CERN Accelerating science

Title Generation of Femtosecond Electron Bunches and Hard-X-Rays by Ultra-Intense Laser Wake Field Acceleration in a Gas Jet
Author(s) Uesaka, Mitsuru ; Kaneyasu, Tatsuo ; Dobashi, Katsuhiro ; Torikoshi, Masami
Affiliation (UTNL, Ibaraki) ; (NIRS, Chiba-shi)
Publication 2003
Number of pages 3
In: 20th IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Portland, OR, USA, 12 - 16 May 2003, pp.2258
Subject category Accelerators and Storage Rings

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 Datensatz erzeugt am 2004-07-02, letzte Änderung am 2024-02-23