CERN Accelerating science

Title Large scale test of wedge shaped micro strip gas counters
Author(s) Ackermann, M ; Atz, S ; Aulchenko, V M ; Bachmann, S (Physikalisches Institut, RWTH Aachen, Germany) ; Baibusinov, B O ; Barthe, S ; Beaumont, W ; Beckers, T ; Beissel, F ; Benhammou, Ya ; Bergdolt, A M ; Bernier, K ; Blüm, H P ; Bondar, A E ; Bouhali, O ; Boulogne, I ; Bozzo, M ; Brom, J M ; Camps, C ; Chorowicz, V ; Coffin, J P ; Commichau, V ; Contardo, D ; Croix, J ; De Troy, J G ; Drouhin, F ; Eberle, H ; Flügge, G ; Fontaine, J C ; Geist, Walter M ; Goerlach, U ; Gundlfinger, K ; Hangarter, K ; Haroutunian, R ; Helleboid, J M ; Henkes, T ; Hoffer, M ; Hoffmann, C (Inst. de Recherches Subatomiques, Strasbourg, France) ; Huss, D ; Ischebeck, R ; Jeanneau, F ; Juillot, P ; Junghans, S ; Kapp, M R ; Kärcher, K ; Knoblauch, D ; Kräber, M H ; Krauth, M ; Kremp, J ; Lounis, A ; Lübelsmeyer, K ; Maazouzi, C ; Macke, D ; Metri, R ; Mirabito, L ; Müller, T ; Nagaslaev, V ; Neuberger, D ; Nowak, A ; Pallarès, A ; Pandoulas, D ; Petertill, M ; Pooth, O ; Racca, C ; Ripp, I ; Ruoff, E ; Sauer, A ; Schmitz, P ; Schulte, R ; Schultz von Dratzig, A ; Schunk, J P ; Schuster, G ; Schwaller, B ; Shekhtman, L I ; Siedling, R ; Sigward, M H ; Simonis, H J ; Smadja, G ; Stefanescu, J ; Szczesny, H ; Tatarinov, A A ; Thümmel, W H ; Tissot, S ; Titov, V ; Todorov, T ; Tonutti, M ; Udo, Fred ; Van der Velde, C ; Van Doninck, W K ; Van Dyck, C ; Vanlaer, P ; Van Lancker, L ; Verdini, P G ; Weseler, S ; Wittmer, B ; Wortmann, R ; Zghiche, A ; Zhukov, V
Affiliation (IEKP)
Publication 1999
In: Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A 436 (1999) 313-25
DOI 10.1016/S0168-9002(99)00514-8
Subject category Detectors and Experimental Techniques
Accelerator/Facility, Experiment CERN LHC ; CMS
Abstract In order to check the system aspects of the forward-backward MSGC tracker designed for the future CMS experiment at LHC, 38 trapezoidal MSGC counters assembled in six multi-substrates detector modules were built and exposed to a muon beam at the CERN SPS. Results on the gain uniformity along the wedge-shaped strip pattern and across the detector modules are shown together with measurements of the detection efficiency and the spatial resolution. (8 refs).

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 Záznam vytvorený 2000-01-05, zmenený 2016-07-04