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Report number hep-ex/0406026 ; NUHEP-EXP-2-007 ; NU-HEP-EXP-2-007
Title Measurement of Coherent Emission and Linear Polarization of Photons by Electrons in the Strong Fields of Aligned Crystals
Related titleELECTRON

Apyan, A. ; Avakian, R.O. ; Badelek, B. ; Ballestrero, S. ; Biino, C. ; Birol, I. ; Cenci, P. ; Connell, S.H. ; Eichblatt, S. ; Fonseca, T. ; Freund, A. ; Gorini, B. ; Groess, R. ; Ispirian, K. ; Ketel, T.J. ; Kononets, Yu.V. ; Lopez, A. ; Mangiarotti, A. ; van Rens, B. ; Sellschop, J.P.F. ; Shieh, M. ; Sona, P. ; Strakhovenko, V. ; Uggerhoj, E. ; Uggerhj, Ulrik Ingerslev ; Unel, G. ; Velasco, M. ; Vilakazi, Z.Z. ; Wessely, O.

Publication 2004
Imprint 9 Jun 2004
Number of pages 16
Subject category Particle Physics - Experiment
Accelerator/Facility, Experiment CERN SPS ; NA59
Abstract We present new results regarding the features of high energy photon emission by an electron beam of 178 GeV penetrating a 1.5 cm thick single Si crystal aligned at the Strings-Of-Strings (SOS) orientation. This concerns a special case of coherent bremsstrahlung where the electron interacts with the strong fields of successive atomic strings in a plane and for which the largest enhancement of the highest energy photons is expected. The polarization of the resulting photon beam was measured by the asymmetry of electron-positron pair production in an aligned diamond crystal analyzer. By the selection of a single pair the energy and the polarization of individual photons could be measured in an the environment of multiple photons produced in the radiator crystal. Photons in the high energy region show less than 20% linear polarization at the 90% confidence level.
Other source Inspire


 Journalen skapades 2004-06-12, och modifierades senast 2021-09-19

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