CERN Accelerating science

Report number astro-ph/0308393
Title On the importance of inner-shell transitions for opacity calculations
Author(s) Badnell, N R ; Seaton, M J
Affiliation (University College London) ; (University of Strathclyde,)
Publication 2003
Imprint 22 Aug 2003
Number of pages 16
In: J. Phys. 36 (2003) 4367-4385
DOI 10.1088/0953-4075/36/21/015
Subject category Astrophysics and Astronomy
Abstract For high temperatures and densities, stellar opacities obtained from the Opacity Project (OP) were smaller than those obtained from the OPAL project. Iglesias and Rogers [Ap.J. v443, 469 (1995)] suggested that the discrepancy was due to the omission by OP of important atomic inner-shell processes, and considered in detail results for a mixture of 6 elements: H, He, C, O, S and Fe. Extensive new inner-shell data have now been computed using the code AUTOSTRUCTURE. It is shown that the inclusion of these data in the OP work gives opacities for the 6-element mix which are in much closer agreement with those from OPAL. We also discuss a number of problems relating to the calculation of opacities and of equations-of-state in dense plasmas.

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 Запись создана 2003-08-26, последняя модификация 2018-09-24

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