CERN Accelerating science

Report number CERN-THESIS-2000-032 ; CERN-ALEPH-THESIS-99-012 ; HD-IHEP-99-04
Title Untersuchung des Drei-Eichbosonen-Vertex in W-Paarerzeugung bei LEP2
Translation of title Study of the triple gauge-boson vertex in W-pair production at LEP2
Author(s) Dhamotharan, S (Heidelberg U.)
Publication Geneva : CERN, 1999 - 134.
Series (ALEPH Theses)
Thesis note PhD : Heidelberg U. : 1999
Thesis supervisor(s) Tittel, Klaus
Note Presented on 25 Jun 1999
Subject category Particle Physics - Experiment
Accelerator/Facility, Experiment CERN LEP ; ALEPH

Corresponding record in: Inspire

 Запись создана 2000-08-17, последняя модификация 2019-05-31

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