CERN Accelerating science

Title Silicon detectors irradiated "in situ" at cryogenic temperatures
Author(s) Ruggiero, G ; Abreu, M ; Bell, W ; Berglund, P ; de Boer, Wim ; Borer, K ; Buontempo, S ; Casagrande, L ; Chapuy, S ; Cindro, V ; Collins, P ; D'Ambrosio, N ; Da Vià, C ; Devine, S R H ; Dezillie, B ; Dimcovski, Zlatomir ; Eremin, V V ; Esposito, A P ; Granata, V ; Grigoriev, E ; Grohmann, S ; Hauler, F ; Heijne, Erik H M ; Heising, S ; Janos, S ; Jungermann, L ; Konorov, I ; Li, Z ; Lourenço, C ; Mikuz, M ; Niinikoski, T O ; O'Shea, V ; Pagano, S ; Palmieri, V G ; Paul, S ; Pretzl, Klaus P ; Rato-Mendes, P ; Smith, K ; Sonderegger, P ; Sousa, P ; Verbitskaya, E ; Watts, S ; Zavrtanik, M
Affiliation (CERN)
Publication 2002
Imprint 2002
In: Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A 476 (2002) 583-7
DOI 10.1016/S0168-9002(01)01645-X
Subject category Health Physics and Radiation Effects
Abstract Though several studies have proved the radiation tolerance of silicon detectors at cryogenic temperatures, following room temperature irradiation, no previous investigation has studied the behaviour of detectors irradiated "in situ" at low temperatures. In this work, effects of irradiation of 450 GeV protons at 83 K will be presented, showing that after a dose of 1.2 * 10/sup 15/ p cm/sup -2/ a charge collection efficiency (CCE) of 55% is reached at 200 V before the annealing. The same results were found at the end of the irradiation, after the sample has spent more then one year at room temperature. This shows that the CCE recovery by low temperature operation is not affected by the temperature of irradiation and by the reverse annealing. (8 refs).

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 Record created 2002-04-22, last modified 2016-06-30