CERN Accelerating science

Report number INDC-CCP-432
Title The energy spectrum of delayed neutrons from thermal neutron induced fission of sup 2 sup 3 sup 5 U and its analytical approximation
Author(s) Doroshenko, A Y ; Piksaikin, V M ; Tarasko, M Z
Publication 2001 - mult..
Subject category General Theoretical Physics
Abstract The energy spectrum of the delayed neutrons is the poorest known of all input data required in the calculation of the effective delayed neutron fractions. In addition to delayed neutron spectra based on the aggregate spectrum measurements there are two different approaches for deriving the delayed neutron energy spectra. Both of them are based on the data related to the delayed neutron spectra from individual precursors of delayed neutrons. In present work these two different data sets were compared with the help of an approximation by gamma-function. The choice of this approximation function instead of the Maxwellian or evaporation type of distribution is substantiated.

 Record created 2004-06-30, last modified 2010-03-30

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