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Report number LUIP-98-03 ; LUNFD-6-NFFK-7158
Title t/d/p ratios in nucleon-nucleus and heavy ion reactions : can entropy be determined?

Fokin, A V ; Carlén, L ; Ghetti, R ; Jakobsson, B ; Martensson, J ; Murin, Yu A ; Oskarsson, A ; Ekström, C ; Ericsson, G ; Romanski, J ; Van Veldhuizen, E J ; Westerberg, L ; Nybø, K ; Thorsteinsen, T F ; Amirelmi, S ; Guttormsen, M ; Løvhøiden, G ; Bellini, V ; Palazzolo, F ; Sperduto, M L ; Bondorf, J P ; Mishustin, I N ; Avdeichikov, V ; Lozhkin, O V ; Friedman, W A ; Gudima, K K

Publication 1998
Imprint Sep 1998
Number of pages 17
Published in: Phys. Rev. C
Subject category Nuclear Physics


 Datensatz erzeugt am 1999-12-01, letzte Änderung am 2016-06-29

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