Report number
| nucl-th/0204049 |
| Probing Hadronization with Strangeness |
| Bass, S.A. (Duke U. ; RIKEN BNL) ; Bleicher, M. (SUBATECH, Nantes) ; Aichelin, J. (SUBATECH, Nantes) ; Becattini, F. (Florence U. ; INFN, Florence) ; Keranen, A. (Oulu U.) ; Liu, F.M. (SUBATECH, Nantes) ; Redlich, K. (CERN ; Wroclaw U.) ; Werner, K. (SUBATECH, Nantes) |
| 2002 |
| 18 Apr 2002 |
Number of pages
| 10 |
| 10 pages, proceedings of the 18th International Winter Workshop on Nuclear Dynamics, Nassau, Bahamas, January 2002 |
Presented at
| 18th Winter Workshop on Nuclear Dynamics, Nassau, Bahamas, 20 - 27 Jan 2002 |
Subject category
| Nuclear Physics |
| The Omega-bar/Omega ratio originating from string decays is predicted to be larger than unity in proton-proton interaction at SPS energies. The anti-omega dominance increases with decreasing beam energy. This surprising behavior is caused by the combinatorics of quark-antiquark production in small and low-mass strings. Since this behavior is not found in a statistical description of hadron production in proton-proton collisions, it may serve as a key observable to probe the hadronization mechanism in such collisions. |
Other source
| Inspire |
Submitted by
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