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Report number nucl-ex/0305014
Title High transverse mass pion and proton correlations in central Pb Pb collisions at $\sqrt{S_{NN}}$ = 17GeV/nucleon

Bearden, I G ; Bøggild, H ; Boissevain, J G ; Christiansen, P H L ; Conin, L ; Dodd, J ; Erazmus, B ; Esumi, S ; Fabjan, Christian Wolfgang ; Ferenc, D ; Franz, A ; Gaardhøje, J J ; Hansen, A G ; Hansen, O ; Hardtke, D ; van Hecke, H ; Holzer, E B ; Humanic, T J ; Hummel, P ; Jacak, B V ; Kaimi, K ; Kaneta, M ; Kohama, T ; Kopytine, M ; Leltchouk, M ; Ljubicic, A ; Lörstad, B ; Maeda, N ; Martin, L ; Medvedev, A ; Murray, M ; Ohnishi, H ; Paic, G ; Pandey, S U ; Piuz, François ; Pluta, J ; Polychronakos, V ; Potekhin, M V ; Poulard, G ; Reichhold, D M ; Sakaguchi, A ; Schmidt-Sørensen, J ; Simon-Gillo, J ; Sondheim, W E ; Sugitate, T ; Sullivan, J P ; Sumi, Y ; Willis, W J ; Wolf, K ; Xu, N ; Zachary, D S

Affiliation (CERN)
Publication 2003
Imprint 18 May 2003
Number of pages 4
Subject category Nuclear Physics - Experiment
Accelerator/Facility, Experiment CERN SPS ; NA44
Abstract For central Pb Pb collisions at a center of mass energy of $\sqrt{S_{NN}}$ = 17.3 GeV/nucleon we have made the first two-dimensional measurement of the pp correlation function. These data extend the range of previous studies of HBT radii by a factor of two in transverse mass. They are consistent with a hydrodynamic interpretation and microscopic models that include hadronic rescattering and transverse expansion. We also report new data on pion correlations. The two particle correlations of negative pions at a transverse mass of 0.92 GeV imply source radii that are smaller than typical hydrodynamic fits and transport model simulations. It is possible that these fast pions may have left the source before the build up of hydrodynamic flow.
Other source Inspire
Submitted by [email protected]


 Zapis kreiran 2003-06-18, zadnja izmjena 2018-01-31

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