CERN Accélérateur de science

Title An improved thin film brick-wall model of black hole entropy
Author(s) Liu Wen Biao ; Zhao Zhi Zheng
Affiliation (Dept of Phys)
Publication 2001
In: Chin. Phys. Lett. 18, 2 (2001) pp.310-12
Subject category Particle Physics - Theory
Abstract The authors improve the brick-wall model to take only the contribution of a thin film near the event horizon into account. This improvement not only gives them a satisfactory result, but also avoids some drawbacks in the original brick-wall method such as the little mass approximation, neglecting logarithm term, and taking the term L/sup 3/ as the contribution of the vacuum surrounding a black hole. It is found that there is an intrinsic relation between the event horizon and the entropy. The event horizon is the characteristic of a black hole, so the entropy calculating of a black hole is also naturally related to its horizon. (12 refs).

 Notice créée le 2001-06-29, modifiée le 2007-01-25