m of wire in each chamber. The 40% Ar+50% CO//2+10% CF//4 gas mixture was provided by an open-loop gas system for one of the chambers and by a closed-loop re-circulating gas system for the other. After an accumulation of 0.3-0.4C/cm of a wire, equivalent to about 30-50 years of operation at peak LHC luminosity, no significant changes in gas gain, chamber efficiency and wire signal noise were observed for either of the two chambers. The only consistent signs of aging were a small increase in dark current from 2 to 10nA per plane of 600 wires and a decrease of strip-to-strip resistance from 1000 to 10-100GOmega. Disassembly of the chambers revealed deposits on the cathode planes, while the anode wires remained fairly clean.

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 Record creato 2004-12-01, modificato l'ultima volta il 2018-09-24