CERN Accelerating science

Title The anomalous magnetic moment of the muon
Author(s) Hughes, V W ; Carey, R M ; Earle, W ; Efstathiadis, E F ; Hare, M ; Hazen, E S ; Krienen, F ; Miller, J P ; Rind, O ; Roberts, B L ; Sulak, Lawrence R ; Trofimov, A V ; Brown, H N ; Bunce, G M ; Danby, G T ; Larsen, R ; Lee, Y Y ; Meng, W ; Mi, J L ; Morse, W M ; Pai, C ; Prigl, R ; Sanders, R ; Semertzidis, Y K ; Tanaka, M ; Warburton, D ; Orlov, Yu F ; Winn, D ; Grossmann, A ; Jungmann, Klaus ; zu Putlitz, Gisbert ; Debevec, P T ; Deninger, W ; Hertzog, D W ; Polly, C ; Sedykh, S ; Urner, D ; Haeberlen, U ; Cushman, P B ; Duong, L ; Giron, S ; Kindem, J ; McNabb, R ; Miller, D ; Timmermans, C ; Zimmerman, D ; Druzhinin, V P ; Fedotovich, G V ; Khazin, B I ; Logashenko, I B ; Ryskulov, N M ; Serednyakov, S I ; Shatunov, Yu M ; Solodov, E P ; Yamamoto, A ; Iwasaki, M ; Kawamura, M ; Deng, H ; Dhawan, S K ; Farley, Francis J M ; Grosse-Perdekamp, M ; Hughes, V W ; Kawall, D ; Redin, S I ; Steinmetz, A
Affiliation (Brookhaven Nat Lab)
Publication 1998
In: Workshop on Frontier Tests of Quantum Electrodynamics and Physics of the Vacuum : QED '98, Sandansky, Sofia, Bulgaria, 9 - 15 Jun 1998, pp.97-116
Subject category Detectors and Experimental Techniques
Abstract A new experiment is underway at Brookhaven National Laboratory to measure the g-2 value of the muon to a precision of 0.35 ppm, which would improve our present knowledge by a factor of 20. In its initial run the muon anomalous g-value was found to be a/sub mu //sup + /=1165925(15)*10/sup -9/ [13 ppm], in good agreement with the previous CERN measurements and with approximately the same uncertainty. The current scientific motivations for this experiment are discussed, and the experiment is described. (30 refs).

 Record creato 2002-09-20, modificato l'ultima volta il 2007-07-24