CERN Accelerating science

000430689 001__ 430689
000430689 003__ SzGeCERN
000430689 005__ 20211026043704.0
000430689 0248_ $$$$pcerncds:hep-ex$$pcerncds:CERN$$pcerncds:CERN:FULLTEXT$$pcerncds:FULLTEXT
000430689 0247_ $$2DOI$$a10.1016/S0370-2693(00)00197-0
000430689 035__ $$9INSPEC$$a6608444
000430689 035__ $$9SLAC$$a4334078
000430689 035__ $$9SPIRES$$a4334078
000430689 035__ $$9Inspire$$a524845
000430689 037__ $$9arXiv$$ahep-ex/0003016$$chep-ex
000430689 037__ $$aCERN-EP-2000-017
000430689 041__ $$aeng
000430689 084__ $$2CERN Library$$aEP-2000-017
000430689 088__ $$90003016
000430689 088__ $$aCERN-EP-2000-017
000430689 100__ $$aAbbiendi, G.
000430689 245__ $$aZ boson pair production in $e^{+}e^{-}$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 183 and 189 GeV
000430689 260__ $$c2000
000430689 269__ $$aGeneva$$bCERN$$c13 Mar 2000
000430689 300__ $$a21 p
000430689 340__ $$apaper
000430689 500__ $$9arXiv$$a20 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Phys. Lett. B Report-no: CERN-EP-2000-017
000430689 520__ $$aA study of Z boson pair production in e+e- annihilation at center-of-mass energies near 183 GeV and 189 GeV is reported. Final states containing only leptons, (l+l-l+l- and l+l-nu nubar), quark and lepton pairs, (q qbar l+l-, q qbar nu nubar) and the all-hadronic final state (q qbar q qbar) are considered. In all states with at least one Z boson decaying hadronically, q qbar and b bbar final states are considered separately using lifetime and event-shape tags, thereby improving the cross-section measurement. At sqrt(s) = 189 GeV the Z-pair cross section was measured to be 0.80 (+0.14-0.13, stat.) (+0.06-0.05, syst.) pb, consistent with the Standard Model prediction. At sqrt(s) = 183 GeV the 95.L. upper limit is 0.55 pb. Limits on anomalous ZZgamma and ZZZ couplings are derived.
000430689 520__ $$9HEPDATA$$hCERN-LEP. Measurement of the cross section for Z0 boson pair production in e+e- annihilation at c.m. energies of 183 and 189 GeV. The analysis considers final states with only lepton,lepton and quark pair, and quark pairs (all-hadronic) only. A likelihood method is used to combine all the data to give cross sections at both energies. At c.m. energy of 183 GeV the 95 PCT C.L. upper limit is 0.55 pb.
000430689 520__ $$9Elsevier$$aA study of Z boson pair production in e + e − annihilation at center-of-mass energies near 183 GeV and 189 GeV is reported. Final states containing only leptons, (ℓ + ℓ − ℓ + ℓ − and ℓ + ℓ − ν ν ), quark and lepton pairs, ( q q ℓ + ℓ − , q q ν ν ) and the all-hadronic final state ( q q q q ) are considered. In all states with at least one Z boson decaying hadronically, q q and b b final states are considered separately using lifetime and event-shape tags, thereby improving the cross-section measurement. At s =189 GeV the Z-pair cross section was measured to be 0.80 +0.14 −0.13 ( stat. ) +0.06 −0.05 ( syst. ) pb , consistent with the Standard Model prediction. At s =183 GeV the 95% C.L. upper limit is 0.55 pb . Limits on anomalous ZZ γ and ZZZ couplings are derived.
000430689 520__ $$9arXiv$$aA study of Z boson pair production in e+e- annihilation at center-of-mass energies near 183 GeV and 189 GeV is reported. Final states containing only leptons, (l+l-l+l- and l+l-nu nubar), quark and lepton pairs, (q qbar l+l-, q qbar nu nubar) and the all-hadronic final state (q qbar q qbar) are considered. In all states with at least one Z boson decaying hadronically, q qbar and b bbar final states are considered separately using lifetime and event-shape tags, thereby improving the cross-section measurement. At sqrt(s) = 189 GeV the Z-pair cross section was measured to be 0.80 (+0.14-0.13, stat.) (+0.06-0.05, syst.) pb, consistent with the Standard Model prediction. At sqrt(s) = 183 GeV the 95% C.L. upper limit is 0.55 pb. Limits on anomalous ZZgamma and ZZZ couplings are derived.
000430689 540__ $$3Preprint$$aCC-BY-4.0
000430689 542__ $$fCopyright @ unknown. Published by Elsevier B.V.
000430689 595__ $$aCERN-EP
000430689 595__ $$aLANL EDS
000430689 595__ $$aOA
000430689 595__ $$aSIS INSP2000
000430689 595__ $$aSIS:2000 PR/LKR added
000430689 595__ $$aaffil a faire
000430689 595__ $$i6608444
000430689 65017 $$2SzGeCERN$$aParticle Physics - Experiment
000430689 690C_ $$aARTICLE
000430689 690C_ $$aCERN
000430689 693__ $$aCERN LEP$$eOPAL
000430689 694__ $$9INSPEC$$aA1310 (Weak and electromagnetic interactions of leptons)
000430689 694__ $$9INSPEC$$aA1210B (Electroweak theories)
000430689 694__ $$9INSPEC$$aA1210C (Standard model of unification)
000430689 694__ $$9INSPEC$$aA1230C (Neutral currents)
000430689 694__ $$9INSPEC$$aA1480F (Intermediate and Higgs bosons)
000430689 695__ $$9LANL EDS$$aHigh Energy Physics - Experiment
000430689 695__ $$9INSPEC$$aWeinberg-model
000430689 695__ $$9INSPEC$$aZ-bosons
000430689 695__ $$9INSPEC$$aelectron-positron-interactions
000430689 695__ $$9INSPEC$$aelementary-particle-coupling-constants
000430689 695__ $$9INSPEC$$aintermediate-boson-production
000430689 695__ $$9INSPEC$$aneutral-currents
000430689 695__ $$9INSPEC$$astandard-model
000430689 700__ $$aAckerstaff, K.
000430689 700__ $$aAkesson, P.F.
000430689 700__ $$aAlexander, G.
000430689 700__ $$aAllison, John
000430689 700__ $$aAnderson, K.J.
000430689 700__ $$aArcelli, S.
000430689 700__ $$aAsai, S.
000430689 700__ $$aAshby, S.F.
000430689 700__ $$aAxen, D.
000430689 700__ $$aAzuelos, G.
000430689 700__ $$aBailey, I.
000430689 700__ $$aBall, A.H.
000430689 700__ $$aBarberio, E.
000430689 700__ $$aBarlow, Roger J.
000430689 700__ $$aBatley, J.R.
000430689 700__ $$aBaumann, S.
000430689 700__ $$aBehnke, T.
000430689 700__ $$aBell, Kenneth Watson
000430689 700__ $$aBella, G.
000430689 700__ $$aBellerive, A.
000430689 700__ $$aBentvelsen, S.
000430689 700__ $$aBethke, S.
000430689 700__ $$aBiebel, O.
000430689 700__ $$aBiguzzi, A.
000430689 700__ $$aBloodworth, I.J.
000430689 700__ $$aBock, P.
000430689 700__ $$aBohme, J.
000430689 700__ $$aBoeriu, O.
000430689 700__ $$aBonacorsi, D.
000430689 700__ $$aBoutemeur, M.
000430689 700__ $$aBraibant, S.
000430689 700__ $$aBright-Thomas, P.
000430689 700__ $$aBrigliadori, L.
000430689 700__ $$aBrown, Robert M.
000430689 700__ $$aBurckhart, H.J.
000430689 700__ $$aCammin, J.
000430689 700__ $$aCapiluppi, P.
000430689 700__ $$aCarnegie, R.K.
000430689 700__ $$aCarter, A.A.
000430689 700__ $$aCarter, J.R.
000430689 700__ $$aChang, C.Y.
000430689 700__ $$aCharlton, David G.
000430689 700__ $$aChrisman, D.
000430689 700__ $$aCiocca, C.
000430689 700__ $$aClarke, P.E.L.
000430689 700__ $$aClay, E.
000430689 700__ $$aCohen, I.
000430689 700__ $$aCooke, O.C.
000430689 700__ $$aCouchman, J.
000430689 700__ $$aCouyoumtzelis, C.
000430689 700__ $$aCoxe, R.L.
000430689 700__ $$aCuffiani, M.
000430689 700__ $$aDado, S.
000430689 700__ $$aDallavalle, G.Marco
000430689 700__ $$aDallison, S.
000430689 700__ $$aDavis, R.
000430689 700__ $$ade Roeck, A.
000430689 700__ $$aDervan, P.
000430689 700__ $$aDesch, K.
000430689 700__ $$aDienes, B.
000430689 700__ $$aDixit, M.S.
000430689 700__ $$aDonkers, M.
000430689 700__ $$aDubbert, J.
000430689 700__ $$aDuchovni, E.
000430689 700__ $$aDuckeck, G.
000430689 700__ $$aDuerdoth, I.P.
000430689 700__ $$aEstabrooks, P.G.
000430689 700__ $$aEtzion, E.
000430689 700__ $$aFabbri, F.
000430689 700__ $$aFanfani, A.
000430689 700__ $$aFanti, M.
000430689 700__ $$aFaust, A.A.
000430689 700__ $$aFeld, L.
000430689 700__ $$aFerrari, P.
000430689 700__ $$aFiedler, F.
000430689 700__ $$aFierro, M.
000430689 700__ $$aFleck, I.
000430689 700__ $$aFrey, A.
000430689 700__ $$aFurtjes, A.
000430689 700__ $$aFutyan, D.I.
000430689 700__ $$aGagnon, P.
000430689 700__ $$aGary, J.W.
000430689 700__ $$aGaycken, G.
000430689 700__ $$aGeich-Gimbel, C.
000430689 700__ $$aGiacomelli, G.
000430689 700__ $$aGiacomelli, P.
000430689 700__ $$aGingrich, D.M.
000430689 700__ $$aGlenzinski, D.
000430689 700__ $$aGoldberg, J.
000430689 700__ $$aGorn, W.
000430689 700__ $$aGrandi, C.
000430689 700__ $$aGraham, K.
000430689 700__ $$aGross, E.
000430689 700__ $$aGrunhaus, J.
000430689 700__ $$aGruwe, M.
000430689 700__ $$aGunther, P.O.
000430689 700__ $$aHajdu, C.
000430689 700__ $$aHanson, G.G.
000430689 700__ $$aHansroul, M.
000430689 700__ $$aHapke, M.
000430689 700__ $$aHarder, K.
000430689 700__ $$aHarel, A.
000430689 700__ $$aHargrove, C.K.
000430689 700__ $$aHarin-Dirac, M.
000430689 700__ $$aHauke, A.
000430689 700__ $$aHauschild, M.
000430689 700__ $$aHawkes, C.M.
000430689 700__ $$aHawkings, R.
000430689 700__ $$aHemingway, R.J.
000430689 700__ $$aHensel, C.
000430689 700__ $$aHerten, G.
000430689 700__ $$aHeuer, R.D.
000430689 700__ $$aHildreth, M.D.
000430689 700__ $$aHill, J.C.
000430689 700__ $$aHobson, P.R.
000430689 700__ $$aHocker, James Andrew
000430689 700__ $$aHoffman, Kara Dion
000430689 700__ $$aHomer, R.J.
000430689 700__ $$aHonma, A.K.
000430689 700__ $$aHorvath, D.
000430689 700__ $$aHossain, K.R.
000430689 700__ $$aHoward, R.
000430689 700__ $$aHuntemeyer, P.
000430689 700__ $$aIgo-Kemenes, P.
000430689 700__ $$aImrie, D.C.
000430689 700__ $$aIshii, K.
000430689 700__ $$aJacob, F.R.
000430689 700__ $$aJawahery, A.
000430689 700__ $$aJeremie, H.
000430689 700__ $$aJimack, M.
000430689 700__ $$aJones, C.R.
000430689 700__ $$aJovanovic, P.
000430689 700__ $$aJunk, T.R.
000430689 700__ $$aKanaya, N.
000430689 700__ $$aKanzaki, J.
000430689 700__ $$aKarapetian, G.
000430689 700__ $$aKarlen, D.
000430689 700__ $$aKartvelishvili, V.
000430689 700__ $$aKawagoe, K.
000430689 700__ $$aKawamoto, T.
000430689 700__ $$aKayal, P.I.
000430689 700__ $$aKeeler, R.K.
000430689 700__ $$aKellogg, R.G.
000430689 700__ $$aKennedy, B.W.
000430689 700__ $$aKim, D.H.
000430689 700__ $$aKlein, K.
000430689 700__ $$aKlier, A.
000430689 700__ $$aKobayashi, T.
000430689 700__ $$aKobel, M.
000430689 700__ $$aKokott, T.P.
000430689 700__ $$aKolrep, M.
000430689 700__ $$aKomamiya, S.
000430689 700__ $$aKowalewski, Robert V.
000430689 700__ $$aKress, T.
000430689 700__ $$aKrieger, P.
000430689 700__ $$avon Krogh, J.
000430689 700__ $$aKuhl, T.
000430689 700__ $$aKupper, M.
000430689 700__ $$aKyberd, P.
000430689 700__ $$aLafferty, G.D.
000430689 700__ $$aLandsman, H.
000430689 700__ $$aLanske, D.
000430689 700__ $$aLawson, I.
000430689 700__ $$aLayter, J.G.
000430689 700__ $$aLeins, A.
000430689 700__ $$aLellouch, D.
000430689 700__ $$aLetts, J.
000430689 700__ $$aLevinson, L.
000430689 700__ $$aLiebisch, R.
000430689 700__ $$aLillich, J.
000430689 700__ $$aList, B.
000430689 700__ $$aLittlewood, C.
000430689 700__ $$aLloyd, A.W.
000430689 700__ $$aLloyd, S.L.
000430689 700__ $$aLoebinger, F.K.
000430689 700__ $$aLong, G.D.
000430689 700__ $$aLosty, M.J.
000430689 700__ $$aLu, J.
000430689 700__ $$aLudwig, J.
000430689 700__ $$aMacchiolo, A.
000430689 700__ $$aMacpherson, A.
000430689 700__ $$aMader, W.
000430689 700__ $$aMannelli, M.
000430689 700__ $$aMarcellini, S.
000430689 700__ $$aMarchant, T.E.
000430689 700__ $$aMartin, A.J.
000430689 700__ $$aMartin, J.P.
000430689 700__ $$aMartinez, G.
000430689 700__ $$aMashimo, T.
000430689 700__ $$aMattig, Peter
000430689 700__ $$aMcDonald, W.John
000430689 700__ $$aMcKenna, J.
000430689 700__ $$aMcMahon, T.J.
000430689 700__ $$aMcPherson, R.A.
000430689 700__ $$aMeijers, F.
000430689 700__ $$aMendez-Lorenzo, P.
000430689 700__ $$aMerritt, F.S.
000430689 700__ $$aMes, H.
000430689 700__ $$aMeyer, I.
000430689 700__ $$aMichelini, A.
000430689 700__ $$aMihara, S.
000430689 700__ $$aMikenberg, G.
000430689 700__ $$aMiller, D.J.
000430689 700__ $$aMohr, W.
000430689 700__ $$aMontanari, A.
000430689 700__ $$aMori, T.
000430689 700__ $$aNagai, K.
000430689 700__ $$aNakamura, I.
000430689 700__ $$aNeal, H.A.
000430689 700__ $$aNisius, R.
000430689 700__ $$aO'Neale, S.W.
000430689 700__ $$aOakham, F.G.
000430689 700__ $$aOdorici, F.
000430689 700__ $$aOgren, H.O.
000430689 700__ $$aOkpara, A.
000430689 700__ $$aOreglia, M.J.
000430689 700__ $$aOrito, S.
000430689 700__ $$aPasztor, G.
000430689 700__ $$aPater, J.R.
000430689 700__ $$aPatrick, G.N.
000430689 700__ $$aPatt, J.
000430689 700__ $$aPerez-Ochoa, R.
000430689 700__ $$aPfeifenschneider, P.
000430689 700__ $$aPilcher, J.E.
000430689 700__ $$aPinfold, J.
000430689 700__ $$aPlane, David E.
000430689 700__ $$aPoli, B.
000430689 700__ $$aPolok, J.
000430689 700__ $$aPrzybycien, M.
000430689 700__ $$aQuadt, A.
000430689 700__ $$aRembser, C.
000430689 700__ $$aRick, H.
000430689 700__ $$aRobins, S.A.
000430689 700__ $$aRodning, N.
000430689 700__ $$aRoney, J.M.
000430689 700__ $$aRosati, S.
000430689 700__ $$aRoscoe, K.
000430689 700__ $$aRossi, A.M.
000430689 700__ $$aRozen, Y.
000430689 700__ $$aRunge, K.
000430689 700__ $$aRunolfsson, O.
000430689 700__ $$aRust, D.R.
000430689 700__ $$aSachs, K.
000430689 700__ $$aSaeki, T.
000430689 700__ $$aSahr, O.
000430689 700__ $$aSang, W.M.
000430689 700__ $$aSarkisian, E.K.G.
000430689 700__ $$aSbarra, C.
000430689 700__ $$aSchaile, A.D.
000430689 700__ $$aSchaile, O.
000430689 700__ $$aScharff-Hansen, P.
000430689 700__ $$aSchmitt, S.
000430689 700__ $$aSchoning, A.
000430689 700__ $$aSchroder, Matthias
000430689 700__ $$aSchumacher, M.
000430689 700__ $$aSchwick, C.
000430689 700__ $$aScott, W.G.
000430689 700__ $$aSeuster, R.
000430689 700__ $$aShears, T.G.
000430689 700__ $$aShen, B.C.
000430689 700__ $$aShepherd-Themistocleous, C.H.
000430689 700__ $$aSherwood, P.
000430689 700__ $$aSiroli, G.P.
000430689 700__ $$aSkuja, A.
000430689 700__ $$aSmith, A.M.
000430689 700__ $$aSnow, G.A.
000430689 700__ $$aSobie, R.
000430689 700__ $$aSoldner-Rembold, S.
000430689 700__ $$aSpagnolo, S.
000430689 700__ $$aSproston, M.
000430689 700__ $$aStahl, A.
000430689 700__ $$aStephens, K.
000430689 700__ $$aStoll, K.
000430689 700__ $$aStrom, David M.
000430689 700__ $$aStrohmer, R.
000430689 700__ $$aSurrow, B.
000430689 700__ $$aTalbot, S.D.
000430689 700__ $$aTarem, S.
000430689 700__ $$aTaylor, R.J.
000430689 700__ $$aTeuscher, R.
000430689 700__ $$aThiergen, M.
000430689 700__ $$aThomas, J.
000430689 700__ $$aThomson, M.A.
000430689 700__ $$aTorrence, E.
000430689 700__ $$aTowers, S.
000430689 700__ $$aTrefzger, T.
000430689 700__ $$aTrigger, I.
000430689 700__ $$aTrocsanyi, Z.
000430689 700__ $$aTsur, E.
000430689 700__ $$aTurner-Watson, M.F.
000430689 700__ $$aUeda, I.
000430689 700__ $$aVan Kooten, Rick J.
000430689 700__ $$aVannerem, P.
000430689 700__ $$aVerzocchi, M.
000430689 700__ $$aVoss, H.
000430689 700__ $$aWaller, D.
000430689 700__ $$aWard, C.P.
000430689 700__ $$aWard, D.R.
000430689 700__ $$aWatkins, P.M.
000430689 700__ $$aWatson, A.T.
000430689 700__ $$aWatson, N.K.
000430689 700__ $$aWells, P.S.
000430689 700__ $$aWengler, T.
000430689 700__ $$aWermes, N.
000430689 700__ $$aWetterling, D.
000430689 700__ $$aWhite, J.S.
000430689 700__ $$aWilson, G.W.
000430689 700__ $$aWilson, J.A.
000430689 700__ $$aWyatt, T.R.
000430689 700__ $$aYamashita, S.
000430689 700__ $$aZacek, V.
000430689 700__ $$aZer-Zion, D.
000430689 710__ $$gOPAL Collaboration
000430689 710__ $$5EP
000430689 773__ $$c256-72$$n3-4$$pPhys. Lett. B$$v476$$y2000
000430689 852__ $$cCERN ARC Library$$hCERN-EP-2000-017
000430689 859__ [email protected]
000430689 8564_ $$u$$yPreprint
000430689 8564_ $$81293857$$s273131$$u
000430689 8564_ $$860671$$s211171$$u$$yFulltext
000430689 8564_ $$860671$$s234451$$u$$yFulltext
000430689 901__ $$uCERN
000430689 916__ $$sn$$w200011$$ya2000
000430689 960__ $$a13
000430689 961__ $$c20101008$$h1654$$lCER01$$x20000314
000430689 963__ $$aPUBLIC
000430689 964__ $$a0001
000430689 970__ $$a002180074CER
000430689 980__ $$aARTICLE
000430689 980__ $$aOPAL_Papers